Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Biden Administration Bans Russian Oil, Tells Hurting Americans to Jump in a Lake


Of course, as expected, the Biden administration is not going to do what’s necessary. Yesterday, Jen Psaki snarkily responded to questions about reauthorizing the Keystone XL pipeline or increasing federal oil and gas leases on lands that are actually profitable to drill on.

. . ."In short, Americans are completely screwed, ruled by a hateful administration that does not care about them. It would be incredibly easy to mobilize America’s energy production, even if it takes some months to make up the gap. Instead, because Biden is so beholden to a Swedish teenager and the greater climate change lobby, he is going to sit idly by while you pay $5 a gallon for gasoline and 50 percent more for home heating and electricity.

"The White House is essentially telling hurting Americans to go jump in a lake. Elections have consequences I suppose, but I think even the most ardent Biden opponents didn’t expect it to be this bad. Far from the “empathizer in chief,” the president has continually shown himself to be a shallow, spiteful old man who spits on the middle-class in the name of far-left ideology.

"In this case, pushing for more domestic energy production would not only increase our national security (and that of our allies in Europe), but it would help struggling families who can’t afford to see their energy bills double. Something has to give, and perhaps it’s going to take a red wave in November to stop this insanity."

Biden and Democrats' 'Let Them Eat Cake' Moment in Face of Exploding Gas Prices – PJ Media  

 Biden has two strikes against him: one is his burden of mental frailties and the other is that he is a Democrat.TD

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