Monday, May 15, 2017

SJW Mom Triggered by Confederate Rug Shows Us How NOT to Fake a Hate Hoax

PJ Media

"This sounds like a joke and really should be a joke, but is, in fact, a real event that happened in Portland (of course). Heather Franklin, a social justice warrior (SJW) who resides in Portland, went shopping at a local store and had a full-fledged flip out over a rug for sale that had a Confederate flag on it. Then she filmed it, complete with hysterical, contrived sobbing for all of us to laugh at. The sobbing began when a man she had just accused of being a racist and of enjoying "black rape" followed her out of the store and filmed her from a great distance. One can only surmise he was filming her to make sure she wasn't doing damage to the property after verbally freaking out inside the store and trying to manufacture a hate crime.  The shameless lying in this video is absurd. See for yourself:" . . .

Chuck Schumer’s Threat To Block New FBI Director Shows Democratic Incompetence

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
RedState  "One of the pillars of advice in Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ is “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Similarly, Napoleon’s (at least it’s attributed to him) advice to “Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself,” is wise counsel Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer should follow."

"As we wrote earlier, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is open to blocking whoever Trump’s nominee is to head up the FBI unless Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appoints a special prosecutor to investigate links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government." . . .

. . . "With the threat of blocking a nominee, the Democrats set themselves up to be the bad guys, particularly if Trump chooses somebody who would otherwise be a consensus choice.
"It’s fascinating to watch. Donald Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot, and instead of sitting back, allowing it to happen, Schumer is grabbing the gun from Trump and firing shots into both of his own feet.
"Odd as it may be, it is Democrats these days who are always overplaying their hand."

Schumer Comey 600 LI

Throwing Shade: Maxine Waters Town Hall in Inglewood, CA

"She gets lots of attention because she likes to throw shade (urban slang for constantly insulting someone) at Donald Trump, Republicans, and just about anyone else you can think of."

Throwing Shade: Maxine Waters Town Hall in Inglewood, CA

. . . "A wrecking ball of stupidity, Waters has faced token opposition all her career. For all of her bluster, Maxine Waters has run the South LA, Hawthorne, Inglewood, and Gardena regions into the ground
for nearly 3 decades. What does she have to show for it? Zero.

"I have long wanted to confront Waters on her record of professional failure. Then four days ago, I got word that Waters was hosting a town hall in Inglewood. Unlike previous town halls, I took clear steps to ensure that I would be protected ahead of time. Trump supporters don’t just find themselves behind enemy lines, I have sadly found that any outcry of displeasure or disapproval means that I
get escorted out. This is the fate of the First Amendment in deep blue sections of California.

"Or is it? Election 2016 was a rousing success for Republicans across the country, and even in deep blue California, Trump did better than Romney in 2012. Where? Oakland—Governor Moonbeam’s stomping ground; Compton, which has not elected a Republican to Congress since the late 1970s.

"And Inglewood. Check this article from the Sacramento Bee if you do not believe meHow to explain this? Trump resonated with black voters because of his vocal opposition to illegal immigration, which is eviscerating black communities." . . .

Thatcher in the Rye

Mike Adams

Thatcher in the Rye

"For the last fifteen years, I’ve been writing about the steady decline in respect for free speech on our college campuses. For those who think that dangerous trend is simply the fault of immature college students, I submit the case of Fresno State University Professor Greg Thatcher for your careful consideration. Before reading my response to Thatcher, please watch his brief sermon on the First Amendment by clicking on this link. 

"By way of background information, it was back in April that a Fresno State pro­life group received permission to chalk pro­life messages on the sidewalks leading to the university’s library. After they actually put some of the messages on the sidewalk, Thatcher, who teaches public health, confronted the pro­life students. In the confrontation, Thatcher alleged that the students could not chalk messages near the library, and could only engage in expression in the so­called “free speech area.” This is factually inaccurate as the university eliminated the speech zone in June of 2015. 

"After the president of the pro­life club explained that she had university permission to chalk messages in that precise location, Thatcher threatened to return and erase the messages. But then he did something even worse than that: He actually recruited at least seven students from his class to join him in the patently illegal enterprise of defacing constitutionally protected speech.

