Monday, March 16, 2020

4 Ways Trump Has Done More for African Americans Than Barack Obama

Jack Brewer  "I remember the move when I donated my entire office and all of the furniture and equipment to the Obama campaign to launch the Minnesota Headquarters in 2007.
"In less than two years in the Oval Office, President Trump continued his push for criminal justice reform by passing the First Step Act which targeted many shackled by the unfair and unjust sentencing laws which were instituted by the Bill Clinton 1994 Crime Bill.
. . . 
"It’s hard to imagine that President Trump, not Barack Obama, would pass the most comprehensive criminal justice reform bill in decades. Despite Barack Obama having Democratic control of all branches of government for his first two years, the priority just never seemed to be put on addressing the issues that were the most oppressive for underserved Blacks in America.
. . . 
"It’s even more interesting to see so many people who will support a policy initiated by the political affiliation that they prefer, yet they lash out against the same policies when they’re pushed by the opposite political party. Just check your favorite politician's perspectives on illegal immigration and criminal justice reform just a decade ago. Democrats have mastered this manipulation when it comes to winning the black vote, with most candidates not even needing to campaign to the black demographic. Democrats have been able to create a political correctness philosophy that has successfully lumped illegal immigration, minimum wage, LGBTQ rights and racism towards African Americans all into one blended issue. It’s comical really. The political party of slavery, Jim Crow, the 1994 Crime Bill, and welfare dumping has now branded themselves as the voice of social justice.
"Well as a lifelong Democrat, I say enough is enough."
Jack Brewer possesses a unique combination of expertise in the fields of global economic development, sports, and finance through his roles as a successful entrepreneur, executive producer, news contributor, and humanitarian. Currently serving as the CEO and Portfolio Manager of The Brewer Group, Inc. as well as the Founder and Executive Director of The Jack Brewer Foundation (JBF Worldwide), active Shriner and Ambassador and National Spokesperson for the National Association of Police Athletic/ Activities Leagues, Inc. Other key roles include regular contributor to CNBC, Fox Business, and The American City Business Journals, Ambassador for Peace and Sport for the International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development at the United Nations, Senior Advisor to former H.E. President Joyce Banda of the Republic of Malawi, and three time National Football League (NFL) Team Captain for the Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles, and New York Giants. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

CNN blasted for now declaring 'Wuhan virus' as 'racist' after weeks of network's 'China's coronavirus' coverage

Like Biden with his Romney "binders", ridicule something until people think it must be ridiculous. When the media has nothing, they just manufacture something and hammer it till people accept it as significant. Project Veritas has exposed CNN's own people discussing its purpose of getting Trump out of office. They have sacrificed their reputation for the purpose of doing this. Jake Tapper is capable of so much better. TD

Fox News
However, weeks leading up to the coronavirus outbreak, as the Media Research Center demonstrated in a video on Thursday, several CNN anchors and reporters referred to it as the "Wuhan coronavirus" and "China's coronavirus."

"CNN appeared to take the position this week that describing the coronavirus as the "Wuhan virus" or the "Chinese coronavirus" is racist but had a much different tone before the outbreak hit the U.S.
"On Wednesday night, CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta was extremely critical of President Trump's Oval Office address on the coronavirus outbreak, but not because of the factual errors the White House had to clarify later that many critics flagged.
“The president referred to the coronavirus as a ‘foreign virus,’ that I think was interesting because, I was talking to sources earlier this evening, one of the points that the president wanted to make tonight, wanted to get across to Americans, is that this virus did not start here, but that they’re dealing it,” Acosta said. “Now, why the president would go as far to describe it as a foreign virus, that is something we’ll also be asking questions about.”
"Acosta then insisted Trump is "going to come across to a lot of Americans as smacking of xenophobia" too because he said the coronavirus came from a foreign source." . . .

. . . "'Mr. Zucker, Chinese state Media Minister on line 1,'" conservative commentator Stephen Miller quipped in reference to CNN's president Jeff Zucker." . . .

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Remember the Last Global Pandemic? Probably Not

In 2009, a new strain of H1N1 influenza emerged. It did not cause anywhere near the disruption that Covid-19 has, and for good reason.

. . . "Swine flu has a history that makes health authorities pay special heed. In 1918, a variant of H1N1 influenza caused a global pandemic that is estimated to have killed as many as 50 million people, or 2.7% of the world’s population. After tests found H1N1 in two soldiers during a flu outbreak at the Fort Dix army base in New Jersey in 1976, the U.S. government jumped into action, with President Gerald Ford announcing a plan to vaccinate “every man, woman, and child in the United States.” That turned into something of a debacle, though, as the virus didn’t seem to spread beyond Fort Dix and the hastily assembled vaccine killed about 30 people."
. . . 
"By the time the vaccines became widely available in November, though, H1N1 was already on the decline. By January, many countries were canceling their vaccine orders, and a German physician and former Social Democratic politician was leading a campaign lambasting the WHO for declaring a “fake” pandemic to gin up business for pharmaceutical manufacturers." . . .

