Sunday, October 7, 2012

Meet former Muslim Bosch Fawstin

You may not know him, but Mr. Fawstin is a writer, cartoonist and former Muslim who has taken up the fight against Islamic terrorism and its war on all non-Muslim civilization.
Fawstin is the creator of the illustration at left that TW often uses in posts about Israel's struggle against not only Jihadists, but against the forces of  western politically correct cowardice that desperately hopes it can please those who would destroy us. 

May, 2011 Tunnel Wall post on Israel included this about Bosch Fawstin.
This article asks Fawstin why he left Islam; his answer included this:
"I didn't so much abandon Islam as fade away from it, and I didn't have much faith to lose to begin with. It's tough to say you've left something if you've never really embraced it. Hugh Fitzgerald is right in saying "the atmospherics of Islam" can affect even the least devout Muslim in a detrimental way. A strong thrust within Islam is to see any and all things outside of Islam as worthless, most particularly non-Muslims."....

Non-Muslim Muslims and the Jihad Against the West 
 "My name is Bosch and I’m a recovering Muslim.
That is, if Muslims don’t kill me for leaving Islam,
which it requires them to do. That’s just one of the reasons I’ve been writing and drawing against Islam and its Jihad for a number of years now. But fortunately for us, Islam hasn’t been able to make every Muslim its slave, just as Nazism wasn’t able to turn every German into a Nazi. So there is Islam and there are Muslims. Muslims who take Islam seriously are at war with us and Muslims who don’t aren’t. 
"But that doesn’t mean we should consider these reluctant Muslims allies against Jihad."....

Islam Q and A  "As for the rulings in this world, some of the scholars said that if a person apostatises(sic) repeatedly he should be executed and his repentance not accepted." Go to the link to see this excerpt in its context.
This is a 2008 DBKP interview: Bosch Fawstin; Creator/Writer/Artist of "The Infidel", Featuring the Anti-Jihad Hero, Pigman Here is an excerpt of the interview:
DBKP's Mondoreb: "Have you gotten any flak from the PC crowd on your themes? Anybody make any threats because of Pigman?"

BOSCH FAWSTIN: "I’ve gotten the typical thoughtless, emotion-filled responses that I expected, accusing me of being just as extreme as the terrorists. 
It’s really an insane accusation that says more about the accuser than anything else.
"In their desire to believe ‘Islam means PeaCe’* at all costs, they've avoided any and all readily available proof that it is Islam itself behind this jihad, and in place of attacking the truth, they attack the truth tellers."

*Note the emphasis on the letters PC.

From Fawstin's article, A WORLD WHERE THE BAD GUY WON "Islam, on its own, failed to get Mohammed what he really wanted; power over others. It lost in the arena of ideas over a millennium ago, but was rescued from its failure by Jihad, which has kept it alive as a zombie religion living off the lives of others to this day. Mohammed’s pretense at prophet hood was finally revealed when he conceded that Allah’s word was impotent without his sword. Mohammed supposedly preached Islam peacefully for 13 years before the bloodletting began, but peaceful men don’t become mass murderers when things don’t go their way."....
 "Our physical power stops the enemy from having their way with us, but our moral weakness encourages them to continue killing us. A timid good stands no chance against a righteous evil. The only way the enemy will renounce terrorism is when they come face to face with it."

The following may provide you some background and context of the Muslim faith and perhaps some understanding of why Mr. Fawstin left it.

From a Muslim Q and A: You can do research here to learn from authoritative Muslims themselves how they look upon non-Muslims.
Q: "I am a woman who works and I want to know whether it is permissible for me to give water or food to non-Muslims? There is a Jewish boy at my workplace and when I go out or go to get water, he asks me to bring him some water too. Is it permissible for me to do that?"
A: It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah forbids you to befriend them.
The source of this information is Islam Q and A, which introduces itself as a site that 
..."aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to anyones(sic) question about Islam, whether it be from a Muslim or a non-Muslim, and to help solve general and personal social problems. Responses are composed by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, a known Islamic lecturer and author. Questions about any topic are welcome, such as theology, worship, human and business relations, or social and personal issues. 
All questions and answers on this site have been prepared, approved, revised, edited, amended or annotated by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid, the supervisor of this site.  More here...

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