"Fortunately . . . "

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Liberal Lie So Big It May One Day Split the Country

“Civilization has been aptly called a ‘thin crust over a volcano.’ (Liberals) are constantly picking at that crust.” ­­ Thomas Sowell 

By John Hawkins at Townhall
The Liberal Lie So Big It May One Day Split the Country

"After Hollywood jackass Jimmy Kimmel was criticized for exploiting his son’s illness to push his political agenda and incorrectly insinuating that surgeries for newborns weren’t covered before Obamacare, he did a follow­up on the subject where he said, “I would like to apologize for saying that children in America should have health care. It was insensitive, it was of ensive, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” 

"Drop dead, Jimmy Kimmel, you colossal ass. 

"This is a great example of what may be the most annoying, dishonest thing that liberals habitually do.

" Jimmy Kimmel favors a certain political policy. It’s one that has been a disaster for tens of millions of Americans, including a lot of children. 

"Jimmy Kimmel could have said, “Obamacare may not be perfect and it may have been sold with a lot of lies, but I believe it’s worth it for everyone else to pay more so the small percentage of the population with pre­existing conditions and no insurance can be covered.” That pitch may not be a political winner, but at least it would be an honest argument.

"Instead, Kimmel is essentially arguing that ONLY people who agree with him care about the healthcare of children and the rest of us want children to die. This sort of rhetoric has become commonplace on the Left and it’s not just dishonest, it’s evil. It’s bad for the country. It could even potentially split the country apart one day because we won’t be able to continue to live with each other. In fact, we’ve already reached the point where California’s threats to secede are being met with cries of “faster please, what can we do to help?” from millions of conservatives." . . .

The #Dilbert Sunday comic strip hilariously disses climate science certainty

Watts Up With That  . . . "Scott Adams, who has recently written on his blog about his doubts about the certainty of climate science predictions, takes on climate science and the ugliness surrounding it with his Sunday comic strip. It’s hilarious how he states so clearly the issue at hand in a simple final panel. Of course, the usual suspects will scream foul, probably demand retractions and boycotts, and maybe even at the next pointless climate march, we’ll’ see “Down with Dilbert!” signs.  Michael Mann might even sue due to the scientist looking something like him.
"The response will be entirely predictable, but for those people that aren’t climatic automatons, the fact that a worldwide read major comic strip has taken a position will likely sink in." 
"Due to copyright limitations, I can’t show the entire strip, only the first few panels, but click the image to see the entire Sunday comic, or follow this link.    
In the last panel of that 8-panel strip, this is the dialog:
Dilbert: “What if I don’t trust the economic models?”
Climatologist: “Who hired the science denier?”
With that caveat in mind, here is another one for you to pursue:

Epic Trolling Of Maxine Waters Outside Her Town Hall Meeting…(Updated)

“Impeach Trump” Movement Saturates Mainstream and Left-leaning Media
"The “impeach Trump” movement started on inauguration day, if not before.  From unserious partisans like Maxine Waters pledging her waking hours to ensuring that the president be impeached to the mainstream media chiming in with articles from the Washington Post and the New York Times.
"Indeed, the tempo has increased this week with the following articles being published across the mainstream press and the regressive blogosphere between May 8 and May 14:
CNN A running list of Democrats who have discussed impeachmentHuffington Post:  There’s A Faster Way Than Russiagate To Remove Trump From OfficeHuffington Post:  The End of TrumpNew York Daily News:  Here’s the presidential order of succession — just in caseNewsweek:  Will Donald Trump Be Impeached or Removed From Office? Firing James Comey May Bring Him One Step Closer . . .more...
. . .  "Ultimately, however, the effort does little more than widen the existing partisan divide in this country and ensure that distrust in media continues to skyrocket."

Photos from Weasel Zippers

Washington Times: Maxine Waters, you’re embarrassing yourself   . . . “This president needs to be impeached,” she said. “I believe that. I believe there was collusion. We need to get on with the business of doing real investigations.”

"Sigh. If I were a Democrat right now? That’d be my reaction. Waters, who long ago abandoned any pretense at being a constitutionally minded member of the legislative branch, is now rapidly moving into a realm of reality that doesn’t even allow her the title of useful idiot. Even for Democrats, she’s becoming a liability — becoming a tool for the right to showcase the nuttiness of the left." . . .
But being the darling of Hollywood and the campus leftists counts for much more that simply saying intelligent things. TD

UPDATE: " lives in this 4.5 million dollar mansion & it isnt even in the crime ridden district she "represents"."

Where Waters lives and her district far away:

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bigger things need to be taken care of that tweets won't cure.