Biden has experience dealing with pandemics as this 2009 cartoon proves:

Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News

Joe's a mess and Bernie's a disaster, but the Democrats are insidious

Biden and Sanders one-on-one debate will be a good preview of Biden against Trump
. . . "Now, it's difficult to believe that the same man who often seems easily flustered and confused during debates once treated Paul Ryan with such confidence that the Guardian wrote the following headline: "Joe Biden's alpha-male display leaves Paul Ryan overwhelmed in VP debate." Times certainly have changed." . . .
. . . Sunday night's debate between Biden and Sanders will be less about who is victorious in the present battle and more about how similar behavior would translate to a stage with Trump as the opponent. If Biden is looking to reassure Democrats and potentially sway independents to his side, he'll have to be strong and assured throughout. Recent history is not on his side, and any failure to deliver will only embolden his ultimate rival." . . .

Slow Joe Getting Slower (Updated: He Lied - Again)  "Since we’re all settled in now for The Great Hunkering and looking for things to do, you might want to spend four minutes watching Slow Joe Biden from his “virtual town hall” in Illinois a few days ago. The opening section of this clip shows his propensity for sheer confusion and befuddlement, but then in response to a question about the Endangered Species Act he goes off in into full Biden Loghorrea Mode." . . . Video here

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 87th birthday should be motivation for Democrats to back Biden   "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a four-time cancer survivor, turns 87 on Sunday.
"That’s it.
"That’s all you really need to know for the 2020 presidential election if you’re a Democrat or left-leaning moderate." . . .

Watch Joe Biden Forget What Year It Is And Then Walk Away During Live Video Stream  "Yikes." 
"It’s moments like this that have more and more people understandably concerned about the mental well-being of the Democrat front-runner for president.
"And note too how his handlers quickly replace the image of confused Joe Biden shuffling out of frame with a campaign logo image during what was a live video stream meant to show Mr. Biden discussing concerns with voters.
"Trying to keep these Biden gaffes somewhat contained/hidden has become a 24/7 operation for the Biden campaign." . . .  Video

If not these two, then who?  I'm afraid to ask.

We’re Paying The Price For The Death Of Journalism

"The death of journalism has left Americans with nowhere to turn to for reliable, honest reporting. All of these outlets could and should have only experts on to talk about coronavirus. What someone on the payroll with zero background in medicine thinks about this situation might be good for ratings, but it’s not journalism. And people tune in to news networks expecting to get news, especially in times like this."

"That journalism is dead has been a punchline for so long that we’ve forgotten how that fact has real world consequences. We’re now paying the price for the failure of that profession to hold itself to any semblance of standards. As worry and straight-up panic sweep large swaths of the country, causing irrational toilet paper hoarding and runs on canned goods, there is no outlet and no journalist worthy of trust when it comes to conveying truthful information to the public or to hold anyone in power accountable.
"Eight years of sycophantic, throne sniffing coverage under President Barack Obama gave way to four years of nitpicking, hostility, and conspiracy theories. There are no standards anymore; if someone on TV hates President Trump, there is no outrageous, medically dubious statement they can make on CNN or MSNBC that will be challenged and if they love him, there is nothing that will be challenged on Fox. The opposite is true on those networks if you replace “President Trump” with any Democrat." . . .
. . . "These are unserious people in a time of serious challenges. The world’s greatest minds in the field of infectious diseases are working to save the lives of older, vulnerable people and they see opportunity. Senators fret, “Right now in America, it is easier to get an AR-15 than a test kit for COVID-19,” while noted liberals complain, “Note that Trump’s coronavirus team is all male, all old, and all white,” while there are women, one a woman of color, speaking at that very moment." . . .

SEE IT: Televangelist claims to cure coronavirus through television sets; Viewers urged to put their hands on their screens to be healed

Not - repeat NOT - from the Babylon Bee! The Bee probably knows they can't top this.
(What if it's a rerun? Does it still work?)
The left calls this man a conservative, implying we are all this silly, but I assure them I cannot tell you how embarrassing I find people like this and their followers to be. I consider Copeland to be the Don Lemon of evangelists. 
Conservatives may have Copeland and Benny Hinn, but liberals have Lemon, Maddow, Jim Acosta, Lawrence O'Donnell, Krugman, and....TD

NY Daily News

The apostle Paul passes his wisdom on to his disciple Timothy, including this warning: 1 Timothy 6:5 . . ."and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain." (Go to the Scripture posted to see this in its context.) The source is implying conservatives believe this man, but I assure you most of us are repulsed by this heresy and implore people to reject his teachings. I consider men like Copeland to be the CNN of religion. . . .
The Tunnel Dweller

. . . "I'm not even sure how you out-evil us, but he's managed it."

