Thursday, May 11, 2017

The corruption of Democrat politicians and the fecklessness of Republicans

The Republicans shrink in cowardice before political opposition just as Obama did with America's enemies.

Comey’s Firing and the Delicate Sensibilities of Senator Schumer  . . . "Mr. Comey reportedly has a net worth in excess of 11 million dollars – $10,894,000 more than I had when I was fired. I sure wish Chuck Schumer and the other breathless defenders of James Comey, who are complaining about the timing, the means, the lack of notice, etc., had cared about the way I was treated. But no.

"This is what Schumer said to me, in front of his entire staff, including his Chief of staff, Anthony Wiener: “We knew you weren’t anti-Semitic, but hey, your people did not defend you.”
"Unfortunately, the Right usually bows to the bullying; but not Donald J. Trump. Many Republicans accuse him of not being conservative, but he sure is courageous. Anyone who fights back against the bullies is going to offend the Left. The Schumers and their ilk have been bullying the Right for so long, they both think it’s natural." . . .Christina Jeffrey  More on this person below:

Firing of Comey like the Saturday Night Massacre? Hardly!

The Vindication of Christina Jeffrey

Dec, 1995: Much more in depth on Ms. Jeffrey here. 
The two parties have deep roots in this sort of thing.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

FLASHBACK: The New York Times Approved of Bill Clinton Firing FBI Director in 1993

Awaiting Clinton's "But that time it was different" comment.
William Sessions -- no relation to current Attorney General Jeff Sessions -- served as director of the FBI from Nov. 2, 1987, until July 19, 1993, when he was fired by then President Bill Clinton.

Cristina Laila  "The Democrats lost their minds after President Trump fired FBI Director, James Comey. Certainly this is a partisan knee-jerk reaction because The New York Times and prominent Democrats had no problem when then-President Bill Clinton fired FBI Director, William Sessions in 1993. 

"In fact, The New York Times opened their article by saying, ‘Defiant FBI Chief Removed From Job By The President’. Slick Willie also fired 93 U.S. Attorneys in one day in 1993, but that’s okay because he’s a Democrat and Democrats can do whatever they want without fear of reprisal.

. . . "So it’s okay for Bill Clinton to fire his FBI Director at the advice of his Attorney General, but when Trump does the exact same thing, it’s a Constitutional crisis. The investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax can continue whether Comey is the FBI Director or not. If it weren’t for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all." . . .

DNC Chair Tom Perez Joins Protesters Defending James Comey at the White House

Democratic National Party Chirman Tom Perez speaks as people rally to protest against President Donald Trump's firing of Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey outside the White House May 10, 2017 in Washington, DC. Trump fired Comey a day earlier, calling it the 'Tuesday Night Massacre,' recalling former President Richard Nixon's firing of a independent special prosecutor. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

. . . "He called for members of Congress to oppose confirmation of a new FBI director without first appointing a special prosecutor.
“ 'We must continue this effort that the facts come out, I am not afraid of the facts, I can handle the truth, the American people need to have the truth of what happened!” he shouted." . . .

Shock Vid: Pretty Reporter Attacked on Air Covering Refugees… Anchor Watching Says “Oh, God”

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Conservative Tribune  "Coexist and welcome everybody with open arms, regardless of their background. That liberal sentiment may look fine on bumper stickers, but what happens when a group of people has absolutely no interest in “coexisting” with you? 
"A young television reporter in Italy just found the answer, but both her safety and worldview were put at risk in the process.
Francesca Parisella is a corespondent for Matrix Channel 5, based in Rome. According to BizPac Review, she and her cameraman were covering a story about African refugees camped out at a Rome train station.
"Instead of being welcomed and granted enlightening interviews, however, Parisella and her camera operator were forced to flee in terror.
“ 'Their hope is especially to reach Milan … and then to move to Northern Europe,” the reporter began to explain to the camera while live on the air, according to a translation provided with the YouTube video. “It’s important to know that this reception –“
"Parisella never finished that sentence. Her tone shifted to fear and an assault began to unfold." . . . 
Image result for coexist bumper sticker
free republic.

President Kamala Harris? She’s making the first moves.

But those who got close enough could see screens set up showing musicians and speakers including activist and director Michael Moore, women’s rights activist Gloria Steinem and Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, told the crowd that Trump and his cabinet nominees are “dangerous for us and all of our families.”
Image result for kamala harris cartoons

McClatchy   "Now's the time prospective presidential candidates start taking the subtle but crucial behind-the-scenes steps that get them noticed by the political intelligentsia, and Sen. Kamala Harris is quietly following the script. 

