Saturday, June 8, 2024

The prophet unhonored; In his novel “The Camp of the Saints,” Jean Raspail predicted the destruction of the West by the East.

 Phyllis Chesler Organization (

But many of us in the Diaspora are traumatized. We are in free fall. How could it come to this? Where can Diaspora Jews run to now? Must we start thinking like this? How can we help Israel to survive such hatred and its many military challenges?

 "Is Joe Biden on Hamas’s payroll? If not, why is his administration withholding promised military equipment to America’s most reliable and stable ally in the Middle East? Does Biden fail to understand what Israel is up against?

"Clearly, his administration is acting as if Iran and its proxy armies, beginning with Hamas, are “good” people, no different from the rest of us. He thinks they are “reasonable” people with whom he can negotiate or even outwit.

"I strongly beg to differ.

"Long ago, I was held captive in Kabul as a young bride. When I managed to get out, I understood in my bones that the West and the East are very different places. Other Americans do not understand this.

"Although I loved many things about the Muslim world—the awe-inspiring mountains, the ancient bazaars, the ceremonial aspects of dining, rose petals in the pudding, the biblical barefoot nomads tinkling as they walked together with their sheep and camels—I saw that the East was very wild. It was rife with unending blood feuds, vigilante (in)justice, illiteracy, poverty, disease, cruelty and above all hatred.

"Hatred of infidels, especially Jews, Christians and Hazaras who are Shiite, not Sunni Muslims. Hatred of women. Hatred of servants. Hatred of daughters-in-law. Hatred of their own political dissidents and free-thinkers. Hatred of Americans. But respect for Nazi Germany and German products.

"One cannot blame any of this on imperialism or colonialism. These customs were all indigenous. It is crucial to understand this.

"Why? Because this is the neighborhood in which Israel lives. The Jewish state has weathered every storm. We are an eternal people and will always survive. But the cost in blood has been high. The IDF is now fighting brilliantly. The Israelis are miraculously resilient." . . .

Israel's neighbors drop by for a visit:

Hunter Biden trial live: Daughter Naomi's texts with father are read out in court

 Hunter Biden trial live: Daughter Naomi's texts with father are read out in court | Daily Mail Online   

Jill Biden watches as granddaughter Naomi Biden is ambushed on witness stand with her own text message to Hunter saying: 'I'm really sorry dad I can't take this'

"Prosecutors rested their case and Noami Biden took the stand to defend her father on another dramatic day in Hunter's federal gun trial.

"Naomi told the court she visited her father in rehab in 2018 and was then ambushed by the defense with a series of text messages she sent her dad.

"Jill Biden watched from the public gallery after flying 4,000 miles from France to be in court.

"Her husband, President Joe Biden, continued to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a speech at Pointe Du Hoc - the clifftop where one of the most daring American missions of the Normandy invasion took place.

"Late on Friday, the judge who oversaw Donald Trump's hush money trial sparked drama when he notified both prosecution and defense attorneys of a Facebook post by a user claiming they had contact with the jury." . . .

Hunter Biden's baby mama Lunden Roberts reveals her heartbreak at Joe's five-year-old granddaughter being 'purposefully' left out of the the White House Christmas tree stockings | Daily Mail Online

"In 2023 - after the acknowledgement of Navy Joan - the stockings were left out of the Christmas decor.  

" 'That's hurtful to see a matriarch of a family who's supposed to bring a family together, purposely exclude someone part of that family and part of that the bloodline,' Roberts said. 'And that's something that someday my daughter will read and my daughter will see.' 

" 'It breaks my heart to know that it will break hers to read and see the things that she's going to see about being excluded,' Roberts continued. 'And she's gonna wonder why and all I can do is be there for her when she's old enough to understand these things.' 

"Roberts revealed that when she talked to Hunter for the first time since being pregnant 'that was somehting that I brought up to him.' 

"Kelly didn't pry for the first son's response.

"She followed up by asking how Roberts planned to explain to exclusion to Navy Joan, who has yet to meet any Biden family members." . . .

