Saturday, May 18, 2019

Buttigieg Backs FAR-LEFT Idea Of ERASING Thomas Jefferson's Name

Socio-Political Journal

"Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said Friday that things named after President Thomas Jefferson should be renamed because that’s the “right thing to do.”

"Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., who became the rising star of the 2020 Democratic primary, echoed the far-left calls to rename buildings or events that carry the names of prominent U.S. figures on the grounds that they were owners of slaves.

"The mayor was asked during "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on radio whether the name of the annual Indiana Democratic dinner, named the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, should be renamed as both presidents were holders of slaves.

"Yeah, we're doing that in Indiana. I think it's the right thing to do,” Buttigieg said, according to the Washington Free Beacon. He then offered a tepid defense of the Founding Father while agreeing that events shouldn’t be named after him." . . .

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