"She’s making speeches to key national constituencies. She’s due for an appearance at a Washington think-tank panel full of chattering-class presidential favorites that the national media will be reporting and analyzing, probably for days. She’s been fundraising for colleagues and making sure that she is forming relationships with key national reporters.
. . .
"The presidential buzz around Harris, though, is more a product of national Democrats than Californians. Though she won election last year with 61.6 percent of the vote*, a recent Public Policy Institute of California poll found that 30 percent of Californians – including 20 percent of Democrats – don’t know enough about Harris to say one way or the other what kind of job she is doing the Senate.

"Interviews with nearly two dozen ardent Harris supporters in California showed most think it is too soon for her to run for president. Gary Peichoto, a Harris enthusiast who lives outside of Modesto, laughed when asked whether she should run in 2020.

“ "It’s too early,” Peichoto said. “I’d rather go with Elizabeth Warren.” . . .
*61.6% of Californians, that is.
LA Times: 8 things to know about Senate candidate Kamala Harris' career gold stars and demerits  For starters, the woman who stands by Black Lives Matter has "refused to seek the death penalty against a cop killer".

Daily Wire lists more Harris positions. A sampling:

But those who got close enough could see screens set up showing musicians and speakers including activist and director Michael Moore, women’s rights activist Gloria Steinem and Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, told the crowd that Trump and his cabinet nominees are “dangerous for us and all of our families.”
  • Obama once lavished praised on Harris's looks. 
  • "Harris is weak on crime. Besides refusing to give the death sentence to a cop-killer,  "Harris has also stood with the cop-hating Black Lives Matter movement and has advocated for states to keep "track of the data on officer-involved shootings and increasing training to reduce police bias," per the Huffington Post."
  • "Harris refused to defend Proposition 8 in court."
  • "Harris is very pro-abortion. According to New York Mag:
  • "Harris has compared those who don't believe in man-made climate change to Flat-Earthers and Loch Ness Monster believers. 
  • "We must take on science-deniers who insist that the Earth is flat, the Loch Ness monster is real & climate change doesn’t exist."
  •  "Harris is also weak on immigration. Harris uses the politically correct "undocumented immigrant" term and is an avid supporter of amnesty and the DREAM act as well as Obama's executive amnesty. In essence, she supports turning the country into California, giving the Democrats a permanent demographic majority for generations." . . .
Townhall: Kamala Harris: Lawless Law Enforcement Officer  . . . "As a lawless law enforcement officer, Attorney General Kamala Harris is not fit for higher office, and has no business serving in the US Senate." . . .
Thanks to Maxine Waters blazing the trail, the achievement bar has been sufficiently lowered. TD

On the firing of James Comey

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Andrew C. McCarthy: The Bipartisan Case against James Comey  . . . "The memorandum issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to explain Comey’s dismissal Tuesday is well crafted and will make it very difficult for Democrats to attack President Trump’s decision. Rosenstein bases the decision not merely on Comey’s much discussed missteps in the Clinton e-mails investigation — viz., usurping the authority of the attorney general to close the case without prosecution; failing to avail himself of the normal procedures for raising concerns about Attorney General Lynch’s conflict of interest. He goes on specifically to rebuke Comey’s “gratuitous” release of “derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal prosecution.” That “subject,” of course, would be Mrs. Clinton. " . . .   Full article here.

Krauthammer: ‘Highly Implausible’ To Claim Comey Was Fired for How He Handled Clinton Investigation

"On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein’s claim that FBI Director James Comey should be fired due to his mishandling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails is “highly implausible.”
"Krauthammer said, “[A]ccording to the letter by the deputy attorney general, this is about something that occurred on July the 5th. This,  it’s — so we start out with something that is highly implausible. If that was so offensive to the Trump administration, what you would have done is, in the transition, you would have spoken with Comey, and said, we are going to let you go. That’s when a president could very easily make a decision to have a change. That’s not unprecedented. But to fire him summarily with no warning, in the middle of May, because of something that happened in July, is almost inexplicable.”
"He continued, “Do we really believe that Donald Trump, after all these months, decided suddenly he had to fire this guy because he damaged Hillary back in July? Another implausible conjecture.' ”   Ian Hanchett
In Firing Comey, Trump Shows He's Afraid of No One  . . . "World leaders, ever since the days of President Reagan's air traffic controller's debacle have long noted how a U.S. president behaves on domestic mattters as their cue to how to act with the U.S. leadership. Part of holding power is knowing how to use power. Trump knows how to use power and his firing of Comey shows that he is not afraid of powerful people." . . .   Including this guy at the right?  Caricature by Deviant Art

James Comey Didn’t Sink Hillary . . . And even if we concede that Comey’s letter to Congress helped sink Clinton, Clinton deserved that letter and Comey had no choice but to send it."

