Saturday, June 8, 2024

It’s time for Biden to leave

 Don Surber - American Free News Network   "His incompetence, impotence and now incontinence are just too much.

Where is Dandy Don Meredith when we need him? Someone should be singing, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over,” because Joe Biden’s presidency must end. His appearance at the D-Day commemoration at Normandy was certainly the final proof that he cannot continue no matter how hard his staff tries to hold him up.

"The American press gave Biden a pass, but the Brits were under no pressure from a vengeful deep state to toe any line.

"The Mirror reported, “Joe Biden sparks concern as onlookers fear he ‘pooped his pants’ after he ‘can’t figure out’ how to sit down.

" 'The President made a few noticeable gaffes while meeting with the French leader for a D-Day event on Thursday morning.”

The Express reported, “Joe Biden pulled away from D-Day event by wife Jill as viewers ask: ‘What’s going on?’”

"Taking him away to the limo because he could not make it through the ceremony was reminiscent of the time Hillary showed up so hung over that she could not make it through the commemoration of 9/11 in 2016.

Bonchie tweeted, “100-year-old D-Day veterans were able to finish the ceremony in Normandy and stick around to shake hands. Joe Biden had to be rushed away by his wife.

“Never has one stiff-legged shuffle off stage said so much.”

"The media was quick to deny that people saw what they saw." . . .

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