If Dreyfus's real crime was being Jewish, Chauvin's was being white and a cop. The fact that that three of the five officers on the scene that day were non-white did not matter to the mob now fully in control of the media and the Democratic Party. . . .
Jack Cashill "How flimsy it is!" wrote Emile Zola in his public letter to French president FĂ©lix Faure. "The fact that someone could have been convicted on this charge is the ultimate iniquity. I defy decent men to read it without a stir of indignation in their hearts and a cry of revulsion, at the thought of the undeserved punishment being meted out."
"The year was 1898. The man convicted of espionage was Alfred Dreyfus, a French Army General Staff officer who was then rotting away on Devil's Island to which he had been sentenced for life. The evidence of Dreyfus's guilt mattered less to the French military establishment than did the need to feed the anti-Semitic mania then sweeping the country.
"Upon Derek Chauvin's conviction for the murder of George Floyd, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris unwittingly laid bare the equally racist mania sweeping America.