Volokh Conspiracy: ". . . that’s not why he’s being fired"  . . . "And then he is fired — for the very thing (his mishandling of the Clinton investigation) that had made him so valuable to Trump. It seems awfully neat and tidy. I guess we’ll know more about whether this is actually about Russia when we see who Trump nominates as Comey’s replacement. Stay tuned." 

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

'Passion of the Christ' Actor Jim Caviezel Sounds Off on Hollywood Blackballing

MRC   "At some point, everyone will have to answer for what they have done.”
Those are the words of actor Jim Caviezel, most famous for his portrayal of Jesus Christ in the 2004 blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ.”
"Caviezel is referring to sinners having to account to God for their actions. To him this includes the Hollywood producers who allegedly shunned Caviezel after he took on the role of Jesus in the film, “The Passion of the Christ.”
" 'The Passion of the Christ,” directed by Mel Gibson, earned $612 million worldwide on a $30 million production budget, making it the highest grossing religious film in history.

"Caviezel made his remarks to Polish journalist and film critic Lukasz Adamski for the website
"An excerpt:
“ 'You will not work here [in Hollywood] anymore.” Mel Gibson told you that when you took up the role in his film. To what extent was he right?
"All of the sudden I stopped being one of five most popular actors in the studio and I haven’t done anything wrong. I just played Jesus. Was I personally touched by this rejection? Well, everyone has their cross to bear. The world changes in the particular direction but after all, I will not be in this world forever. Neither will the producers from Hollywood. At some point, everyone will have to answer for what they have done.
"Where do you think this reaction come from? Are people afraid of such films? Of evocative picture of Jesus on the screen? People really stood for it. Over half a billion dollars income is a great success. There are even reports on conversions after watching the film!" . . .

No shortage of discussion on James Comey

First this, earlier in the day:
James Comey just stepped in it, big time

. . . "The Post's Devlin Barrett has confirmed ProPublica's reporting that Comey misstated key details of an investigation into Hillary Clinton at a hearing last week.
"Specifically at issue are Comey's statements that:
  1. Top Clinton aide Huma Abedin “forwarded hundreds and thousands of emails” from Clinton's private email server to her husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of a “regular practice” of forwarding emails for Weiner to print out for Clinton, and …
  2. These emails contained classified information.
Followed with this by Jonah Goldberg:
The Comey Firing
. . . "There’s much we don’t know. Much we need to know. Much we may never know. But my initial reactions to the news of the James Comey firings are: 
1) I disagree with many of my friends who say this termination was a long time in coming. I think many of Comey’s decisions are easily criticized. But when you look back at the decisions he made — when he made them — I believe Comey was put in one no-win situation after another, and he made defensible decisions. Hillary Clinton tested the limits of what the system would allow and she put people and institutions in an untenable position. I don’t think Comey should have been fired, but I can see the argument going the other way. 2) That said, I simply don’t buy the case made in the letter from President Trump. I am very skeptical that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the chief driver of, or lobbyist for, this decision.
" I’m also skeptical that Deputy AG Rod Rosentein — on the job for two weeks — pulled the trigger on the firing of the FBI director." . . .Read more:

This all "terrifies" Hillary's team.

The One walks on flower petals laid by his liberal sycophants.

ACLU lawyer admits Trump travel ban would be constitutional if Hillary had issued it

It was thoughtcrime

Rick Moran  "An ACLU lawyer arguing against the Trump travel ban in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday told a federal judge that the executive order initiating the ban would have been constitutional if a President Hillary Clinton had issued it.
"The lawyer cited Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric as demonstrating "animus" thus delegitimizing the order. The judge was understandably perplexed.
Jadwat argued that Trump’s campaign animus motivated the order, making it illegitimate. This claim was challenged by the Fourth Circuit’s Judge Paul Niemeyer.
“If a different candidate had won the election and then issued this order, I gather you wouldn’t have any problem with that?” Niemeyer asked.
Jadwat dodged on directly answering the question at first, but Niemeyer persisted, asking the question again.
Jadwat again tried to avoid the question, asking for clarification on the hypothetical, but Niemeyer once again demanded an answer.
“We have a candidate who won the presidency, some candidate other than President Trump won the presidency and then chose to issue this particular order, with whatever counsel he took,” Niemeyer said. “Do I understand that just in that circumstance, the executive order should be honored?”. . . 
 ACLU Makes It Official: The Only Thing Wrong With Trump's Travel Order Is Trump  . . . "It may be absurd, but it is what the Democrats believe. ACLU lawyer Omar Jadwat, arguing today before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, told the court that President Trump’s travel order “could be constitutional” if it had been written by Hillary Clinton. Here is a portion of the audio from today’s hearing:" . . .