Hunter Biden's Stripper Baby Mama Says Joe Biden Has Never Reached Out to His Granddaughter - While Hunter Has Never Even Met Her! (VIDEO)

Over One Million United Methodists Ditch Church Overnight Following Sex Rule Change


She again criticized the UMC Book of Discipline’s description of homosexuality in April 2024 as “incompatible with Christian teaching,” a clause which has now been removed, according to the Christian Post.

"More than one million United Methodists have left the church in response to new rules regarding homosexuality, marking a dramatic overnight exodus.

"The United Methodist Church, a global Protestant denomination based in the US, amended its regulations to permit gay pastors and same-sex marriages during a conference in early May in North Carolina.  

"The move sparked a firestorm online, with various X users calling the exodus a result of “progressive” Christianity.

"Homosexuality has long been a contentious issue within the church, which previously upheld bans on same-sex marriage and the inclusion of homosexual pastors.

"The Christian Post reported that the Ivory Coast division, which boasts an estimated 1.2 million followers, accused international leaders of “deviating from the Holy Scriptures” and “sacrificing its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community.” 

VIDEO: You can burn an American flag, but if you deface the gay flag, the regime will put you in prison... - Revolver News   "In America, you can spit on Vietnam veterans, defecate on the US flag, threaten the lives of US Supreme Court Justices, mock Christianity, and burn entire cities to the ground in the name of a career felon. But if you dare to trample on the rainbow flag, oh, there will be serious hell to pay, mister.

"That’s what three teenagers in Washington are finding out the unjust, immoral, and hard way, as they face felony charges for disrespecting the national homo religion.

"On Wednesday night, just a few hours after Spokane had given its LGBTQ+++ Pride Mural a fresh coat of paint, three teens made their mark—literally. Ruslan Turko, 19, along with two other underage teenagers, left scooter marks on it. For this most heinous crime against humanity, they were arrested and charged with 1st degree “malicious mischief,” a felony that could land them up to 10 years in jail. And if that’s not punishment enough—and of course, it’s not—the prosecutors wanted $15,000 bail for these budding serial killers." . . .

Meanwhile, the left can torch Old Glory—a flag that men and women have literally laid down their lives for—without batting an eye. In fact, for a left-wing Marxist, burning the flag, spitting on it, and even defecating all over it is considered a badge of honor, no matter how deeply those actions hurt veterans and law-abiding Americans who deeply love their country.

On Biden's Child, Hunter:

 WATCH: Journalists Cry for Widdle Baby Hunter Biden, 54-Year-Old 'Child' of Sleepy Joe (    "Journalists keep referring to Hunter Biden, who went on trial this week for lying about his crack addiction to buy a gun, as the "child" of President Joe Biden.

"Fact check: Hunter is a 54-year-old man. He has a 30-year-old daughter, for crying out loud.

"We understand why members of the mainstream media might struggle to accept this reality. They're still trying to convince the American people—despite all evidence to the contrary—that "Sleepy Joe" Biden is a high-energy intellectual powerhouse. Not an 81-year-old geezer whose physical and cognitive abilities are in rapid decline."

A President's Son:  Teddy Roosevelt Jr.: The Officer Who Stormed Normandy with Nothing but a Cane and a Pistol   “We’ll start the war from right here!” Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. purportedly declared as his Higgins landing craft drifted about a mile from its target destination on Utah Beach the morning of the June 6, 1944 invasion of Normandy.

"At the age of 56, Roosevelt, the son of President Theodore Roosevelt, was not only the oldest soldier deployed during Operation Overlord, but the highest-ranking American figure to storm the beaches." . . . 

Roosevelt is buried in the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. His brother Quentin, who was killed in WWI, was moved to rest beside Roosevelt and remains the only WWI soldier buried in that hallowed ground.

 Déjà vu: Hunter Biden recycles Bill Clinton asinine ‘definition’ defense - Jack Hellner   When Bill Clinton got caught perjuring himself, his defense as to why he committed perjury and said that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” was because it depended “on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” And, since he wasn’t getting a BJ in the Oval Office at exactly the same time as he answered the question, he wasn’t really lying.

