Saturday, June 8, 2024

Five Times Joe Biden Has Insulted American Voters

  Ward Clark – RedState  

Joe Biden isn't funny. Whether it's "dog-faced pony soldier" or accusing voters of being liars — which, coming from Joe Biden, is some Olympic-level irony — he's not funny. He comes across as a petty, angry man, not that this is unusual among politicians, but he seems to be determined to take pettiness and unfounded anger to a new level.

 "One of the signs of advancing dementia is sudden, unfounded anger or agitation. Another is inappropriate behavior and paranoia.

"I'm talking about anyone who has dementia, not just Joe Biden, although it certainly applies to him. So it's interesting to see this compilation of the five most egregious insults Joe Biden has hurled at American voters.

The late and legendary insult comedian Don Rickles never ran for president, but in Joe Biden we could have a pretty close approximation of what it might have looked like. 

It started four years ago, with calling voters "dog faced pony soldiers," or "fat," or telling them he knew why their wife left them, and the insults haven’t slowed down one bit.

Let's take a look at the top five ways the president is insulting us every day.

"My first question to Fox News is this: How could you possibly pick five out of the long list of stupid things this president has said?

"Anyway, let's take a look at the list.

1. Hey, Stupid, It’s Not the Economy

 More here...

Joe Biden Ruined Normandy Trip For Thousands Of Young Americans For A Cynical Photo Op – PJ Media   . . ."The trip to Normandy became a multi-day function for the Biden administration after the awkward mess of yesterday’s D-Day honoring ceremony, as Matt Margolis reported here on P.J. Media. At the last minute, Biden reportedly changed his plans to visit the American cemetery in Brittany for a photo opportunity, which wouldn’t ordinarily cause much of a stir. In this instance, he displaced thousands of young Americans who were supposed to play at a parade scheduled long before Biden’s visit. The event was canceled to accommodate President Biden." . . .

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