Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Warning to the Biden-Pelosi-AOC Woke: What Boebert’s and MTG’s Disruptive Behavior at SOTU Portends


Rule by incivility, live to regret it.

The American Spectator   . . ".If Obama had not behaved in manners aimed at humiliating opponents like John McCain, and if Democrats had treated Trump civilly, and if Nancy Pelosi had been proper with Boebert and MTG, they would not have broken protocol at SOTU. Unfortunately, Pelosi has denied MTG committee assignments, banned Republican selections for her January 6 hatchet commission, and regularly flouts civility. Therefore, expect Kevin McCarthy to oust Ilhan Omar from her perch on the House Foreign Affairs Committee when payday comes. As for Rashida Tlaib on Finance and on House Oversight and Reform, we shall see.

"Thus the warning to the Congressional Woke: Nothing goes unnoticed. You can destroy curricula in inner-city public schools, where Black kids tragically will pay years later for curricula and text books based on critical race studies, 1619 history, woke math, and no cursive writing or graded exams. But laws of physics — like Newton’s three laws of motion, his law of universal gravitation, and the laws of thermodynamics — assure that, for every Squad or other Woke outrage, there will be an equal and opposite reaction that will come back to bite. If not for Obama, there would not have been Trump. If not for AOC, there would not be MTG. And if not for Biden and Pelosi, we would not soon see a GOP House and, two years thence, a coherent President.". . .

Trump Warned Germany About Russian Energy and They Laughed About It

Katie Pavlich   "As Europe grapples with skyrocketing energy costs as a result of appeasing radical climate activists and outsourcing energy production to hostile regimes, steps on how countries like Germany got here are being retraced. 

"During a speech to the United Nations in 2018, President Donald Trump warned Germany against becoming dependent on Russian oil and gas. They laughed it off. "

"Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation. That is why we congratulate European states, such as Poland, for leading the construction of a Baltic pipeline so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs. Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course," Trump said. "Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers." ". . .

Senate Dems fret: How do we keep from getting blamed for high gas prices? WSJ: Come on, man

 Ed Morrissey at HotAir

"Who wants to tell them? Now that Joe Biden has gotten pushed into an embargo on Russian oil imports — with Senate Democrats doing a considerable amount of the shoving — the inevitable problem of consumer shock at gas prices will have to get tackled next. The ban on Russian oil will definitely keep those prices escalating, unless the US can find much more production to replace it.

"And that has Senate Democrats panicking in a midterm cycle that already looked like a disaster:. . ."

Joe Biden gaslights on gas prices, claims ‘it’s simply not true that’ his admin is stifling US energy production — and promptly heads for the hills [videos] – twitchy.com

 Manchin, Tester: Why is Biden asking hostile regimes to solve US energy problems? – HotAir   "The answer may amaze you! Er, no it doesn’t, but the fact that two key Senate Democrats have raised the question publicly might. Joe Manchin and Jon Tester have rebuked the White House this morning for playing footsie with Venezuela and Iran while stiffing the American oil industry:". . .

Never Trumpers: The Real Putin Republicans; The invasion of Ukraine didn’t happen under Trump.

 Additionally, Trump ordered a raid by U.S. Special Operations forces that successfully took out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State group — ISIS.  All of which sent a message to the world — and specifically in the case of the Russians — Putin. The message, yet again: Don’t mess with Trump. Putin didn’t..

 The American Spectator   . . ."The story reported:

"Remember Never Trump?

For four years, an influential clique of think tankers, Republican operatives and talking heads claimed that any conservative who supported Donald Trump was complicit with a uniquely malevolent presidency. But if Trumpian conservatives are responsible for everything the 45th president was faulted for, then Never Trump should likewise own the evils of the new Biden administration.

Never Trumpers spoke of the Trump GOP almost as if it were Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party, a dictator’s discredited political organ, badly in need of a purge.

“President Donald Trump leaves office with a crimson-stained legacy,” thundered Peter Wehner, vice president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “A similar stain attaches to those in the party who supported and sustained him.”

William Kristol, a prominent Twitter user, condemned Trump’s “enablers”: “They share the responsibility. They share the guilt. They ought to share the opprobrium.”

