Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney on foreign policy; The Romney Doctrine

Foreign Policy Magazine carried this before Romney's speech:  Advantage Romney? The GOP contender will seek to strengthen his foreign policy credentials today with a major speech at the Virginia Military Institute.
"In the speech, titled "The Mantle of Leadership," he'll ref George Marshall and Winston Churchill and lay out his priorities in each of the world's hot spots, according to The Cable's Josh Rogin, and explain how he believes it's time to "change the course" in the Middle East."

Max Boot, a leading military historian and foreign-policy analyst calls Romney's address  A Strong Romney Speech
"Take my opinion for what it’s worth (I am, after all, a Romney defense advisor) but that was a strong speech  that the governor delivered on foreign policy at VMI today. It was his most sustained and most convincing critique of the Obama record on foreign policy. At the heart of the speech were, I thought, his criticisms of Obama’s record on Iraq, Syria, and the fight against Al Qaeda. This is what he had to say:...
Read the main points here...
...."That is a powerful indictment that, if delivered this cogently, Obama should find just as hard to counter in the final presidential debate, devoted to foreign policy, as he found it hard to counter Romney’s critiques of his economic policy record in the first debate."

From Nice Deb; Video: Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy Address

Ace of Spades HQRomney's Foreign Policy Speech  "Much of his language is admirably old-fashioned in the best of ways -- the vocabulary is not much different from what you'd find in a Churchill address. There's a reassuring quality in that; the mind naturally associates timeless words with stability and solemnity.
"A good speech, certainly presidential, well-written and very well delivered. It did not contain any bold pronouncement, but reflected the basics of the standard Reagan foreign policy, as modified post-9/11."

The New York Sun; The Romney Doctrine
"What marks the Romney doctrine is a policy of strength and confidence, one that sees our strength rather than our apologies as the road to peace. We haven’t heard enough of it in the campaign so far. ... His remarks at Lexington make it clear that he has much more to say. It is a moment to be seized by those who are working for a change in direction at home and abroad and who remember, from the early 1980s, how fast America moved off the defensive and onto the road to victory once it had the right leadership in the White House.

Caroline Glick; The reign of imagination

Caroline Glick

"As he suffocated to death at the US Consulate in Benghazi on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the US, did US Ambassador Christopher Stevens understand why he and his fellow Americans were being murdered? ....

"Hence Israel - the first target of jihadist Islam's bid for global supremacy - is a strategic burden rather than an ally to the US.
"Hence the US abandoned its most stalwart ally in the Arab world, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and supported the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power in the most strategically vital state in the Arab world.
"Hence it supported a Libyan rebel force penetrated by al-Qaida.
"Hence it is setting the stage for the reinstitution of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan."

The debate on Saturday Night Live

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A big welcome for the president

President Obama held a campaign event in Centreville, Virginia, on July 14th, 2012 prompting about 250 local residents to welcome him. Here's a short video of that event with music by Randy Travis...

Interior Minister Of Pakistan Steals Obama's Thunder

INFIDEL BLOGGERS ALLIANCE  He takes credit for the arrest of the filmmaker of Innocence of Muslims. Malik said:"....I pointed out that he is a fugitive of law, I did have information. And perhaps that voice reached the right quarters, and he was arrested, it is not me who has made the arrest, but I became instrumental in appealing to the United States.”
Anti-Islam film: Malik claims credit for producer’s arrest  "In yet another bizarre instance, ... Rehman Malik, the interior minister appeared on Saturday to claim credit for the arrest of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of anti-Islam movie “Innocence of Muslims”.
....About his meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the State Department, Malik said he thanked Clinton and President Barack Obama for condemning the anti-Islam film.

A third-world nation brags of how they got the United States to bend to its will and ignore the protections of out Constitution. Fortunately for them our president is one of those for whom the Constitution is a "living, breathing document" and can be easily circumvented and, well...ignored. TD

Meet former Muslim Bosch Fawstin

You may not know him, but Mr. Fawstin is a writer, cartoonist and former Muslim who has taken up the fight against Islamic terrorism and its war on all non-Muslim civilization.
Fawstin is the creator of the illustration at left that TW often uses in posts about Israel's struggle against not only Jihadists, but against the forces of  western politically correct cowardice that desperately hopes it can please those who would destroy us. 

