thefederalistpapers. |
"I first learned about all of this last semester when Students for Life at CSUSM applied for funding and invited me to speak on their campus about the issue of abortion. Unsurprisingly, ASI denied the funding request.
" That is when I put the students in touch with my old friends (and my former lawyers) at ADF.
"As of this writing, ASI continues to provide funding through mandatory fees to the Gender Equity Center and the LGBTQA Pride Center, allowing them to pay to bring numerous speakers to campus, giving voice to their own views on a variety of topics that conflict with those of Students for Life, including abortion and human sexuality.
"However, their chokehold on the marketplace of ideas will soon be broken and students at CSUSM will be granted the right to bring in their own speakers with opposing viewpoints. In other words, CSUSM has absolutely no chance of winning this lawsuit. " . . .