"Fair enough. I am all too happy to have supported the president who unhesitatingly attacked what Newsweek described in 2018 as “forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad” — which included Russians. Newsweek reported this:"

"U.S. Military Killed ‘A Couple Hundred’ Russians In Syria Airstrikes, Pompeo Says As Trump Considers New Attack."

Loudoun County School District Called CPS on Dad for Asking Questions About Bad Teachers

 PJ Media 

 "We were all shocked and horrified when the Daily Wire broke the story about the Loudoun County dad who was dragged out of a school board meeting for trying to speak out about the massive coverup of the rape of his daughter that occurred in the girls’ bathroom by a gender-fluid boy in a skirt. But that’s not the only horror Loudoun County schools have been hiding. Luke Rosiak, the same reporter who broke the rape story is back at it again, and this time he uncovered how a Loudoun County school official called Child Protective Services on a dad for asking questions about county test scores. The New York Post has the story:

To hear Loudoun County, Va., educators tell it, Brian Davison is a violent lunatic, a physical threat, someone who should be in jail.

Davison is a ginger-haired 48-year-old who earned two degrees from MIT, then spent much of his career as a Navy officer. By profession, he is a nerd who specializes in “operations research,” finding ways to make organizations function more efficiently. After he had two kids, he figured he could volunteer his number-crunching skills to help their schools.

He’s not a monster. To teachers, he’s something more threatening: a mathematician.

"That mathemetician discovered that the schools were counting metrics wrong. When he used FOIA to get his hands on the data, the county refused to give it up.". . .

Biden Administration Bans Russian Oil, Tells Hurting Americans to Jump in a Lake


Of course, as expected, the Biden administration is not going to do what’s necessary. Yesterday, Jen Psaki snarkily responded to questions about reauthorizing the Keystone XL pipeline or increasing federal oil and gas leases on lands that are actually profitable to drill on.

. . ."In short, Americans are completely screwed, ruled by a hateful administration that does not care about them. It would be incredibly easy to mobilize America’s energy production, even if it takes some months to make up the gap. Instead, because Biden is so beholden to a Swedish teenager and the greater climate change lobby, he is going to sit idly by while you pay $5 a gallon for gasoline and 50 percent more for home heating and electricity.

"The White House is essentially telling hurting Americans to go jump in a lake. Elections have consequences I suppose, but I think even the most ardent Biden opponents didn’t expect it to be this bad. Far from the “empathizer in chief,” the president has continually shown himself to be a shallow, spiteful old man who spits on the middle-class in the name of far-left ideology.

"In this case, pushing for more domestic energy production would not only increase our national security (and that of our allies in Europe), but it would help struggling families who can’t afford to see their energy bills double. Something has to give, and perhaps it’s going to take a red wave in November to stop this insanity."

Biden and Democrats' 'Let Them Eat Cake' Moment in Face of Exploding Gas Prices – PJ Media  

 Biden has two strikes against him: one is his burden of mental frailties and the other is that he is a Democrat.TD

They told me gasoline prices would go up if Biden won..


Cartoons - American Thinker

Silvio Canto, Jr.

. . ."The younger Trump tweeted this back in October 2020:"

If Biden gets in, not only will he destroy the Oil & Gas industry (and millions of American jobs and lives), we can all say goodbye to these unbelievably good gas prices. . . .

. . ."The Biden administration is desperately trying to connect gas prices with the war in Ukraine. 

"It's sort of like saying "Putin did that" or a reference to all those funny cartoons and stickers saying "Biden did that."

"Ukraine may be a factor.  But a bigger reason is the Biden policy to curtail domestic production and irrationally following the "green energy" crowd's agenda.

"The Biden administration decided to please "the greenies" in January 2021.  It led to a couple of results: higher gasoline prices here and letting Putin use oil as a weapon.

"Here is the good news: you can vote and stop this madness in November.

"Here is the bad news: get ready for more expensive gasoline and food prices."

