Sunday, May 19, 2019

Justin Amash Becomes First GOP Lawmaker to Say Trump Should Be Impeached

He gives Democrats some "bi-partisan" cover. Thanks, Justin; you and Romney can be a caucus together.

NY Intelligencer  "Michigan representative Justin Amash has become the first Republican lawmaker in Congress to acknowledge that President Trump should be impeached. The staunch libertarian, finally responding to the Mueller report in a series of tweets on Saturday, said he believed Trump’s conduct merited impeachment, argued that Attorney General William Barr “deliberately misrepresented” Mueller’s findings, and warned that partisanship has made Congress abandon the rule of law.
CNN's new BFF

"The ultraconservative congressman is one of the few Republican lawmakers who have been willing the criticize the president, though few have done so as consistently or vocally, and he’s one of the only Republicans who seems to have considered running against Trump in 2020. Now he’s endorsing an additional way of removing Trump from office." . . .

GOP Lawmaker Claims Trump Committed Impeachable Acts (But Doesn’t List Any)
That puts Amash to the left of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), both of who have come out against impeachment proceedings.
 Justin Amash Should Put His Money Where His Mouth Is On Impeachment
. . . "I think Amash’s call for impeachment is stupid at best. His tweets make very serious claims while providing essentially no evidence of those claims. Citing the Mueller report in a completely generalized manner is not an argument for impeachment. If it were, Mueller would have recommended Trump be charged (and we know the OLC opinion on indicting Presidents was not a factor). Saying that any other person would have been indicted, again providing no evidence, is not clever. It’s obfuscation.
"Amash should cite some previous examples of obstruction of justice convictions involving someone who publicly criticized an investigation and thought about doing something but never did it. I mean, since it’s such an open and shut case, there’s got to be just dozens and dozens of examples he can cite, right?" . . .

. . . "The shots at Bill Barr are even worse. At least with impeachment you can fall back on the fact that it’s an open-ended, political standard, which is what Amash attempts to do further down in his statement. What he’s accusing Barr of is simply a lie though. He did not misrepresent the Mueller report and Robert Mueller himself has confirmed that. To drag his name through the mud without anything to back it up undermines the entirety of his comments." . . .

Democrats Accelerate Efforts to Purge Pro-Lifers From the Party in 2020

Legal Insurrection
A growing number of pro-choice Democrats are telling their pro-life colleagues that their days in office are numbered. But will their strategy work?

"In the aftermath of the fetal heartbeat bills that were recently signed into law in Georgia and Alabama (Missouri will likely be next), enraged Democratic party politicians and pro-abortion groups are making one thing increasingly clear: Pro-life Democrats who hold elected office should be purged from the party.
"Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), a 2020 candidate for president, told the Washington Post on Wednesday that being pro-abortion should be a “non-negotiable” position in the Democratic party:" . . .

Saturday, May 18, 2019

House Dems unanimously vote to add transgenders to Civil Rights Act of 1964 protections

Christian Post (Article below)
Thomas Lifson  . . . "Because people can and do change their minds on their gender (the expression “gender-fluid” implies it can change day-by-day or even minute-by-minute), a person can gain or lose protected class status on a whim. This is a travesty compared to the genuine serious issues historically faced by African-American descendants of slaves who faced enduring discrimination based on their immutable racial characteristics. To equate someone whose classification is subjective and changeable with a person whose classification is historic, genetic, and immutable makes a mockery of the suffering of the latter group.
"If this were to become law – don’t worry right now, the Senate won’t pass this lunacy, and President wouldn’t sign it into law – the consequences would be far-reaching, and impossible to fully anticipate. But a marker has been laid down, with the Democrats. – the oldest political party in the world – fully embracing the belief unscientific that a person can change from male to female or vice versa merely by wishing it to be true. I realize that the bullies who enforce progressive orthodoxy will call me a hater, but we do all have chromosomes in every cell of our bodies that tell us we are either male or female, and to deny that is folly." . . .
"I think that the Democrats have abjectly surrendered to the transgender lobby, and that this will cost them support on Election Day. I have never seen a poll of the public on their beliefs about transgenderism. For instance:  Is a biological male who “transitions” an actual female?  Does such a person deserve civil rights protection?
"My inference is that the media who commission polls realize that the general public does not buy into their latest dogma, and do not want to offer any ammunition to opponents. Therefore, the House Democrats have no genuine sense of the public’s real feelings on the matter.
"And with the level of bullying applied to people who speak their minds on the subject – Haters! Transphobes! – feedback from the general public is suppressed.
"With actual female athletes facing a future where their championships are dominated by genetic males, a new victim class is forming."

