Saturday, March 14, 2020

Biden ad fact-checked: Campaign gets ‘four Pinocchios’ over video ‘trickery’

"An online campaign ad from former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign earned four Pinocchios in a Washington Post fact-check, which said the ad engaged in "video trickery"
 to omit parts of quotes and leave out context in an effort to make President Trump look bad.

The fact-check from the paper on the Biden ad, which was posted to Twitter, also renewed criticism of Twitter for what the Trump campaign says is politically targeted enforcement of its policies by the social media giant. It sent a scathing letter to Twitter earlier this week after the company labeled one of its videos "manipulated media."

The slickly edited video, which Biden tweeted on Super Tuesday, contrasts Biden's message of "hope over fear" against a litany of claims and comments Trump has made over the years. The Post took issue with the Biden campaign's presentation of two of those moments in particular -- a Trump quote on the coronavirus and one on the American dream.
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Washington Post fact-checker: Biden ad hitting Trump uses 'video manipulation'
"The Washington Post's fact-checker column awarded four Pinocchios to former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday for a campaign ad that creates "a false narrative that does not reflect the event as it occurred."
 "The column said the video manipulation distorts President Trump's remarks about the coronavirus.
 "The campaign ad says Trump referred to the coronavirus as "a hoax" at a campaign rally in South Carolina last month, but Washington Post fact-checker Meg Kelly called the editing of the president's remarks a "blatant" misrepresentation. " . . .

Biden ad manipulates video to slam Trump

Bill Maher calls Biden "a little cuckoo".

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