Friday, June 7, 2024

Douglas Murray: Take off the masks, you anti-Israel cowards!

 Anti-Israel aren't really scared of COVID — they're hiding shame of their prejudice (Douglas Murray:

I consider the attraction of anti-Israelism for many as being nothing deeper than the fashion statement of the really neat scarf. What does Greta Thunberg know about anything but how great she looks in that sheet and the chants? TD

. . . "Well I would like to suggest a reason. And it has nothing to do with CDC data, vaccination rates, COVID or anything similar.

"The reason is that they are bullies. And like all bullies they are at the same time terrible cowards.

"Despite pretending that they are world-beating revolutionaries the protestors who now push people in this city around are trying to keep their identities hidden.

"Perhaps it is because they are professional agitators — drafted in by a range of left-wing “grass-roots” organizations to cause trouble. That is certainly what many people — including the police — believe.

"Perhaps these people want to cover their faces because the media in this country might just notice that the same professional revolutionaries tend to turn up wherever there is trouble, almost as if they are paid to do so.

"Presumably they want to keep their identities hidden as much as possible.

"But what about the students at Columbia and elsewhere who want to sit in their tents and “bravely” protest about something they don’t know anything about?

"Maybe, just maybe, they too are not actually afraid of COVID. What they are afraid of are the opinions they are espousing.

"Because they know, at some level, that bullying other students and shrieking about things they don’t know is not a good look. They want to intimidate people, but they never want to be intimidated themselves.

"So I have a suggestion. At all future protests in New York State let’s have a masks off policy.

"The KKK was the last organization in America that was so proud of their beliefs that their members covered their faces during protests.

"Now “Students for Jihad” are doing the same job. For strangely similar reasons.

So let’s demand they take the hoods off too.

"Sorry — I meant masks." . . .

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