With Democrats in power, we wake up every day wondering what our government will do to us next. TD

U.S. gas prices surge to all-time high as oil costs soar - CBS News

The woke military won't work - American Thinker


AF Branco - 

Eric Utter "Some British soldiers are demanding that their nation's armed forces introduce vegan uniforms that comport with their beliefs and practices.  According to online reports, a newly formed group in the British Army called "The Ministry of Defence Vegan and Vegetarian Network" has launched a campaign to empower vegans and vegetarians in the armed forces.

"One of the policies proposed by the vegan group is for military personnel to have the option to wear vegetarian-approved footwear not made from real leather.  Incredibly, the Royal Air Force has allegedly considered the notion.  This despite the fact that "vegan leather" may well be worse for the environment than real leather due to its lack of biodegradability and its use of plastic polymers.  Moreover, the non-animal-based synthetic materials are less durable than natural ones, such as the genuine leather used in standard military combat equipment.  Furthermore, the vegan alternatives would be significantly more costly than current materiel — and simply unfeasible in some instances.  

"The move to make the military openly inclusive to every woke group, no matter how small, is part of a broader effort by proponents of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) to revamp military doctrine to reflect trends they say are "relevant to our soldiers in the 21st century."  Such as doing away with the recognition of sexual dimorphism and gearing up to fight white supremacy, Christianity, patriotism, "toxic masculinity," and climate change?". . .

You do know about the Peter Principle, don't you?


"The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach a level of respective incompetence. In other words, a front-office secretary who is quite good at her job may thus be promoted to executive assistant to the CEO for which she is not trained or prepared for—meaning that she would be more productive for the company (and likely herself) if she had not been promoted.

"The Peter Principle is thus based on the paradoxical idea that competent employees will continue to be promoted, but at some point will be promoted into positions for which they are incompetent, and they will then remain in those positions because of the fact that they do not demonstrate any further competence that would get them recognized for additional promotion.

"According to the Peter Principle, every position in a given hierarchy will eventually be filled by employees who are incompetent to fulfill the job duties of their respective positions." . . .

Way back in 2009 B.O. was well-sized-up. Murphy's Law, the Peter Principle and Barack Obama - American Thinker: 

The Peter Principle has reached its pinnacle in President Barack Obama.

. . ."If one wants a hawks-eye view into the minds of Obama voters, all one need do is read this piece published by the New York Times last week, detailing the fantasies, dreams and drooling-envy delusions of his followers.  Their celebrity is now their President. "The perfect collision of Murphy's Law with the Peter Principle has arrived to explode in our faces.  In the words of Britain's most eloquent commentator, "America, what have you done?"

 The Latest Example of the Peter Principle - Imgflip

Monday, March 7, 2022

Holocaust survivor speaks out against rising hate crimes, says BLM anti-Semitic

There is an overabundance of evil in this nation, being manifested in the forms of many Democrat politicians and celebrities, such as Maxine Waters and her constituents who beat Reginald Denny to the point of death; in our education system that calls right wrong and the repulsive beautiful; in violent young people who walk up to the unsuspecting and shoot them in cold blood; who punch elderly people they pass on sidewalks into a bloody pulp; of evil politicians who attempt to damage reputations of well-meaning national leaders with demagoguery...where to stop?  The Tunnel Dweller

Fox News  "EXCLUSIVE: A survivor of the Holocaust spoke out against a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in America, saying that Jewish people need to come together in solidarity against the hate.

"In 1941, when he was just one and a half years old, Sami Steigmann and his parents were deported by the Romanian government and put into the Mogilev-Podolsky labor camp in an area of Ukraine known as Transnistria.

" 'Being so young, a year and a half, I obviously could not work. And most of the kids did not survive," Steigmann said in an exclusive interview with Fox News. "So if you will ask any survivor ‘how come you are alive today,’ everybody will use only one word, and that is ‘luck.’"

" 'My luck was that I was never separated from my parents," Steigmann continued. "[The Nazis] did medical experiments on me and the side effects, I felt them all my life, every second, and I will feel them for the rest of my life."


