Tuesday, March 8, 2022

They told me gasoline prices would go up if Biden won..


Cartoons - American Thinker

Silvio Canto, Jr.

. . ."The younger Trump tweeted this back in October 2020:"

If Biden gets in, not only will he destroy the Oil & Gas industry (and millions of American jobs and lives), we can all say goodbye to these unbelievably good gas prices. . . .

. . ."The Biden administration is desperately trying to connect gas prices with the war in Ukraine. 

"It's sort of like saying "Putin did that" or a reference to all those funny cartoons and stickers saying "Biden did that."

"Ukraine may be a factor.  But a bigger reason is the Biden policy to curtail domestic production and irrationally following the "green energy" crowd's agenda.

"The Biden administration decided to please "the greenies" in January 2021.  It led to a couple of results: higher gasoline prices here and letting Putin use oil as a weapon.

"Here is the good news: you can vote and stop this madness in November.

"Here is the bad news: get ready for more expensive gasoline and food prices."

With Democrats in power, we wake up every day wondering what our government will do to us next. TD

U.S. gas prices surge to all-time high as oil costs soar - CBS News

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