Saturday, March 14, 2020

Flop Sweat: Democrats try to assure Bernie voters that Biden's practically the same

Monica Showalter  "Bernie-ites are furious at how this whole election has been going. They were determined to see that this election, unlike the last one, in 2016,  not be rigged.
The sentiment intensified when they practically had the nomination in their hands, post-Iowa and post-New Hampshire just a couple weeks ago. Their victory dance was at hand. They almost had it. Then two days before Super Tuesday, all of a sudden, most Democratic rival candidates dropped out, nearly all at once, the better to consolidate behind jurassic old Joe Biden, who doesn't even know which state he's in. It had the look of rigging again, and this time in a different way. Democrats know seven ways to Sunday how to rig elections.
"So now, via Weaselzippers, we are seeing things like this: . . ."

Bernie you, not Joe will always be loved in Portland. 

Hat tip to Zach Austin

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