Saturday, June 8, 2024

George Clooney seems to think he has a 'say' in U.S. foreign policy; an attaboy for Joe

  Monica Showalter- American Thinker

The actor was also upset about the administration’s initial openness to imposing sanctions on the ICC because his wife might be subject to the penalties, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation.

"The Biden administration's foreign policy has long been a bus without brakes, a rudderless shambles of wokery and special interest groups, but who knew how bad it would get that actor George Clooney would step in and tell the administration how the U.S. should run its foreign policy, based on what his wife wants." . . .

. . .One of the characters involved in writing this Ruritanian order was Amal Clooney, who is George Clooney's high-livin' wife.

Biden himself, or whoever writes his material for him, rightly called the request for warrants against Israel's prime minister "outrageous" and added that "there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas.  We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security."

We may not like Biden, but that was the right kind of response to the effrontery of this ICC globalist overreach.

They're feeling mighty full of themselves over there at ICC, obviously spotting Biden's weakness as a cue to stepin, so it was easy for them to go after one of America's allies as a war criminal, which would also make us war criminals for supporting him.

It was as if they were out to please the campus protestors, so they launched their charges at both Hamas's terrorists and Netanyahu, imagining that they had juridiction over what happened in Israel, which they don't, because Israel is not a signatory to their court domain. But that didn't stop them from dreaming of putting Netanyahu in the dock like Slobo. Wouldn't that make these ICC eurotrashers important?

"Clooney's protests are obviously targeted at the U.S. reaction to this bad ICC move. Worse still, he used political pull to get his word in edgewise with Biden. He's hosting a fundraiser for Biden next week in Los Angeles, the papers noted. Hosting fundraisers apparently gives him the right to change U.S. foreign policy from what is good for America to what is good for him and his wife.

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