Saturday, October 6, 2012

That awesome, game-changing jobs report on Friday!

Legal Insurrection; If all you need is a part time job to survive, vote Obama 2012
"According to the BLS, unemployment sharply dropped from 8.1% to 7.8%. This marks the first time unemployment rate has been below 8% since the day Barack Obama was sworn into office. In fact, it is currently at exactly the same level it was in January of 2009.
"A closer look at the statistics reveals an America developing under President Obama that isn’t exactly “built to last.” "
The article above links us to the following posts which we link to separately to give them visibility:
James Pethokoukis; The sickly, stagnant September jobs report

"The shrunken workforce remains shrunken. If the labor force participation rate was the same as when President Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 10.7%. If the participation rate had just stayed steady since the start of the year, the unemployment rate would be 8.4% vs. 8.3%. Where’s the progress?" ....
Hot Air has this: "Jobs report: 114K jobs added, jobless rate 7.8%; Update: CNBC confused by “contradictory” numbers"
"The Bureau of Labor Statistics delivered yet another disappointing jobs report.  In September, the economy only added 114,000 jobs, and while the jobless rate dropped to 7.8%, that mainly came from a mid-year adjustment last month on the number of current jobs:"...

Hot Air then links us to this Bloomberg report to further clarify the issue.
"Jack Welch, the former General Electric Co. chief executive officer, accused the Obama administration of manipulating the employment data for political gain."....
"Some full time jobs are being turned into part-time positions.  
"Jonathan Bethly, 26, of Dunwoody, Georgia, says his hours as a cook at a restaurant and sports bar have been cut in half from 40 hours a week. He recently started to look for a late- night or overnight shift to supplement his pay."  Rick Newman at U.S.News and World Report disagrees with Welch.
From Godfather Politics: Two things happened recently that showcase Chicago corruption in the heart of D.C.   "The second showcase of recent corruption is the fact that the Obama administration bribed defense contractors, such as Lockheed Martin, not to send lay-off notices to their employees (Lockheed Martin was considering giving lay-off notices to all 123,000 of its employees). These notices would have gone out right before the election in November and would have dealt a significant blow to Obama’s re-election bid."
Former attorney Neal Boortz has more to say on this. More about this subject in a separate post above.
This cartoon came out after the September jobs report:
 at the WaPo calls writers of the above "unemployment truthers" and claims they are not helping Romney:   "This is really out there stuff, and hopefully the networks will say so outright. If so, it’s hard to see how it’s helpful to Romney for undecided voters to be treated to the sight of fury and panic about improving economic news among those who want him to be elected president."
Althouse questions Sargent's motives in saying this:  "Sargent skews everything to try to help Obama. Of all the mainstream commentators I've been watching over the last few years, he's the most predictable. In no way do I believe he's sincerely and accurately offering advice to Romney supporters."

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