Monday, March 7, 2022

Laptop from Hell

 Laptop from Hell | Book by Miranda Devine

Addict, Degenerate and Bagman of a Corrupt Family Enterprise Exposed - American Thinker   "It is hard to find words to describe the debauched and sleazy satyr that is Hunter Biden and how he used his family name and his father’s status as an important American politician to become an extraordinary international grifter involved in multi-million dollar -- sometimes billion dollar -- deals with international entities that included corrupt criminal enterprises such as Burisma Holdings of Ukraine and the government- and military-controlled companies of Russia and China, international enemies of the United States.

"His business activities and lifestyle were revealed on the laptop he left in a Wilmington, Delaware Mac computer repair shop owned by a Mr. Isaac, who took possession after Hunter failed to pick it up after 90 days.  Mr. Isaac had already fixed the water damage and looked at the contents, found discussions about Burisma (the Ukrainian oil and gas company) so he arranged through his father, a retired Air Force Colonel, to turn the laptop over to the FBI in Arizona.". . .

"Laptop from Hell puts on display the personal life of a sociopath -- whoring, partying, blowing gigantic amounts of money on expensive hotels, toys, clothes, cars, homes -- excesses that can only be marveled at along with mistreatment of friends, associates, family, involvement in criminal and immoral nihilistic behavior.  Hunter is a monument to bad parenting -- so he is Exhibit One for the case that Joe and Jill Biden are their own form of sociopath -- sociopathic behavior runs in families for a reason.
 "In history, sociopaths have played important destructive roles because they have no moral compass and no commitment to virtuous conduct.   A republic cannot stand without a virtuous people.

"[V]irtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government." George Washington

"Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics."  John Adams

 Full article here.

See what meth does to your teeth:

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