Kenneth Copeland Unveils New, Greener Jet That Runs On The Souls Of Those Deceived By The Prosperity Gospel
. . . "Copeland's good friends Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar immediately placed an order with Kenneth Copeland Ministries for their own models.

Compassionate Kenneth Copeland Utters Brief Prayer For Third-World Countries While Flying Over Them In His Luxury Jet
"You claim WHAT?
" . . . on the way to his latest lucrative speaking engagement.

Kenneth Copeland In A Real Pickle After Audience Member Names, Claims His Private Jet
. . . "At publishing time, the televangelist was feeling a little better after remembering that he also owns a Cessna 550 Citation Bravo."

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Democrat Press

Maybe CNN should quarantine Acosta for foolish comments "At some point, CNN will have to make a tough decision regarding Jim Acosta.  Unfortunately, he keeps making a fool of himself and dragging the network down as well.
"This is the latest from "The Acosta Show":
CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta's latest report has been labeled "idiotic" and a "'so what?' moment" by critics who feel it's simply the liberal network's latest attempt to weaponize coronavirus against President Trump.
Acosta's story headlined, "Source: Trump is concerned about coming into contact with people infected with coronavirus," cited a single source "close to" the president who said Trump is uneasy after coming into contact with a Brazilian official who tested positive for coronavirus. The Brazilian president also later tested positive for the virus.
"Where is a psychiatrist when we really need him?
"Like any rational person, President Trump is concerned about coming into contact with a person carrying the virus.  Isn't Jim Acosta also?
"Furthermore, the good news is that the public is daily passing judgment on "The Acosta Show" and CNN: "CNN's Ratings Collapse In 2019"!
"What's going on?  Maybe there is too much Acosta at CNN."

Is Biden serious or is he UNserious as a candidate?

Andrew Thomas blogs at Dark Angel Politics
Joe Biden is an unserious candidate for president  ""Joe Biden has proven himself to be one of the oddest Democratic political candidates, surpassing even Bernie Sanders in outrageousness.   His defenders claim he is of sound mind and that his critics are attacking him with baseless accusations.   But Biden, the self-proclaimed "gaffe machine," can't seem to make a single reasonable and well thought out speech without a verbal blunder.   Below is just a sampling of some of the peculiar comments he has made, showing that he is not a serious candidate in the election.
"Last year, he tweeted a picture showing his friendship bracelet with "Joe" and "Barack" written in square beads, with the tweet reading, "Happy #BestFriendsDay to my friend, @BarackObama."   Apparently, Barack isn't a good enough friend to endorse Joe for his presidential race.
In one especially disturbing speech, he rambles on about his "hairy legs."   . . .
. . . "Biden's poor grasp of numbers can be seen as far back as 1987, when he arrogantly claimed to a questioner that "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do."   He continued by saying, "The first year in law school I decided I didn't want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class."   But rather than the top half of his class, he graduated 76th out of 85." . . .

Flop Sweat: Democrats try to assure Bernie voters that Biden's practically the same

Monica Showalter  "Bernie-ites are furious at how this whole election has been going. They were determined to see that this election, unlike the last one, in 2016,  not be rigged.
The sentiment intensified when they practically had the nomination in their hands, post-Iowa and post-New Hampshire just a couple weeks ago. Their victory dance was at hand. They almost had it. Then two days before Super Tuesday, all of a sudden, most Democratic rival candidates dropped out, nearly all at once, the better to consolidate behind jurassic old Joe Biden, who doesn't even know which state he's in. It had the look of rigging again, and this time in a different way. Democrats know seven ways to Sunday how to rig elections.
"So now, via Weaselzippers, we are seeing things like this: . . ."

Bernie you, not Joe will always be loved in Portland. 

Hat tip to Zach Austin

CNN; where America and the world go for news, impeachments, and coronavirus coverage

Filling the 24-hour news cycle takes work. Going far back to vet news subjects.

Remy: Horrifying Tweets Resurface;  "When journalists scroll down really far."

Political leaders and their followers revealed to be Nazis!

Hillary giving Hitler salute!

Laura Ingraham's "heil Hitler"!

Even Barack Obama shown to be a Nazi!