"This will not end well."

Has the California backlash against liberal craziness finally begun?

Ronald Reagan was a Democrat for many years before switching to the Republican Party. When asked why he changed parties, he said, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party - the Democratic Party left me.” That seems to be a sentiment being echoed by Common Sense Californians up and down the state as many blue blood Democrats and Reagan Democrats feel like their party no longer reflects their values or priorities. 
Fox News   (This is from 2018; how's that all working out nowadays?)

"California's red-leaning areas may be rising up against the state's longstanding liberalism. 

"In a state consumed by conservation and environmental issues, one highly endangered species has long gone unnoticed and unprotected – the California Conservative. Is it still possible to rescue them from the brink of extinction? Can their numbers be revived? And can they thrive here once again? 

"While the nation continues to view California as a homogeneous voting block of individuals in lock step with an increasingly progressive liberal agenda, for Common Sense Californians up and down the left coast state, there’s a sense that a different tide is rising. 

"The ripple began in Los Alamitos where the city council voted to opt out of California’s sanctuary law. And it was followed by Orange County who voted to join the U.S. Department of Justice in challenging the state’s sanctuary city laws. This decision was echoed by the city of Escondido and later this month San Diego County will also vote to join their ranks in this federal lawsuit. Other municipalities are lining up to consider doing the same.

"California has always been the tip of the spear. Often the genesis of art, influence, ideas, style and entertainment, we also take the lead in ways that are less admirable with high state tax, high gas tax, high costs of living and housing, an out of control homeless problem in our urban areas, declining test scores in schools, increasingly inaccessible and cost-prohibitive health care, and many of our major cities often appear on lists of the least-livable cities in the U.S. 

"A supermajority of Democrats at the state level has presided over a tragic decline in virtually every statistic and has championed expensive and detrimental ideas such as the multi-state tax, a failing high speed rail project and of course the most recent sanctuary state status. These consequential endeavors are concocted in the cocoon of Sacramento, isolated and unconnected to the effect those decisions have on everyone else who lives in the state. They spend money as if it’s theirs. It’s not. It’s mine and every other taxpayer’s in California. Yet we have no voice and many of our representatives no longer represent us, if they ever did." . . .

Buttigieg Backs FAR-LEFT Idea Of ERASING Thomas Jefferson's Name

Socio-Political Journal

"Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said Friday that things named after President Thomas Jefferson should be renamed because that’s the “right thing to do.”

"Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., who became the rising star of the 2020 Democratic primary, echoed the far-left calls to rename buildings or events that carry the names of prominent U.S. figures on the grounds that they were owners of slaves.

"The mayor was asked during "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on radio whether the name of the annual Indiana Democratic dinner, named the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, should be renamed as both presidents were holders of slaves.

"Yeah, we're doing that in Indiana. I think it's the right thing to do,” Buttigieg said, according to the Washington Free Beacon. He then offered a tepid defense of the Founding Father while agreeing that events shouldn’t be named after him." . . .

The Media at Their Lowest

R. Quinn Kennedy  "When Joe Biden claimed this week on The View (see it here) that the Obama administration "had not a whisper of scand
al" during eight years in the White House, the audience cheered wildly.  And why wouldn't it?  It's a partisan crowd that overwhelmingly leans left. 
"Those of us on quite the other side of the aisle didn't bother falling out of our chairs at such an absurd claim.  We know how the game is played: make sure that statements such as this from Democrats are played in front of a partisan audience on a biased show that isn't about to challenge the assertion." . . .

. . . "As a reminder for candidate Biden, let's review a partial list of the dozens of scandals and all the corruption during the Obama administration:"   The partial list
. . .
"How is it, then, that Joe Biden can make such a claim without being held accountable?  You and I know the answer.  It's because shows like The View and the national mainstream media aren't about to hold Biden or any other Democratic candidate accountable.  Rather, they want such falsehoods to resonate as believable.  (With inserted loud claps of approval to validate them.)" . . .
Yes, there is an applause sign in this studio.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Side by side, Venezuela and Chile, compared in video

The video is in Spanish but don't worry if you don't speak the language, you don't need it in this one. Just turn the sound down and watch the powerful photos and graphics.

