Thursday, August 8, 2024

As the World Teeters on the Brink of WWIII and Economic Collapse Biden / Harris Declare War on…Plastic Cutlery


"In a world teetering on the brink of economic collapse and potential global conflict, the Biden administration has decided to wage war on… plastic forks. Yes, you read that correctly.

"As nations stockpile weapons and financial markets tremble, the White House is laser-focused on phasing out single-use plastics across federal departments.

"President Biden, apparently oblivious to the looming specter of World War III, has declared this crusade against disposable cutlery an “all-hands-on-deck response” to the “climate crisis.”

"One can’t help but wonder if those hands might be better employed addressing more pressing matters, like averting economic catastrophe or preventing nuclear armageddon.

“ 'The President is committed to taking ambitious actions… to end plastic pollution and is calling upon the global community to do the same,” the White House proudly proclaimed.

"Because clearly, what the global community needs right now is a united front against straws and sandwich bags.

"This grand plan aims to eliminate single-use plastics from federal food service operations, events, and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035. It’s comforting to know that as the world potentially crumbles around us, at least government employees will be sipping their coffee from eco-friendly mugs." . . .

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