Mr. President, please shut up and just heal us from the Obama years

National Review has a good deal to say about Mr. Trump. However his ineptitude has in no way made me miss the feckless, petulant Obama. TD

Stop Talking, President Trump  "The president is his own worst enemy — and he may well destroy his presidency if he doesn’t change. 

"The virulent antipathy President Trump inspires among his political foes and critics may well exceed that of any president in the history of our republic. But if there is anything to be learned from what has happened in the days since he fired FBI director James Comey, it is that there is no doubt that the name of the president’s worst enemy is Donald J. Trump. 

"Trump’s inability to stay on message was a serious problem throughout the 2016 campaign and has at times derailed his administration during his first 100-plus days in office. His early morning Twitter meltdowns, such as his ill-advised attack on a Gold Star family or his wild claim that President Obama had ordered the bugging of Trump Tower, set off media firestorms that dominated the news cycle and distracted the public from anything positive he might otherwise have been doing. Yet nothing he has done has been so counter-productive as the things he has said and tweeted since dispatching Comey earlier this week. In an act of almost unprecedented stupidity, Trump has singlehandedly elevated what might have been a momentary tempest into a full-blown hurricane of national outrage that has stopped the country in its tracks." . . .  Read more.

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
On the Comey Firing, a Race to the Bottom  . . . "It is understandable that Democrats are screaming bloody murder about events of the last few days — certainly Republicans would be doing the same if a Democrat were in the White House and axed an FBI director the way Trump has. But the analogies to Watergate — ubiquitous in the media — are overwrought and obscure what the FBI’s investigation is about. This is worth explaining at some length." . . .

Trump’s Brand Is Crisis  
Trump doesn’t face crises so much as manufacture them. In a way he is the crisis, and his presidency is in danger of being defined not by any legislative or diplomatic achievement but by his handling of the multiplying and daunting obstacles he creates for himself.

Dems Angry About Trump Possibly Taping Comey Forget Obama Taped People

FBI former director James Comey was addressing an FBI gathering in Los Angeles Tuesday when the news of his firing scrolled across the TV screen behind him onstage. How it could it be more humiliating? It’s plain as day that Trump still hasn’t forgiven Comey for making him president.  Comedian Argus Hamilton
Dems Angry About Trump Possibly Taping Comey Forget Obama Taped People . . . "And when Judicial Watch has asked for all records on the multiple issues, have they ever gotten these tapes? 
"D.C. law says perfectly legal to record as long as the recording is made by one party to the conversation. Can we get all Obama recordings on Benghazi? And Iran? And every time he met with Democratic operative Robert Creamer who was encouraging fake protests against Trump and GOP?" . . .

Image result for obama taping conversations cartoons

Media outrage over Comey firing flops with the public

Does anyone in the media remember Aesop's fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”?
Thomas Lifson  "My friend Mark J. Fitzgibbons calls the media coverage of the Comey firing a, “Classic case of those whom the gods destroy they first make mad. The D.C. bubble is unhinged over Comey.  But it's no big deal for many Americans.”
The evidence?
"Axios cites data: from SocialFlow, and charts the amount of Faceook interaction on several Trump moves, showing the Comey firing ranks far below other stories:
"So the man whose catch-phrase is “You’re fired!” goes ahead and fires the man whose head the Democrats had been demanding, and they and their media pals go nuts with rage and Nixon comparisons.
"Does anyone in the media remember Aesop's fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”? "

Last Man Standing Falls to Trump Derangement Syndrome

Daniel John Sobieski  "The cancellation by ABC of Tim Allen’s hit comedy “Last Man Standing” comes on the heels of CBS’ Stephen Colbert’s obscenity-laced rant against Donald Trump and underscores how far the media thought police have gone in their war on conservatives, conservative thought, and even conservative comedy.
"Allen’s show, in which he plays the manager of a sporting goods chain, features Allen’s biting and genuinely funny witticisms poking fun at all things liberal. Its humor is balanced, with the show featuring a Canadian liberal son-in-law who gets his points across. But it is a rarity among sitcoms, in that any conservative viewpoints are represented at all. In its sixth season, "Last Man Standing" is doing quite well in the ratings. As the entertainment website noted:" . . .

. . . "Can’t have sentiments such as those expressed on national television these days. As at Berkeley and other college campuses, conservative thought, commentary, and even comedy must be silenced. The goosestepping left used to burn books. Now they burn TV scripts."