Monica Showalter  "Economist Steve Hanke has found a terrific video treasure on Twitter from El Cato, the Spanish-language branch of the Cato Institute, comparing and contrasting the development arcs of Chile and Venezuela. Here it is:" . . .
Click here for the video
. . . "Well, because Venezuela took the express train to socialism, and Chile embraced free markets.
"Once upon a time, Chile was the country that was the socialist dump, in the early 1970s it was literally a vassal state of Cuba's Fidel Castro, who came down to that country under the regime of then-President Salvador Allende, and barked orders. That Castrofication, as well as a long baseline history of soft socialism before Castro showed up in the decades earlier- a long soggy socialist slide - made Chile the country that was the hellhole.
"Now it's Venezuela. And by the wildest coincidence, Venezuela, has embraced the ame Castro and all his minions, getting the exact same result.
"The uplifting element of the video is that Chile didn't stay a dump.

"Chile all by itself embraced free markets. It didn't have any American invasion or nation-builders in the works for it (cripes, when this happened, Jimmy Carter was president in the states), Chile actually did the whole thing itself. " . . .

Amy Klobuchar REFUSES to say she’s opposed to late term abortions

The Right Scoop  . . . Klobuchar simply wouldn’t say that she’s opposed to late-term abortions, even refusing to admit she knew what Ralph Northam said about it last year. We all know that isn’t true.

"The only thing she would concede amounts to a slogan, that she is for a woman having the right to make a choice about her own body. Super Lame.
"And of course Joyless Behar ran to Klobuchar’s defense, arguing that third-trimester abortions are rare and therefore it’s a phony issue. But that simply isn’t true.
"Certainly late-term abortions are more rare than first and second trimester abortions, but as Live Action points out, almost 8,300 children every year are aborted in the third trimester:

. . . "I fail to understand Klobchar’s reluctance in stating emphatically that she supports women aborting their babies up to birth. It’s all the rage on the left and she should just readily admit it so she doesn’t get left behind by voters looking for more radical candidates.

Pompeo to John Kerry: You're Not Secretary of State Anymore. If You Want to Revert to Weakness on Iran, Try Winning an Election.


". . . [Guy] BENSON: I know that you can’t get into too much of the intelligence as you just said, but are there any additional details about the nature of the threat matrix that you’ve been seeing from Iran in the last few days? And can you comment at all on The New York Times report this morning that some of this may have been related to new images of sea-based missiles from Iran? 
POMPEO: OK, it’s important for everyone to understand that this is 40 years of aggression by the Islamic Republic of Iran, so to put it into just three days or five days or seven days takes out of context the threat and the desires of the Islamic Republic of Iran. BENSON: Right.
 POMPEO: So all of this – all of this is part and parcel of the challenge of a revolutionary regime that wants the 'Great Satan' and Israel to go away. So you have to take the data set along with – right – it’s always about capability and will, demonstrated will, ill will against the United States of America. So the things that you see, and I can’t comment on the New York Times story, other than to say that the things that you’ve seen us do to attempt to achieve deterrence against the Islamic Republic of Iran, from their malign activity, is a direct response to eight years of an administration that allow the terror regime to expand. Right? During the JCPOA, we had increased missile capabilities coming out of Iran. We had their capacity to deliver harm from Houthi rebels in Yemen -- all of these things Iran did happened because the previous administration appeased the Islamic Republic of Iran. So we are pushing back, and when you push back, tension does increase. Our mission set is very clear. We know what we’re asking the Iranian leadership to do, and we are very focused on achieving that, and we’re trying to do so in a way to make sure that we keep every American diplomat and every American soldier, sailor, airman and Marine safe as well. Later in our discussion, I asked Pompeo about one of his predecessors from the previous administration, John Kerry. President Trump has called for Kerry to potentially be prosecuted under the obscure and rarely-enforced Logan Act over his ongoing back-channels with the Iranian regime, reportedly urging Tehran to wait out the current administration. For this meddling. Senator Marco Rubio has also called for a formal investigation into Kerry's conduct. What does Pompeo make of this controversy? He made his sentiments quite clear: . . ."

Trump: John Kerry Is Sabotaging Talks With Iran, Should Be Prosecuted For Violating Logan Act  . . . "But John Kerry violated the Logan Act. He's talking to Iran and has been, has many meetings and many phone calls. And he's telling them what to do. That is a total violation of the Logan Act." . . .

Surely Democrats have somebody better than this

Ocasio-Cortez embraces paranoid conspiracy theory Her tweet:
Abortion bans aren’t just about controlling women’s bodies.They’re about controlling women’s sexuality. Owning women.From limiting birth control to banning comprehensive sex ed, US religious fundamentalists are working hard to outlaw sex that falls outside their theology.
. . . "Maybe there is such a side to Ocasio-Cortez, her heretofore invisible interest in understanding her opponents in a deep and human manner. But I actually see nothing in her words or her demeanor that suggests such a personality, instead of the arrogant know-nothing who thinks she understands everything because being "morally right" is more important th[a]n being factually correct."

