“Most contemporary politicians have crafted a world for us all to live in where, by design, there is little true respect for, or knowledge of, the past.”
I have never been able to take the political opinions of movie stars terribly seriously. Whilst still a young English teacher, I once taught a future famous Hollywood actress, whom I shall not embarrass by naming here. During a class discussion about politics one day, this girl, then aged 17, solemnly informed me how she would “never vote for the Conservatory Party, because the Conservatory Party are only for rich people, as only rich people have conservatories, don’t they?” (For U.S. readers: A conservatory is British English for what you call a “solarium” or “orangery.”)
"The premise wasn’t even correct on its own terms: My current two next-door neighbors on either side each have conservatories, and one is a window cleaner whilst the other works in a warehouse. Presumably, now that she’s a multimillionaire adult, my former student today habitually votes for the Conservatory Party on a regular basis herself? People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
"Clooney Tunes
"I thought of this perfectly pleasant yet politically ill-informed girl recently when I read her fellow Hollywood star George Clooney’s laughable open letter in The New York Times begging yet another well-known star of stage and prostate screening, Joe Biden, to stand down before it was too late on account of his clear senile dementia, as demonstrated in last month’s embarrassing TV debate with Donald Trump during which he is alleged to have literally shat himself. At last, a leader who always follows through! (Although, in today’s less-than-bipartisan spirit, opponents claim it was actually Trump who dumped.)" . . .
. . ."Maybe Clooney himself also has dementia? After all, he appeared to be suffering from false memories in his article himself, which he concluded thus: “Joe Biden is a hero; he saved democracy in 2020. We need him to do it again in 2024 [by immediately visiting Dignitas].”
"Sorry, George, but I don’t remember Biden “saving democracy” by winning the White House back in 2020. I just remember an obviously incapable Brezhnev-style gerontocrat scarecrow in a suit being installed in office following a gigantic nationwide media and Big Tech cover-up of his patent late-stage coffin-dodgery and his son’s equally dodgy laptop. But then, perhaps Clooney, as a fully paid-up member of the Democratic media-industrial complex, would just prefer to wipe the slate clean of all that."
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