ISIS Fighters Tried to Trick U.S-Backed Forces Into Killing Mosul Civilians


"Fighters from the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) herded a group of civilians into a house in the city of Mosul and locked them inside as Iraqi forces advanced. Moments later, the militants entered through a window, lay low for a few minutes, then fired their weapons.
"The plan was simple. They would draw attention to the house by firing from the windows, then move to an adjacent building through a hole in the wall, in hope of goading coalition jets flying above to strike the house.
"What the militants did not realise was that U.S. advisers partnered with Iraqi troops were watching the whole thing on an aerial drone feed. No air strike was called—and the propaganda coup ISIS would have reaped from the deaths of innocent people was averted." . . .

Monday, May 8, 2017

Air Force Officer Speaks Out for First Time About Downing of Extortion 17 in Afghanistan. . .

"– Obama Has Hell to Pay", the headline also states but when has Obama ever paid a price for his actions?

Harry Hibbs  "A highly decorated retired Air Force officer is breaking her silence about the horrific incident in 2011 that marked the deadliest attack on Navy SEALS in U.S. history.

"This was a sad day for America and we all mourned. Turns out it never had to happen.

"She claims that Obama’s administration covered up what happened to 38 of our warriors in Afghanistan, when a Chinook helicopter crashed and killed 38 fighters. She says had it not been for Obama changing the rules of engagement of our military to protect Muslim terrorists, that our men would still be alive today.

"To give you a full appreciation for the absolute atrocity and borderline treason that went down that fateful day on August 6, 2011 at the hands of Barack Hussein Obama, Retired Air Force Capt. Joni Marquez is telling her story first hand. She and her crew were working the dark morning hours on their AC-130 gunship when they were summoned to conduct a mission she describes “as almost like a 9-1-1 type of a situation.”

"Circa reported:
The gunship was ordered to fly close-in air support above Afghanistan’s dangerous Tangi Valley, in Wardak Province, assisting troops with the Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment who were being fired on by eight heavily armed Taliban insurgents.
The Rangers had called in for assault helicopters to engage the enemy hiding among the rocky valley. The air weapons team fired on the Taliban fighters, but not all of the insurgents were killed as originally believed.
. . .  U.S. Central Command’s official investigation concluded that a rocket-launched grenade from a Taliban fighter hit the Chinook and sent the helicopter into a downward spin. The crash killed all 38, including thirty Americans and eight Afghans. Seventeen of the U.S. servicemen were Navy SEALs. Months before, SEALs were made famous for the killing of Osama bin Laden.
. . . 
“ 'If we would’ve been allowed to engage that night, we would’ve taken out those two men immediately,” Marquez said. She believes with her whole heart that had her team been given permission to take out the terrorists, 38 warriors would still be alive today.
“ 'They continued to essentially gain more and more force behind them because they just kept knocking on doors,” she said. “And the two personnel that initially fled ended up becoming a group of 12 people.' ”

Has Hillary ever been the cream of the Democrat crop?

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
All of Hillary Clinton’s ‘but for’ excuses  . . . "When you lose by 78,000 votes — or less than 1,000 in Florida as Al Gore did — everything is a “but for” cause of defeat, as Ron Klain (who was closely involved in multiple tight, losing campaigns) likes to say. So here goes, one more time:
  • But for setting up the home server to begin with;
  • But for dribbling out the whole server story with some misstatements;
  • But for questions about the Clinton Foundation;
  • But for failing to spend enough time courting white working-class voters in the upper Midwest;
  • But for not have a well-enough defined message;
  • But for stagnant wages and slow growth under President Barack Obama;
  • But for demagoguery on trade and immigration;
  • But for media obsession with Donald Trump that helped get him the nomination;
  • But for a substantial reverse gender gap (i.e., men were averse to voting for her);
  • But for Russian bots on social media and the WikiLeaks release of embarrassing emails; and
  • But for 78,000 people in three states sitting home on the couch because they were certain she’d win . . .
"Clinton would be president. Most of that she is responsible for; some of it she is not." . . .

. . . "With the party demoralized and divided, and holding the fewest number of elected seats in a century, Clinton’s return will likely prolong the misery. While she’s a media magnet, she’s also a political dead end, having lost two presidential runs and ceded the future to the Bernie Sanders socialist wing.
"It’s hard to imagine her as the party’s savior, yet, instead of going away quietly, she’ll be competing with its candidates for money and attention. Anything she gets will come at the expense of new leaders and ideas." . . .