"For Hunter Biden, since he wasn’t smoking crack while he filled out the ATF 4473 form and checked that “no” box saying he wasn’t an “addict” he was actually telling the truth:

This is the crux of his defense — that he did not ‘knowingly’ lie on the federal background check form; he acted honestly, even if he was mistaken or misunderstood the question of whether or not he is addicted to or doing drugs, because he did achieve periods of sobriety, albeit fleeting and almost always ending in relapse. . . .

 . . ."When the media spread lies about teenage boys who wore MAGA hats and labeled them as racists, it wasn’t to gin up racial division and hate and to destroy their lives, it was just an innocent mistake.

"When the media showed pictures of kids in cages during the Obama-Biden administration, it wasn’t to spread disinformation that Trump was a racist who hated migrant children, it was just an innocent mistake.

"When Hillary set up a private computer server at her house, it wasn’t to violate the law or hide anything criminal, it was just to make things more productive.

"When she used BleachBit on her computer and then took a sledgehammer to it, there was nothing nefarious on there, it was purely for sanitary purposes. 

"The excuses could be endless. Basically, the media and other Democrats are allowed to spread as much misinformation as they like. The only thing that matters to them is electing Democrats." . . .

Know Your Place In Society: Check Out This Pride Month Hierarchy

 Grayson Bakich – PJ Media   "For a movement that supposedly advocates for equality, this sure looks like the exact opposite to me.

Some user on X posted some sort of "pride month hierarchy" that just flat out makes stuff up the further down you read it, and says of it that "if you are higher above someone on this chart, you are not allowed to attack/criticize someone more oppressed than you, period."

"Let's take a moment to examine it, and then roast it like a pollo a la brasa (sorry, I'm back in Peru visiting the wife as I write this):
Pride month hierarchy!

"So at the very tip-top of this long, long list, you have the left-wing boogeyman: a straight (shortened to "het" as in "heterosexual") white guy who doesn't think he's a woman. Beneath him are white women, then black men, then black women. All straight, all not pretending to be confused about which sex they are.

"Then you have the normal, "cis" bisexuals. Good so far, at least in the sense that it is logically consistent.

"But then logic is merrily tossed out the window when "gay" and "lesbian" are divided into two categories for some incomprehensible reason. Aren't lesbians just gay women? What is a "cis gay white/black woman" or "cis lesbian white/black man" but an overly complicated way of saying "straight white/black man/woman"?

"And yes, it does get worse as we go along." . . .

George Clooney seems to think he has a 'say' in U.S. foreign policy; an attaboy for Joe

  Monica Showalter- American Thinker

The actor was also upset about the administration’s initial openness to imposing sanctions on the ICC because his wife might be subject to the penalties, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation.

"The Biden administration's foreign policy has long been a bus without brakes, a rudderless shambles of wokery and special interest groups, but who knew how bad it would get that actor George Clooney would step in and tell the administration how the U.S. should run its foreign policy, based on what his wife wants." . . .

. . .One of the characters involved in writing this Ruritanian order was Amal Clooney, who is George Clooney's high-livin' wife.

Biden himself, or whoever writes his material for him, rightly called the request for warrants against Israel's prime minister "outrageous" and added that "there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas.  We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security."

We may not like Biden, but that was the right kind of response to the effrontery of this ICC globalist overreach.

They're feeling mighty full of themselves over there at ICC, obviously spotting Biden's weakness as a cue to stepin, so it was easy for them to go after one of America's allies as a war criminal, which would also make us war criminals for supporting him.

It was as if they were out to please the campus protestors, so they launched their charges at both Hamas's terrorists and Netanyahu, imagining that they had juridiction over what happened in Israel, which they don't, because Israel is not a signatory to their court domain. But that didn't stop them from dreaming of putting Netanyahu in the dock like Slobo. Wouldn't that make these ICC eurotrashers important?

"Clooney's protests are obviously targeted at the U.S. reaction to this bad ICC move. Worse still, he used political pull to get his word in edgewise with Biden. He's hosting a fundraiser for Biden next week in Los Angeles, the papers noted. Hosting fundraisers apparently gives him the right to change U.S. foreign policy from what is good for America to what is good for him and his wife.

Five Times Joe Biden Has Insulted American Voters

  Ward Clark – RedState  

Joe Biden isn't funny. Whether it's "dog-faced pony soldier" or accusing voters of being liars — which, coming from Joe Biden, is some Olympic-level irony — he's not funny. He comes across as a petty, angry man, not that this is unusual among politicians, but he seems to be determined to take pettiness and unfounded anger to a new level.

