Sunday, October 23, 2016

VIDEO: Writer Christopher Hitchens Predicted the ‘Infantilism’ of Academia in 1994

Infantilism  . . .  2. a. Marked immaturity, as in behavior or character: "infantilism, which is the subtext of so much American cinema and culture" (John Simon).  b. An infantile act or remark.

Legal Insurrection  "Author and commentator Christopher Hitchens passed away in 2011, but his work is still highly revered. Hitchens was smart and walked a fine line between the right and left. He began his career describing himself as a socialist but became very conservative on some issues over time.

"In terms of academia, he pretty much predicted where we are now all the way back in 1994. In the clip below, he’s making an appearance on the Charlie Rose show and he warns of a time when students will think of the university as their mother and father.

"He also warns against the culture of victimhood. Again, he was way ahead of his time. This is a short but very enlightening clip." . . .

Everyone’s going to want to be a victim.

Leaked Email: John Podesta Compliments Paul Begala On How Well He Lied On The Today Show…

Weasel Zippers
"Shocking. But then again with these folks, not so much…"


Saturday, October 22, 2016

28 Things Donald Trump Promises to Do as President

Donald Trump's Gettysburg Address

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers a speech during a campaign event, Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016, in Gettysburg, Pa. (

"Read also: Trump closing argument is battle cry against Clinton corruption)
. . . During an appearance in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, he vows to act on them in the first 100 days in office.
“On November Eighth, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our country, secure our communities, and honesty to our government,” Trump says. “This is my pledge to you and if we follow these steps we will once more have a government of, by and for the people and importantly we will make America great again. Believe me.”
"Here is the list of the “Contract with the American Voter” policies detailed by Trump:
  1. Propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress
  2. Institute a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health)
  3. Require for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated.
  4. Institute a five year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service
  5. Create a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
  6. Institute a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
  7. Announce intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205.
  8. Announce withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  9. Direct Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.
  10. Direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately.
  11. More at the link. . . 

Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war

LA Times  Video here.  " 'Short of troops to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago, the California National Guard enticed thousands of soldiers with bonuses of $15,000 or more to reenlist and go to war.
"Now the Pentagon is demanding the money back.
"Nearly 10,000 soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours, have been ordered to repay large enlistment bonuses — and slapped with interest charges, wage garnishments and tax liens if they refuse — after audits revealed widespread overpayments by the California Guard at the height of the wars last decade.
"Investigations have determined that lack of oversight allowed for widespread fraud and mismanagement by California Guard officials under pressure to meet enlistment targets.
"But soldiers say the military is reneging on 10-year-old agreements and imposing severe financial hardship on veterans whose only mistake was to accept bonuses offered when the Pentagon needed to fill the ranks.
“ 'These bonuses were used to keep people in,” said Christopher Van Meter, a 42-year-old former Army captain and Iraq veteran from Manteca, Calif., who says he refinanced his home mortgage to repay $25,000 in reenlistment bonuses and $21,000 in student loan repayments that the Army says he should not have received. “People like me just got screwed.”
"In Iraq, Van Meter was thrown from an armored vehicle turret — and later awarded a Purple Heart for his combat injuries — after the vehicle detonated a buried roadside bomb."

Speaking of the National Guard being called up to serve in war, remember the 29th Infantry Division landing on Omaha Beach st Normandy? This company in the first wave suffered 95% casualties:

They were with the Rangers depicted in Saving Private Ryan.
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"The DNC, once a viable representative of what was good and honorable in America, has become the personification of greed, corruption, and self-centeredness.
"When we go to the polls in three weeks, let us keep in mind that we are faced with the insidious, multifaceted, and most deadly threat of both progressivism and Islamism".
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American Thinker  "Let us keep in mind that there are not many differences among the D.C. Beltway elitist class politicians of either party.  Saying that, I am not necessarily fighting for Donald Trump.  I am fighting for the soul of America and the preservation of the Constitution from a self-inflicted wound of the Obama administration.

"For the moment, Donald Trump remains our only election hope and a barrier that will stop this trend of devastation – that is, the Obama-Hillary wrecking ball.  I am calling on you, the individual freedom-loving person, to play your part in the defense of freedom by stopping Hillary Clinton at the polls.
"We have been warned of three kinds of people: charlatans, demagogues, and politicians.  And, more often than not, someone like Hillary Clinton will rise up to represent all three of these characters wrapped into one.
Hillary Clinton’s corruption comprises many proportions.  It covers her private, professional, and political life.  There are also various overlays.  Her use of a personal email server overwhelms all three phases.  With Hillary, one never has to overstate.  Her wrongdoings speak for themselves, very loudly.  She makes deceitful statements to get out of trouble and at the same time attempts to hoodwink both the press and voters.
. . . 
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"Multicultural diversity is the elephant in the room allowing the ultimate incursion and inclusion of sharia law into Western governments and into our way of life.  To put it mildly and nakedly, the West is on the road to sharia.
"I have warned in the past that President Obama’s ill advised coziness with the Muslim nations would bring down our nation faster than any foreign enemy.  With the “selection” of Hillary Clinton as the next president, this dream and mission will be accomplished since the Obama administration could not possibly finish us off in eight years. "
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Lesser of two evils, 2016 episode

