Thursday, August 8, 2024

Joseph Schleifstein - An Incredible Story of Young prisoner who Made the NAZIS Pay for his Suffering

The_Holocaust #ww2 #worldwar2videos #worldhistory   "Joseph Schleifstein, the son of Jewish parents, was born on the 7 March 1941 in the Jewish ghetto in Sandomierz, which was located in the German-occupied Poland. Schleifstein and his parents – father Izrael and mother Esther - lived in the Sandomierz through its existence as a ghetto, from June 1942 through January 1943. After the liquidation of the ghetto the family was moved to the Czestochowa ghetto, where Joseph’s parents were presumably put to work in one of the HASAG factory camps.

"During the Second World War, HASAG became a Nazi arms-manufacturing conglomerate with dozens of factories across German-occupied Europe using slave labour on a massive scale."

Visualize with me, if you will, as you see the lines of weeping German neighbors of the death camps after being forced to see for themselves what their nation had inflicted on the human race. At a very minimum they were overcome with guilt and remorse, unlike the murderers from Gaza who burned Jews alive, or made parents watch their children being killed in front of them.
As British Journalist Douglas Murray lamented; many Nazis were driven to drink, but Muslims committed these murders "with glee".

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