 "One of the signs of advancing dementia is sudden, unfounded anger or agitation. Another is inappropriate behavior and paranoia.

"I'm talking about anyone who has dementia, not just Joe Biden, although it certainly applies to him. So it's interesting to see this compilation of the five most egregious insults Joe Biden has hurled at American voters.

The late and legendary insult comedian Don Rickles never ran for president, but in Joe Biden we could have a pretty close approximation of what it might have looked like. 

It started four years ago, with calling voters "dog faced pony soldiers," or "fat," or telling them he knew why their wife left them, and the insults haven’t slowed down one bit.

Let's take a look at the top five ways the president is insulting us every day.

"My first question to Fox News is this: How could you possibly pick five out of the long list of stupid things this president has said?

"Anyway, let's take a look at the list.

1. Hey, Stupid, It’s Not the Economy

 More here...

Joe Biden Ruined Normandy Trip For Thousands Of Young Americans For A Cynical Photo Op – PJ Media   . . ."The trip to Normandy became a multi-day function for the Biden administration after the awkward mess of yesterday’s D-Day honoring ceremony, as Matt Margolis reported here on P.J. Media. At the last minute, Biden reportedly changed his plans to visit the American cemetery in Brittany for a photo opportunity, which wouldn’t ordinarily cause much of a stir. In this instance, he displaced thousands of young Americans who were supposed to play at a parade scheduled long before Biden’s visit. The event was canceled to accommodate President Biden." . . .

Connecticut City Rejects Flying ‘Thin Blue Line’ Flag to Honor Fallen Trooper; Flies Pride Flag at Half Staff Instead

  American Greatness (  

"Council members in Wethersfield, Connecticut voted against flying a “Thin Blue Line” police flag in honor of Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier, who was killed last week in a hit and run, opting instead to hoist a gay pride flag at half staff.

"Pelletier was conducting a routine traffic stop in Southington, Connecticut last Thursday, when he was hit outside of his cruiser by Alex Oyola-Sanchez, a Puerto Rican native who had already been convicted of third-degree murder, attempted homicide and other felonies.

SAY HIS NAME: Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier.
"Oyola-Sanchez faces multiple charges, including “second-degree manslaughter, operating under the influence of alcohol/drugs and failure to move over.”

"Pelletier, who leaves behind a wife and two young boys, was laid to rest on Wednesday.

"During a meeting Monday night, a Wethersfield councilman requested that the Thin Blue Line police flag be raised during his funeral services.

" 'I think it’s the least we can do,” said Rich Bailey, Wethersfield councilman.

"But the town council shot it down in a vote of 5 to 3.

"Wethersfield’s Eyewitness News asked councilman Miki Duric why the police flag was voted down.

"Duric claimed he voted no because it would’ve violated the town’s flag policy, which stipulates that all flag requests must be made at least 30 days in advance." . . .

"Wethersfield’s town council — which flipped from Republican to Democratic in 2023 after four years under GOP control — voted 5-3 along party lines Monday against temporarily hoisting the pro-cop flag in front of Town Hall.

Hostages freed in Gaza: the emotional reunion of Noa Argamani and her father


Young Noa at her father's side on Saturday, June 8, in a vehicle on her way
 to a hospital in the suburbs of Tel Aviv, Israel. 

Israeli hostages, alive, during a "difficult" military operation in Nusseirat, in the central Gaza Strip. Among these Hamas captives, young Noa was finally able to find her father.

"A huge relief. The Israeli army announced on Saturday (June 8th) that it had freed four Israeli hostages, alive, during a military operation in the central Gaza Strip.

"During "a difficult special daytime operation in Nusseirat, four Israeli hostages were freed," the army said in a statement, all of whom were "kidnapped" by Hamas on October 7 at the site of the electro music festival Nova.

"Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, Shlomi Ziv, 40, and Noa Argamani, 25, were released. The latter was spotted in a video finding her father, both in a two-way vehicle on their way to the Tel Hashomer hospital in the Tel Aviv suburbs, according to the Times of Israel newspaper." . . . Full article...