May, 2011 Tunnel Wall post on Israel included this about Bosch Fawstin.
This article asks Fawstin why he left Islam; his answer included this:
"I didn't so much abandon Islam as fade away from it, and I didn't have much faith to lose to begin with. It's tough to say you've left something if you've never really embraced it. Hugh Fitzgerald is right in saying "the atmospherics of Islam" can affect even the least devout Muslim in a detrimental way. A strong thrust within Islam is to see any and all things outside of Islam as worthless, most particularly non-Muslims."....

Non-Muslim Muslims and the Jihad Against the West 
 "My name is Bosch and I’m a recovering Muslim.
That is, if Muslims don’t kill me for leaving Islam,
which it requires them to do. That’s just one of the reasons I’ve been writing and drawing against Islam and its Jihad for a number of years now. But fortunately for us, Islam hasn’t been able to make every Muslim its slave, just as Nazism wasn’t able to turn every German into a Nazi. So there is Islam and there are Muslims. Muslims who take Islam seriously are at war with us and Muslims who don’t aren’t. 
"But that doesn’t mean we should consider these reluctant Muslims allies against Jihad."....

Islam Q and A  "As for the rulings in this world, some of the scholars said that if a person apostatises(sic) repeatedly he should be executed and his repentance not accepted." Go to the link to see this excerpt in its context.
This is a 2008 DBKP interview: Bosch Fawstin; Creator/Writer/Artist of "The Infidel", Featuring the Anti-Jihad Hero, Pigman Here is an excerpt of the interview:
DBKP's Mondoreb: "Have you gotten any flak from the PC crowd on your themes? Anybody make any threats because of Pigman?"

BOSCH FAWSTIN: "I’ve gotten the typical thoughtless, emotion-filled responses that I expected, accusing me of being just as extreme as the terrorists. 
It’s really an insane accusation that says more about the accuser than anything else.
"In their desire to believe ‘Islam means PeaCe’* at all costs, they've avoided any and all readily available proof that it is Islam itself behind this jihad, and in place of attacking the truth, they attack the truth tellers."

*Note the emphasis on the letters PC.

From Fawstin's article, A WORLD WHERE THE BAD GUY WON "Islam, on its own, failed to get Mohammed what he really wanted; power over others. It lost in the arena of ideas over a millennium ago, but was rescued from its failure by Jihad, which has kept it alive as a zombie religion living off the lives of others to this day. Mohammed’s pretense at prophet hood was finally revealed when he conceded that Allah’s word was impotent without his sword. Mohammed supposedly preached Islam peacefully for 13 years before the bloodletting began, but peaceful men don’t become mass murderers when things don’t go their way."....
 "Our physical power stops the enemy from having their way with us, but our moral weakness encourages them to continue killing us. A timid good stands no chance against a righteous evil. The only way the enemy will renounce terrorism is when they come face to face with it."

The following may provide you some background and context of the Muslim faith and perhaps some understanding of why Mr. Fawstin left it.

From a Muslim Q and A: You can do research here to learn from authoritative Muslims themselves how they look upon non-Muslims.
Q: "I am a woman who works and I want to know whether it is permissible for me to give water or food to non-Muslims? There is a Jewish boy at my workplace and when I go out or go to get water, he asks me to bring him some water too. Is it permissible for me to do that?"
A: It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah forbids you to befriend them.
The source of this information is Islam Q and A, which introduces itself as a site that 
..."aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to anyones(sic) question about Islam, whether it be from a Muslim or a non-Muslim, and to help solve general and personal social problems. Responses are composed by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, a known Islamic lecturer and author. Questions about any topic are welcome, such as theology, worship, human and business relations, or social and personal issues. 
All questions and answers on this site have been prepared, approved, revised, edited, amended or annotated by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid, the supervisor of this site.  More here...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Three worthy entries in the post-debate analysis

Bookworm Room   "Three of my favorite writers had a few last words on the debate.
1. "To begin with, Ace looks at the desperate and foolish excuses Obama’s fans are offering to explain his performance.  (Just as an FYI, I heard two from people I actually know.  The first assured me that it was the altitude that got to Obama; and the second said it was clear that there was some secret governing crisis that weighed heavily upon him.)
Here are the Top Ten reasons Obama lost the debate, per Obama’s friends, as sympathetically reported by The New Yorker:    Read more...

Obama’s friend, fellow-organizer and wealthy Pakistani, Hasan Chandoo (Photo, right).

In 1981 Barack Obama visited Pakistan stayed with Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, who are the Chandoo Brothers?

