Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Emails Show DNC Shamelessly Cheering Loss Of Jobs In North Carolina

. . . "In response to North Carolina Democratic Party Comms Director Dave Miranda forwarding an email to the DNC regarding reports that the state had lost jobs and millions in revenue as a result of the passage of HB2, one DNC official replied, “Awesome.”

"In another email, a DNC official wrote, “This is great – can we forward to our LGBT and National lists” in response to the same news about the revenue and job losses." . . .

Julian Assange Says Hillary Clinton Should Be Worried About Next Wikileaks Release

Heat Street

Julian Assange Hillary Leaks

. . . "Julian Assange, Wikileaks’s founder, insists that they — and their candidate Hillary Clinton — have something very serious to worry about. In an exclusive interview with ITV, Assange insisted that he had more to drop on the Democratic nominee, including, possibly, information related to her private email server. The dump, Assange claims, will contain “enough evidence” to indict the former Secretary of State.
“We have emails relating to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,” he told ITV.
. . . 
"In this case, too, Assange is torn on whether his efforts will be effective. Assange told ITV that he doesn’t trust Attorney General Loretta Lynch will follow up on what he’s about to release. Noting that Lynch may be too tied in with the Clintons, “the FBI can push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment.' ”. . .


"But Hillary invites to her convention the mother of a man whose criminality destroyed a police officer's life, tore the country apart and gave birth to a murderous cop-hating movement. Will a single reporter ask Hillary to disavow that?" 
Are Democrats totally unaware of these murdering thugs who kill their own as well as police? If they are aware of those the DNC has exalted, where is their anger and disgust at this? How can this be acceptable to Americans who like Hillary? TD
"Because of the despicable lies put out by BLM agitators, Wilson had to give up his career, move his family and will be forced to live in fear for the rest of his life. The town of Ferguson was destroyed, businesses burned to the ground, police officers attacked, people injured, the National Guard called in, and massive taxpayer money expended to contain the riots. 
"But at the Democratic Convention, Lezley McSpadden (mother of Mike Brown) was wildly cheered." 
Image result for black lives matter cartoons

Ann Coulter  "Whatever questionable choices were made at the Republican National Convention last week, I didn't hear of a single speaker whose sole accomplishment was raising a delinquent who attacked a cop. 

". . . Lezley McSpadden, mother of Mike Brown, America's most famous cop-assaulting criminal, appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention.

"Welcome to Hillary's convention, celebrating the anti-police group Black Lives Matter!

"The whole raison d'etre of BLM is the belief that cops are wantonly killing "black bodies." But only four of the dead black kids being honored were even killed by cops. Two were murdered by black gang members.

"Of the four deaths that involved the police, all the victims were fighting the cops when they died.

"In this regard, I notice that six of the nine "Mothers of the Movement" have different last names from their snowflakes. The children with the same names as their mothers were the two who were gunned down by black gangs, as well as one schizophrenic, who, unfortunately, had grabbed an officer’s baton and was hitting him with it when he got himself shot.
. . .
"Contrast his death with the deaths of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton and 16-year-old Blair Holt. Hadiya was shot in the back by black gang members, while in a Chicago park with her friends -- who were mistaken for members of a rival gang. Blair was riding a school bus when a black gang member boarded the bus and began shooting.

"The police are trying to get these criminal gangs off the street! And their job would be a lot easier without thugs like Mike Brown violently attacking them." . . .
If Brown's mother had done something noteworthy, apart from raising a hoodlum -- perhaps pioneering a cardiac stent that will save people's lives -- then one could understand her being a "headliner" at the Democrats' convention. But, as I understand it, her sole claim to fame is giving birth to, and then carefully nurturing, a violent, cop-assaulting criminal. 
Donald Trump, along with every other Republican ever to run for president, is required to repeatedly "disavow" David Duke -- someone he's never met, never mentioned, never thought of— and certainly didn’t invite to speak at his convention. 
But Hillary invites to her convention the mother of a man whose criminality destroyed a police officer's life, tore the country apart and gave birth to a murderous cop-hating movement. Will a single reporter ask Hillary to disavow that? 
Sorry if the truth hurts.