Monica Showalter: Nikki Haley smacks down cowardly Comrade Ocasio-Cortez over Venezuela  "It's always so good to hear from Nikki Haley! 
"The former ace United Nations ambassador went after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a brickbat, calling out the socialist congresswoman for her cowardly failure to articulate any response to the ugly effects of socialism run by a vile dictator in Venezuela." . . .
Haley tweeted:
When a reporter asked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez if the Maduro regime is legitimate, she offered this non-answer: “I defer to caucus leadership on how we navigate this.” A simple “no” would have sufficed.
. . . "The Daily Caller noted that it's not the first time Haley has exposed the socialist claptrappers in Congress for what they are. Here's a two-week-old smackdown tweet they found of Haley giving Ocasio-Cortez's fellow socialist Rep. Ilhan Omar the facts of life on how socialist Venezuela has become a hellhole:
.@IlhanMN the avg Venezuelan adult has lost 24 lbs. Babies have no medicine. Families have to walk miles in the heat to get the only meal they may have that day. All bc of the corrupt Maduro regime. Your comments are so far from the truth. Cuba and Russia appreciate your support.

The old "Clumps of Cells" trick.

Death Always Follows Democrat Policies  . . . We're no longer up against simple tax-and-spend Democrats; we're up against Democrats whose ideology — an amalgam of the worst mass-murdering and mass-suffering ideologies in world history — has made killers of our kids." . . .

American Thinker
About the cartoonist, Mike Harris.
Here is a link to Mr. Harris's political cartoons.

And here he is in Wikipedia
. . . Harris enlisted in the New York National Guard in 1986 as a 19D Cavalry Scout. He was selected for Officer Candidate School and was commissioned as an armored cavalry officer in 1988, and is proficient with a variety of small arms, armor weapons and demolitions. He is also a martial arts student, having studied judoaikidoTaekwondo, and T'ang Soo Do.[2] He has served in a variety of positions with the Army Reserve and National Guard, and was assessed to the Active Guard Reserve program in 2004. Harris has served combat tours in Iraq and continued to produce artwork for the Army informally while working in operational assignments. He retired from the Army in 2016, at the rank of lieutenant colonel, with 30 years of active and reserve service.
Previous TW post: Alyssa Milano's epic fail on sex strike for abortion driving her nuts

Woman fired from think tank for disagreeing with transgender ideology

UK Daily Mail
The Bridgehead   "Over at The Spectator, James Kirkup published a long-form analysis of why transgender rights are eliminating women’s rights by destroying any objective definition of what it means to be a woman in the first place. (Can you think of anything more “patriarchal” than women’s records in sports being held by biological men?) He cites one example in particular that highlights just how Orwellian the transgender movement has become:
The reason those women are too frightened to speak out about sex and gender now has a name: Maya Forstater.Forstater used to work for the Centre for Global Development, a think tank with an office in London. She no longer does, and says that’s because she talked, openly and calmly, about sex and gender and her view that trans women are male. She says that view is rooted in biological fact, that a person who is born male cannot become female no matter how they identify, because sex is an objective fact not influenced by subjective belief.According to details of Forstater’s case reported in the Sunday Times, this position is connected with her departure from the CGD.  Her employers told her that by expressing her views about sex and gender, she had behaved in a manner inconsistent with the organisation’s rules and culture.In an email to Fortstater about her views, a CGD manager is reported to have said: ‘You stated that a man’s internal feeling that he is a woman has no basis in material reality. A lot of people would find that offensive and exclusionary.’Forstater is seeking to take her former employers to an employment tribunal over her departure from the CGD, arguing that her ‘gender-critical’ views of transgender issues should be recognised as protected beliefs in law.  She’s raising money to bring her case here.
. . .
 Even if you don’t give a fig about Maya Forstater and the trans issue, I hope you’ll bung her a few quid to ensure her case is properly heard and explored. Because this time, it’s women scared of losing jobs for saying things – respectfully and lawfully – that a few committed and organised men don’t like. But if someone like Maya Forstater can lose her living for saying that someone born male cannot become female, who knows who the targets will be next time?

"The answer to that question is a simple one: anyone who disagrees with the transgender lobby—and is willing to say so out loud."