Friday, October 21, 2016

Wikileaks Reveals Obama’s Personal Email Address in Latest Dump

Legal Insurrection

"The emails come from October and November 2008."

Obama Year End Presser

"Wikileaks has dumped a few emails with President Barack Obama’s personal email address that he used in 2008 when it published more emails from Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. At the time of these emails, Podesta served as co-chair of Obama’s transition team.
"Obama used the email address when he had a Blackberry.

"The seven emails mainly discuss Obama’s future staff, but one exchange urged the president elect not to take an invitation to the G20 summit:" . . .

"Obama’s team said attending with President Bush could “create an extremely awkward situation.” For instance, if Obama wanted to show himself as different from Bush, that could create “criticism for projecting a divided United States to the rest of the world.” But yet if Obama does not show himself as different from Bush, his advisors warned him people could associated him with Bush’s policies."

"Lawyer and Citibank executive Michael Froman, also a member of Obama’s transition team, sent Obama an email with the subject line Diversity. He attached a list of possible minority candidates for Obama’s staff and cabinet:" . . .

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