2. Jonah Goldberg: The Undoing of Storybook Man; Obama’s weaknesses are exposed when he encounters a determined opponent.
"I knew Barack Obama was miserable when he tried to give debate moderator Jim Lehrer the Puss in Boots eyes. “You may want to move on to another topic,” Obama implored Lehrer, a bit like a motorcycle thief begging a cop to take him into custody rather than let him stay with the surly biker gang that caught him."

3. Mark Steyn: Sesame NationBig Bird should leave the government nest.
..."Or as J. Scott Gration, the president’s special envoy to Sudan, said in 2009, in the most explicit Sesamization of American foreign policy: “We’ve got to think about giving out cookies. Kids, countries — they react to gold stars, smiley faces, handshakes . . . ” The butchers of Darfur aren’t blood-drenched machete-wielding genocidal killers but just Cookie Monsters whom we haven’t given enough cookies. I’m not saying there’s a direct line between Bert & Ernie and Barack & Hillary . . . well, actually I am.
"If Americans can’t muster the will to make Big Bird leave the government nest, they certainly will never reform Medicare."  (Emphasis added)

Corruption in the Obama government; the Lockheed Martin case

Boortz: Obama's Taxpayer Funded Bribe   "So … here’s what Obama is telling these defense contractors:"
“Hey guys, this WARN Act stuff?  Look, I know what the law says; but you just gotta ignore the law this time, know what I’m saying?  If you send out those layoff notices I’m going to take a hit just days before the vote.  Now look … you’ve seen me ignore the law, right?  I did it when I bailed out the United Auto Workers Union.   I did it when I let my New Black Panther Party buddies walk on that voter intimidation thing.  The law simply can’t be allowed to stand between me and my supporters.  The risks are too great.  So here’s the deal:  You put off sending out those layoff notices.  Then if you really DO have to lay those people off, and if they file lawsuits against you and win … well, I’ll cover your losses.  How’s that?  I’ll just get some taxpayer money and pay the tab.  Hell … we’ll call it stimulus spending.  That line always seems to work pretty well.” 
Michelle Malkin;  Lockheed accepts Obama’s ‘guidance’ and will delay sending tens of thousands of layoff notices until after the election
"What’s not being answered is this: The Obama administration is arguing that the WARN Act isn’t applicable in cases involving sequestration. If that’s true, why are they putting taxpayers on the hook to cover costs the WARN Act mandates if that law doesn’t apply to this situation?"

Washington Times; LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Obama’s shady Warn Act violation
"Never in my worst dreams could I imagine that the day would come when an American president would stand up and urge companies to break federal law — and then, amazingly, tell them under his personal authority that the taxpayers would pay their penalties..."

McCain: Obama acting beyond authority  " “President Obama is telling defense contractors to ignore the law so that those layoff notices will not be delivered before the November elections,” Mr. McCain said."

Christian University taken over by liberal bias?

Conservative Daily News 
 "Most Conservatives know that the public university system is totally overrun by those pandering to bigger government, but who would have guessed that a Christian school would push away a group that was founded in traditional ideals – well.. it’s happened.
"According to Fox News, California’s Azusa Pacific University has denied the Young Americans for Freedom from starting a chapter at the school." By R. Mitchell
More here.

Breitbart covers it here: Azusa Pacific University Censors Conservative Students
Chuck Strawn, executive director of “communiversity” "said he was particularly bothered by the following language on Young America’s Foundation’s website:"

Are you tired of liberal ideas dominating your campus? Are you tired of liberal and Marxist professors indoctrinating your classmates? Do you want to advance conservatism?
If you answered yes, then you should start a Young Americans for Freedom chapter. YAF chapters make a difference by boldly advancing freedom and conservatism.  Radical feminists, big government bureaucrats, fringe environmentalists, race-baiters, Islamo-fascists, and run of the mill leftists are distraught that you would even think about promoting conservative ideas.    

 APU Clubs and Organizations currently listed.
Includes the Black Student  Association and their causes:
 NBLSA Speaks out Against the Trayvon Martin TravestyEnvironmental justiceThe anti-voter ID movement  and links to many left-wing causes

That awesome, game-changing jobs report on Friday!

