Friday, June 7, 2024

D-Day Omaha Beach - The First Wave

"Among the 200 young men of Company A, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Division, were 30 young men from the small Virginia town of Bedford.

"They are known as the "Bedford Boys" and by that afternoon 19 of them would be dead. "This is the story of what they faced.. We must never forget their sacrifice."

"Shortly after 6:30am on 6th June 1944 along this stretch of sand, men of the US 1st Infantry Division emerged from their landing craft into a hail of gunfire which in just minutes had killed or wounded hundreds. "In this video, we’ll blend the latest technology, actual footage from that day and the testimony of those who were there, to follow in the footsteps of the men of one landing craft, on that one day, who were amongst the very first to unlock Omaha Beach. "

This is one of the best videos I've seen that describes the events on Omaha Beach. I visited Normandy and Omaha Beach several months ago and even though I have studied the Normandy invasion for years, I was surprised to see the high bluffs behind the beach that this video so well describes. I also visited the cemetery and witnessed the end of day retreat. Very moving ceremony. Those guys truly were the greatest generation!

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