Sami Steigmann and his parents were deported in 1941 by the Romanian government and put into a labor camp in Ukraine. (Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center)

"Steigmann, a motivational speaker who has made it his life’s mission to educate people through EMET – an acronym standing for "Educate, Motivate, Empower and Tolerance" that is also the Hebrew word for "truth" – said the nation has a "problem with anti-Semitism" and warned that "the cry ‘Never again’ is happening again.' " . . .

Tlaib ally runs organization accused of promoting anti-Semitism | Fox News   "An ally to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., runs an organization that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says has "provided a platform for anti-Semitism." 

"University of California at Berkeley instructor Hatem Bazian is a Tlaib ally and donor who is also a co-founder and professor at Muslim liberal arts school Zaytuna College. In 2006, Bazian founded a controversial, advocacy organization named American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which has featured Tlaib at events

"Tlaib was the "guest of honor" at AMP's annual convention in December 2019 and months earlier in July delivered a briefing organized by AMP to over 70 people. The Michigan Democrat also addressed AMP's Palestine Advocacy Day delegates in April of 2019.". . . 

Laptop from Hell

 Laptop from Hell | Book by Miranda Devine

Addict, Degenerate and Bagman of a Corrupt Family Enterprise Exposed - American Thinker   "It is hard to find words to describe the debauched and sleazy satyr that is Hunter Biden and how he used his family name and his father’s status as an important American politician to become an extraordinary international grifter involved in multi-million dollar -- sometimes billion dollar -- deals with international entities that included corrupt criminal enterprises such as Burisma Holdings of Ukraine and the government- and military-controlled companies of Russia and China, international enemies of the United States.

"His business activities and lifestyle were revealed on the laptop he left in a Wilmington, Delaware Mac computer repair shop owned by a Mr. Isaac, who took possession after Hunter failed to pick it up after 90 days.  Mr. Isaac had already fixed the water damage and looked at the contents, found discussions about Burisma (the Ukrainian oil and gas company) so he arranged through his father, a retired Air Force Colonel, to turn the laptop over to the FBI in Arizona.". . .

"Laptop from Hell puts on display the personal life of a sociopath -- whoring, partying, blowing gigantic amounts of money on expensive hotels, toys, clothes, cars, homes -- excesses that can only be marveled at along with mistreatment of friends, associates, family, involvement in criminal and immoral nihilistic behavior.  Hunter is a monument to bad parenting -- so he is Exhibit One for the case that Joe and Jill Biden are their own form of sociopath -- sociopathic behavior runs in families for a reason.
 "In history, sociopaths have played important destructive roles because they have no moral compass and no commitment to virtuous conduct.   A republic cannot stand without a virtuous people.

"[V]irtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government." George Washington

"Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics."  John Adams

 Full article here.

See what meth does to your teeth:

The huge lie in Garry Trudeau's Sunday edition of Doonesbury

 Andrea Widburg  "I started reading Doonesbury comics in 1971 or so, as soon as the syndicated cartoon first hit the San Francisco Chronicle.  I read those strips religiously for years.  In many ways, they provided my political education.  That's probably still true for generations of people, no matter their age, who turn to the comics first when they get the paper.  That's why it matters greatly that, in yesterday's Sunday comics, Garry Trudeau told a blatant lie about the newly enacted election laws in Georgia.  He needs to be taken to task, and I've volunteered for the job.". . .

. . ."Biden has already lied about this law.  Last March, he told reporters that Georgia "passed a law saying you can't provide water for people standing in line while they're waiting to vote."  False.  Of course, it's debatable how many people listen to Biden, so maybe the damage from the lie is limited.

"However, lots of people read the comics, and Trudeau has now told exactly the same lie.  Mike Doonesbury's daughter, Alex, is busy trying to charter a bus.  Doonesbury overhears the conversation, including her asking the bus owner, "Why would the bus be fire-bombed?"  When Doonesbury asks what the bus is for, Alex explains.  See if you can spot the lie:

Alex: A bunch of us are going to Atlanta this fall.

Doonesbury: Atlanta? What for?

Alex: To pass out water to voters waiting in line. It's against the law in Georgia. And if we get hauled off to jail like Dr. King, so be it! The whole world will be watching.

"If the State of Georgia were a person, I would tell it to sue Trudeau for such a grossly defamatory lie.". . .