It’s time for Biden to leave

 Don Surber - American Free News Network   "His incompetence, impotence and now incontinence are just too much.

Where is Dandy Don Meredith when we need him? Someone should be singing, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over,” because Joe Biden’s presidency must end. His appearance at the D-Day commemoration at Normandy was certainly the final proof that he cannot continue no matter how hard his staff tries to hold him up.

"The American press gave Biden a pass, but the Brits were under no pressure from a vengeful deep state to toe any line.

"The Mirror reported, “Joe Biden sparks concern as onlookers fear he ‘pooped his pants’ after he ‘can’t figure out’ how to sit down.

" 'The President made a few noticeable gaffes while meeting with the French leader for a D-Day event on Thursday morning.”

The Express reported, “Joe Biden pulled away from D-Day event by wife Jill as viewers ask: ‘What’s going on?’”

"Taking him away to the limo because he could not make it through the ceremony was reminiscent of the time Hillary showed up so hung over that she could not make it through the commemoration of 9/11 in 2016.

Bonchie tweeted, “100-year-old D-Day veterans were able to finish the ceremony in Normandy and stick around to shake hands. Joe Biden had to be rushed away by his wife.

“Never has one stiff-legged shuffle off stage said so much.”

"The media was quick to deny that people saw what they saw." . . .

Friday, June 7, 2024

Douglas Murray: Take off the masks, you anti-Israel cowards!

 Anti-Israel aren't really scared of COVID — they're hiding shame of their prejudice (Douglas Murray:

I consider the attraction of anti-Israelism for many as being nothing deeper than the fashion statement of the really neat scarf. What does Greta Thunberg know about anything but how great she looks in that sheet and the chants? TD

. . . "Well I would like to suggest a reason. And it has nothing to do with CDC data, vaccination rates, COVID or anything similar.

"The reason is that they are bullies. And like all bullies they are at the same time terrible cowards.

"Despite pretending that they are world-beating revolutionaries the protestors who now push people in this city around are trying to keep their identities hidden.

"Perhaps it is because they are professional agitators — drafted in by a range of left-wing “grass-roots” organizations to cause trouble. That is certainly what many people — including the police — believe.

"Perhaps these people want to cover their faces because the media in this country might just notice that the same professional revolutionaries tend to turn up wherever there is trouble, almost as if they are paid to do so.

"Presumably they want to keep their identities hidden as much as possible.

"But what about the students at Columbia and elsewhere who want to sit in their tents and “bravely” protest about something they don’t know anything about?

"Maybe, just maybe, they too are not actually afraid of COVID. What they are afraid of are the opinions they are espousing.

"Because they know, at some level, that bullying other students and shrieking about things they don’t know is not a good look. They want to intimidate people, but they never want to be intimidated themselves.

"So I have a suggestion. At all future protests in New York State let’s have a masks off policy.

"The KKK was the last organization in America that was so proud of their beliefs that their members covered their faces during protests.

"Now “Students for Jihad” are doing the same job. For strangely similar reasons.

So let’s demand they take the hoods off too.

"Sorry — I meant masks." . . .

D-Day Omaha Beach - The First Wave

"Among the 200 young men of Company A, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Division, were 30 young men from the small Virginia town of Bedford.

"They are known as the "Bedford Boys" and by that afternoon 19 of them would be dead. "This is the story of what they faced.. We must never forget their sacrifice."

"Shortly after 6:30am on 6th June 1944 along this stretch of sand, men of the US 1st Infantry Division emerged from their landing craft into a hail of gunfire which in just minutes had killed or wounded hundreds. "In this video, we’ll blend the latest technology, actual footage from that day and the testimony of those who were there, to follow in the footsteps of the men of one landing craft, on that one day, who were amongst the very first to unlock Omaha Beach. "

This is one of the best videos I've seen that describes the events on Omaha Beach. I visited Normandy and Omaha Beach several months ago and even though I have studied the Normandy invasion for years, I was surprised to see the high bluffs behind the beach that this video so well describes. I also visited the cemetery and witnessed the end of day retreat. Very moving ceremony. Those guys truly were the greatest generation!