Biden ad fact-checked: Campaign gets ‘four Pinocchios’ over video ‘trickery’

"An online campaign ad from former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign earned four Pinocchios in a Washington Post fact-check, which said the ad engaged in "video trickery"
 to omit parts of quotes and leave out context in an effort to make President Trump look bad.

The fact-check from the paper on the Biden ad, which was posted to Twitter, also renewed criticism of Twitter for what the Trump campaign says is politically targeted enforcement of its policies by the social media giant. It sent a scathing letter to Twitter earlier this week after the company labeled one of its videos "manipulated media."

The slickly edited video, which Biden tweeted on Super Tuesday, contrasts Biden's message of "hope over fear" against a litany of claims and comments Trump has made over the years. The Post took issue with the Biden campaign's presentation of two of those moments in particular -- a Trump quote on the coronavirus and one on the American dream.
. . .
Washington Post fact-checker: Biden ad hitting Trump uses 'video manipulation'
"The Washington Post's fact-checker column awarded four Pinocchios to former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday for a campaign ad that creates "a false narrative that does not reflect the event as it occurred."
 "The column said the video manipulation distorts President Trump's remarks about the coronavirus.
 "The campaign ad says Trump referred to the coronavirus as "a hoax" at a campaign rally in South Carolina last month, but Washington Post fact-checker Meg Kelly called the editing of the president's remarks a "blatant" misrepresentation. " . . .

Biden ad manipulates video to slam Trump

Bill Maher calls Biden "a little cuckoo".

Friday, March 13, 2020

Trump Announces National Emergency; Pelosi Touts Deal on Pandemic Aid

How the Liberal Media Earned Their 'Enemy of the People' Title Today at Trump's Wuhan Virus Presser*

"President Donald Trump on Friday declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency in order to free up more money and resources. But he denied any responsibility for delays in making testing available for the new virus, whose spread has roiled markets and disrupted the lives of everyday Americans.
"Speaking from the Rose Garden, Trump said, “I am officially declaring a national emergency," unleashing as much as $50 billion for state and local governments to respond to the outbreak.
"Trump also announced a range of executive actions, including a new public-private partnership to expand coronavirus testing capabilities with drive-through locations, as his administration has come under fire for being too slow in making the test available. Trump said, “I don't take responsibility at all" for the slow rollout of testing.
"Late Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a deal with the Trump administration for an aid package from Congress that would provide free tests, sick pay for workers and bolster food programs.
“ 'We are proud to have reached an agreement with the Administration to resolve outstanding challenges, and now will soon pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” Pelosi announced in a letter to colleagues. The House was poised to vote.
"Access to testing has been a persistent source of concern. Still, Trump said officials don't want people taking the test unless they have certain symptoms. "We don't want people without symptoms to go and do that test," Trump said, adding, “It's totally unnecessary.' " . . .
Stock Markets Rally During President Trump’s Press Conference
Was the market shown dropping as the Democrats responded to Trump's actions?
The ever-insidious Democrats inserted language to facilitate abortions, highly opposed by conservatives. Now if Republicans fight the bill as presented they will be demagogued by the likes of Pelosi and her minions. Especially, anyone, you saw wearing white at the SOTU . TD

*How the Liberal Media Earned Their 'Enemy of the People' Title Today at Trump's Wuhan Virus Presser
. . . "The media threw a tantrum because the markets rebounded upon news that the Trump administration declared a national emergency concerning the Wuhan Virus and outlined an agenda to handle the crisis. Even then, some clowns complained. Like this Jim Roberts guy from The New York Times, who had to quietly delete a tweet that noted the stock market going down as Trump spoke. When the Dow Jones ends 1,900+ points up, you’re going to get a face full of buckshot. Ace of Spades noticed, but also this point he made about Trump established a protocol for future drive-thru tests."
“Serious question about drive-thru testing: What happens if you don’t have a car?” he tweeted. Apparently, no serious enough because he also deleted that one. He then pivoted toward bashing Trump for causing the market to have a good day: . . .
China Loves Their Useful American Idiots   . . . "And yet, Democrats and their allies in the media aren't focused on holding China accountable for any of this behavior. Instead, they're policing language, calling people racists or xenophobic and giving the regime a free pass.
" 'Just astoundingly gross to call it the Wuhan Virus," MSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeted.
" 'FYI: Calling #COVID19 the 'Wuhan Virus' is racist," Hayes' MSNBC colleague David Gura declared.
"This, of course, is complete and utter nonsense. Until it wasn't a convenient talking point to be used against President Trump, the very media accusing Americans of racism for daring to correctly and factually identify where the virus came from used the language themselves." . . .