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

This post by Mr. Canto is a follow-up to the Charles Krauthammer article the TW linked to previously: "My Vote, Explained" by Charles Krauthammer:

Silvio Canto, Jr.: Lesser of two evils, 2016 episode   "In the interest of full disclosure, I did not support Mr. Trump.  I was hoping we'd nominate one of our extremely successful governors, from Bush to Kasich to Walker to Perry.  I eventually voted for Rubio in Texas because all of those others were out and had not much of a chance.

"Since early summer, I have been struggling with a real dilemma. 
" However, we must think of the larger picture, and voting for Donald Trump makes a lot more sense than electing Hillary Clinton by supporting another option.  In other words, someone will nominate justices to the Supreme Court, and I'd rather have Mr. Trump do that.
"No one has dissected Mrs. Clinton better than Dr. Charles Krauthammer this week:
The soullessness of this campaign — all ambition and entitlement — emerges almost poignantly in the emails, especially when aides keep asking what the campaign is about. . . . More at the link above.
"A Trump presidency, with V.P. Pence and a GOP Senate and House, could actually produce some important domestic results.  They could repeal Obamacare and actually replace it with something that puts the patient and doctor in control.  They could finally tackle tax reform, something most of us have been calling for.  Last, but not least, a President Trump could be persuaded by Speaker Ryan to take a serious look at entitlements.
"On free trade, I am not expecting much, because tearing up trade agreements is a lot more complicated than everyone realizes.  I just hope Trump's supporters understand that.
"On immigration, I do not really believe that a President Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall or deport millions.   However, they may do something about sanctuary cities and respecting our immigration laws.
"On foreign policy, it will be hell no matter who walks into the Oval Office.  President Obama is leaving such a mess in the Middle East that it won't be pretty, from Syria to Iran.
"My point is that there is hope with a Trump presidency to get some things done.
"On the other side, there is no hope for governing if Mrs. Clinton wins.  There are also going to be some huge battles in the Democrat aisle because the left and Mrs. Clinton are not going to enjoy each other at all.  The left is not a happy bunch these days, as Politico wrote.
"Yes I am voting for Mr. Trump, the lesser of the two evils this time around."
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

WikiLeaks: Donna Brazile Shreds Obama Economy

"Acting DNC chair says 'people are more in despair about how things are' "
"In an email to Hillary Clinton campaign Chair John Podesta from February 2016, released Friday by WikiLeaks, now-acting chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave a frank and honest assessment of the Obama economy — and it wasn’t good.
“ 'I think people are more in despair about how things are — yes new jobs but they are low wage jobs,” she admits. “HOUSING is a huge issue. Most people pay half of what they make to rent,” she continued.
 "Such honesty from such a vocal and public cheerleader for the Obama administration is sure to embarrass the White House, and contradicts the official Democratic Party line that Obama is some sort of economy-saving superhero."

Has liberalism ruined entertainment for you yet?

Image result for law and order leftist propaganda

Hot Air  "The new season of television shows is fully in gear at this point and, as usual, most of them were disappointing to me. But this year there were at least a few options I decided to give a shot. Same thing for the movies. I’m not one who goes out to see a film in the theater very often but I made a point of getting out to a few of them this year. While entertainment quality is in the eye of the beholder, for conservatives looking at such options these days there seems to be a continued sense that the people controlling the television, movie, theater and music industries are hopelessly liberal and they not only allow those tendencies to bleed over into their work, but actively seek to use their art form as a vehicle to bolster liberal orthodoxy. That’s the conclusion which Peggy Ryan seems to have reached at The American Thinker this week. After reflecting on the same points I just made she describes how Hollywood is draining the joy out of the movies for her."
. . .  
". . .the new President is immediately set to dealing with a state governor (a Republican of course) who has unleashed the police in his state to begin rounding up Muslims completely at random and locking them in detention facilities. The cops are shown at great length beating and kicking a seventeen year old Muslim boy in the streets to the point where he later dies. When the new POTUS tries to call the Governor to discuss the matter he is insulted and hung up on. He then has to find a clever and forceful way to shut the Governor down and make him abandon his hateful, xenophobic, Islamophobic policy and release the incarcerated suspects. And all this time there is little to no progress being made in finding out who actually blew up the Capitol building, but our hero certainly isn’t going to go blaming an Islamic terror group until he has absolute 100% proof it was them, no matter how strongly he’s being urged to act by the mean, warmongering general on his staff."

