The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled 4-3 in March that Remington can be sued because of the way the AR-15-style Bushmaster rifle was marketed. The families’ lawsuit contends that Remington glorified the gun in advertising aimed at young people, including in violent video games.The Sandy Hook killer, Adam Lanza, was 20 when he shot and killed his mother at home, then went to the Newtown school and gunned down first-graders and educators. Lanza then killed himself.Young Conservative "Tuesday, The Supreme Court refused to protect a major firearms manufacturer from possible liability in the horrific Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. The terrible event left 26 students and teachers dead in Newtown, Connecticut.
"The justices’ newly found decision will allow the lawsuit filed by parents of Sandy Hook Elementary victims to move forward with the allegation of Remington Arms Co. marketing the rifle used in the mass shooting.
"The lawsuit will continue at the state law." . . .
"Nothing has hit me as hard as the Sandy Hook children's massacre after which I wrote this:"
"Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control (Posted here after the terrible Sandy Hook massacre) "
The Tunnel Wall; Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD
"Let's talk about gun control, shall we? "
After Sandy Hook, I hated guns and my emotions cried for them to all disappear; the image of terrified children being, well, you all know. But we know, too, that peaceful people and shop owners - the Korean store owners during the LA riots protecting their businesses comes to mind - will be the first to lose their protection. Those with children serving as policemen would dread the thought of them entering dangerous areas of cities like Chicago to try taking those guns away.This nation has a myriad of evil people with guns who have no qualms about killing others because of the color of their skin or their clothes, their politics, their shoes, or, well, just because it's a certain day of the week.I cannot help but blame the liberal left (redundant, perhaps) for creating a society where we need weapons to protect ourselves and knowing now they want to take away that protection.Tell me again why the coach / security guard in the school at Parkland had no gun. The Tunnel Dweller