I admire Elon Musk and wish him success, but not the Democrat-mandated kind. TD
"You’ve plugged your electric vehicle into your home charger and hit the sack. Overnight, high winds topple a power line. Your charger blacks out. Then, a report of a fire, followed by an evacuation order. Your battery’s only charged to 25%. And it’s your only car. . . .
"He'll save the inedible bait fish, the weed that no one's ever heard of, elevate meritless executives, and kill the gas car. Those are the highest environmental aspirations of Gavin Newsom, the alleged visionary governor of California, whose distorted priorities have combined to create the conditions for LA Inferno 2025. As the smoke begins to clear, the cruel environy is dawning.
"Even now, the homeless LA gliteratti, who soon may be allowed to sift through the ashes of their homes in hopes of finding the gold coins that looters haven't dug up yet, wonder how they could have been so gullible. They bought Newsom's climate change diktats hook, line, and gas can, and now their electric car doesn't work. Their beloved Tesla and their neighbor's Nissan Leaf are charred carbon hulks considered by the environment police to be portable toxic waste dumps. I'm sorry, sir, and you can't move it until we've studied the environmental externalities of your charred car. Grab a number.
"And no mocking these poor folks, America, because this Caltastrophe may have bought more time for the rest of the country to shout down the climate cultists in state houses across the country. California's proof of concept showed that climate nirvana doesn't protect the environment for humans.
"Indeed, though less important, it's now dawning on Angelenos, more than a week after the fires started, that they're witnessing the incineration of all the "greenhouse emissions reductions" promised in Newsom's 2035 gas car ban.
"More pointedly, if you have no power for a week, as thousands of Los Angeles residents who live near the evacuated fire areas have experienced, you can't charge your car battery. What happens if the fire spreads and you can't get out?
"When their lives depended on it, the diktats and mandates didn't help, but gas cars sure did.
"The LA Times reported — and I'm sure it killed them to do it — that EV drivers are having a tough time of it." . . .
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