"Law & Order" became even more radical as the 2000's progressed
Richard Belzer in "Law & Order SVU" spoke the line "...conservative bigot" once that I myself heard.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Leftist astroturf incidents

Project Veritas: Paid Activist Goes From “Trump Hitting Me” To “May Have” After Video Release!  . . . "Was this company paying these ignorant souls huge amounts of money to create this false narrative? How did they sleep at night knowing they were lying about what was happening at these rallies?"   Wayne Dupree        

. . . Bill Ayers tweeted proudly: 
We shut Trump down! Beautiful gathering of anti racist youth.
Bill Ayers (@WilliamAyers) March 12, 2016  

No Fact-Checkers Can Cover For Hillary Clinton’s Ghastly Abortion Views

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The Federalist
"The most salient and effective tools in the pro-life arsenal are the cold, hard facts about abortion: it is a medical procedure that kills innocent human beings. That’s why the Left avoids the truth."
"How do you “beat” abortion—how do you ultimately convince enough people it is an indefensible practice that should not, in any civilized society, be legal? You do so by exposing it to the light of day, in the same way that was done with, say, slavery, or civil rights abuses. The great liberation movements of the past knew how to use effective exposure to get their messages across.

"The pro-life movement need not necessarily use photographs to transmit its worldview (although I think there are times when it’s appropriate). Rather, the most salient and effective tools in the pro-life arsenal are the cold, hard facts about abortion: it is a medical procedure that kills innocent human beings.
"No serious person can deny this in any meaningful way. The only response that the pro-abortion movement can muster is to lapse into confused quack philosophy regarding the matter of “personhood.” For all practical legal purposes, pro-choicers generally put forth the same legal argument as did the majority in Dred Scott v. Sandford. Quite a legacy." . . .
How does [Dr. Jennifer Gunter] characterize this “unicorn?” Simply put: “[T]erminations for birth defects isn’t ripping ‘the baby out of the womb in the ninth month.’ At 38 or 39 weeks, it’s always an induction and is simply called a delivery.” Got that? Killing an unborn human isn’t an “abortion” if you don’t call it an abortion. Rather, it’s a “delivery.” That makes it better.
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"My Vote, Explained" by Charles Krauthammer

"Because she’s a dishonest, soulless, big-state progressive"

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

By Charles Krauthammer at National Review  "The case against Hillary Clinton could have been written before the recent WikiLeaks and FBI disclosures. But these documents do provide hard textual backup. 

"The most sensational disclosure was the proposed deal between the State Department and the FBI in which the FBI would declassify a Hillary Clinton e-mail and State would give the FBI more slots in overseas stations. What made it sensational was the rare appearance in an official account of the phrase “quid pro quo,” which is the currently agreed-upon dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable corruption." . . . 
. . .  
"I didn’t need the Wiki files to oppose Hillary Clinton. As a conservative, I have long disagreed with her worldview and the policies that flow from it. As for character, I have watched her long enough to find her deeply flawed, to the point of unfitness. But for those heretofore unpersuaded, the recent disclosures should close the case."

"I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. But, as I’ve explained in these columns, I could never vote for Donald Trump."
 More on this subject below the cartoon. 

 Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Hillary Clinton’s Dishonesty Was on Display in Final Debate  . . . "And since we know Trump’s performance will be comprehensively fact-checked by the entire media, let’s talk about three of Clinton’s biggest whoppers."

Hillary Clinton Relentlessly Exploits Voter Ignorance . . . "If last night’s debate was a preview of a likely Clinton presidency, get ready for the Great Exploitation."
. . . "But Hillary has been steadfast in her belief that a woman should be able to hire a doctor to kill her child at any moment before the child is entirely delivered. Yes, even when it’s halfway out, the doctor should be able to lawfully jam scissors into the back of the child’s skull. That’s Hillary’s belief. She cannot, however, own it honestly to the American people. Defending her vote against banning partial-birth abortion, she said this:" . . .

Wikileaks Reveals Obama’s Personal Email Address in Latest Dump

Legal Insurrection

"The emails come from October and November 2008."

Obama Year End Presser

"Wikileaks has dumped a few emails with President Barack Obama’s personal email address that he used in 2008 when it published more emails from Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. At the time of these emails, Podesta served as co-chair of Obama’s transition team.
"Obama used the email address when he had a Blackberry.

"The seven emails mainly discuss Obama’s future staff, but one exchange urged the president elect not to take an invitation to the G20 summit:" . . .

"Obama’s team said attending with President Bush could “create an extremely awkward situation.” For instance, if Obama wanted to show himself as different from Bush, that could create “criticism for projecting a divided United States to the rest of the world.” But yet if Obama does not show himself as different from Bush, his advisors warned him people could associated him with Bush’s policies."

"Lawyer and Citibank executive Michael Froman, also a member of Obama’s transition team, sent Obama an email with the subject line Diversity. He attached a list of possible minority candidates for Obama’s staff and cabinet:" . . .