Legal Insurrection; If all you need is a part time job to survive, vote Obama 2012
"According to the BLS, unemployment sharply dropped from 8.1% to 7.8%. This marks the first time unemployment rate has been below 8% since the day Barack Obama was sworn into office. In fact, it is currently at exactly the same level it was in January of 2009.
"A closer look at the statistics reveals an America developing under President Obama that isn’t exactly “built to last.” "
The article above links us to the following posts which we link to separately to give them visibility:
James Pethokoukis; The sickly, stagnant September jobs report

"The shrunken workforce remains shrunken. If the labor force participation rate was the same as when President Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 10.7%. If the participation rate had just stayed steady since the start of the year, the unemployment rate would be 8.4% vs. 8.3%. Where’s the progress?" ....
Hot Air has this: "Jobs report: 114K jobs added, jobless rate 7.8%; Update: CNBC confused by “contradictory” numbers"
"The Bureau of Labor Statistics delivered yet another disappointing jobs report.  In September, the economy only added 114,000 jobs, and while the jobless rate dropped to 7.8%, that mainly came from a mid-year adjustment last month on the number of current jobs:"...

Hot Air then links us to this Bloomberg report to further clarify the issue.
"Jack Welch, the former General Electric Co. chief executive officer, accused the Obama administration of manipulating the employment data for political gain."....
"Some full time jobs are being turned into part-time positions.  
"Jonathan Bethly, 26, of Dunwoody, Georgia, says his hours as a cook at a restaurant and sports bar have been cut in half from 40 hours a week. He recently started to look for a late- night or overnight shift to supplement his pay."  Rick Newman at U.S.News and World Report disagrees with Welch.
From Godfather Politics: Two things happened recently that showcase Chicago corruption in the heart of D.C.   "The second showcase of recent corruption is the fact that the Obama administration bribed defense contractors, such as Lockheed Martin, not to send lay-off notices to their employees (Lockheed Martin was considering giving lay-off notices to all 123,000 of its employees). These notices would have gone out right before the election in November and would have dealt a significant blow to Obama’s re-election bid."
Former attorney Neal Boortz has more to say on this. More about this subject in a separate post above.
This cartoon came out after the September jobs report:
 at the WaPo calls writers of the above "unemployment truthers" and claims they are not helping Romney:   "This is really out there stuff, and hopefully the networks will say so outright. If so, it’s hard to see how it’s helpful to Romney for undecided voters to be treated to the sight of fury and panic about improving economic news among those who want him to be elected president."
Althouse questions Sargent's motives in saying this:  "Sargent skews everything to try to help Obama. Of all the mainstream commentators I've been watching over the last few years, he's the most predictable. In no way do I believe he's sincerely and accurately offering advice to Romney supporters."

11 Things We Learned From A New Study Of LGBT Characters On Television

Buzzfeed  "GLAAD identifies the best and worst of the record-breaking 2012-2013 season."  Be careful when you tell your kids to go to their room and watch TV. This is not 
our father's TV schedule.
Here is the list as pulled from the Buzzfeed page:
1. Overall, the 2012-2013 season has the highest-ever percentage of LGBT characters.

2. Of the broadcast networks, ABC has the highest percentage of gay characters.

3. Those four CBS characters appear on "The Good Wife," "Two And A Half Men" and the new show "Partners.

4. Fox has the only transgender regular character on broadcast TV. (photo, right)

5. On broadcast TV, 78 percent of all characters are white.

6. This year, Latino characters decreased from to 5.6 to 4.1 percent of all characters.

7. And there are only four characters on broadcast TV with disabilities — that's 0.6 percent.

8. Male characters also outnumber female characters, 55.5 to 44.5 percent.

9. Of the cable networks, Showtime has the highest number of LGBT characters: 12.

10. TeenNick (left) has the only transgender character on cable TV.

11. And "True Blood" is the most inclusive show on cable, with six LGBT characters.

Antenna TV  is one place you can seek refuge with your family.

Want to know how bad today's TV is? Well,Benny Hill is one of the channels carried here, but my favorite is and always will be Jack Benny.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Krauthammer on the debate: Romney by two touchdowns

Charles Krauthammer    "With a remarkable display of confidence, knowledge and nerve, Mitt Romney won the first 2012 debate going away.

""Romney didn’t just demonstrate authoritative command of a myriad of domestic issues. He was nervy about it, taking the president on frontally, not just relentlessly attacking, but answering every charge leveled against him — with a three-point rebuttal."....
.Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

"On the other hand, Obama just isn’t that good. Not without a teleprompter. He’s not even that good at news conferences — a venue in which he’s still in charge, choosing among questioners and controlling the timing of his own answers. 
"By the end of the debate, Obama looked small, uncertain. It was Romney who had the presidential look."