Here’s How Hillary Bought Off Bernie… Sanders Fans Will be Horrified

Ben Garrison Cartoons
Conservative Tribune  "For a brief time in May, it appeared that the Democrats would be the ones heading into a contested convention. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was close enough to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that he could have made a real mess of her coronation if he chose to.

"Instead, Sanders gradually bowed down to Clinton, paving the way for her coronation. Many of Sanders’ most diehard supporters were shocked and dismayed by this and wondered why Sanders’ vows to continue his “political revolution” to the convention floor simply died away.

"The answer to that question may surprise many people. Buzzfeed reported that a memo from the Sanders campaign showed just how much to cost to get Sanders to give up his challenge: one airplane.

"That’s right, the leader of the socialist revolution, a self­ proclaimed outsider, an environmental activist who thinks global warming is a greater threat to mankind than Islamic terrorism and a man who everyone said stuck to his principles sold out his millions of devoted disciples for a big plane that pollutes the atmosphere and a couple speaking slots.

"How ironic coming from the man who decried corporate greed for over a year.
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

. . . “Sen. Bernie Sanders will back Hillary Clinton in exchange for speaking opportunities at fall campaign rallies, a fully funded campaign aircraft and a share of the credit for her hoped ­for election, according to a negotiating memo obtained by BuzzFeed News and dated two days before the June 7 California primary,” Breitbart reported.
. . .
"The memo pointed out that Sanders could simply threaten a contested convention to get his way. For someone who claimed to be an outsider, he sure knows how to play the political game well.

"It’s clear that Sanders doesn’t care about anything other than his own political future. The leaked DNC emails showing that they conspired against him should have caused him to rally his supporters, but he has simply brushed them aside and continued to kowtow to Clinton in front of the whole world." . . .

Bernie Sanders sell out political cartoon

Bernie Sanders and the Art of the Sell-Out  "Bernie Sanders made his deal with the Clinton Machine, but can he force his followers to accept it? I am skeptical, but then again, the Democrats have the full support of the media in generating whatever narratives they wish.  All of those naïve kids who believed that the system is rigged and therefore they deserve free stuff are supposed to fall in line and turn out to vote for Hillary.  But they have just confirmed the first part of the proposition that animated their political activities the last few months." . . .

Black Votes Matter UPDATED

Thomas Sowell
Black Votes Matter

. . . "People who expected the election of President Barack Obama to lead to racial healing and a postracial society failed to take account of the political reality that racial healing and a post­racial society would, at a minimum, reduce black voter turnout. 

"Black votes matter to many politicians ­­ more so than black lives. That is why such politicians must try to keep black voters fearful, angry and resentful. 

"Racial harmony would be a political disaster for such politicians. Racial polarization makes both the black population and the white population worse off, but it makes politicians who depend on black votes better off." . . .

Does this next affect your support for the Democrat Party?

Update from Drudge: New 'Reparations' Website Asks Whites to Pay Black People's Rent -- to Relieve Guilt...
New "Reparations" Website Asks Whites to Pay Black People's Rent to Relieve Their Guilt
"A new “reparations” website asks white people to pay black people’s rent and give them money to relieve their white guilt.

"The website, started by Seattle-based “conceptual artist” Natasha Marin, suggests a number of ways in which white people can atone for the fact that 1.4 per cent of white people owned black slaves in the United States over 150 years ago." . . .

“Wasn’t it wrong when Rosa Parks was sent to the back for the color of her skin?” one woman can be heard saying.
"The organizer then handed out signs with the names of black shooting victims to those standing in the front of the crowd." . . .

Hillary media hits full throttle for her

Media Research Center:

In WashPost, Trump Gets Photo Bombed, Hillary Is Love Bombed  "This is the kind of contrast that really makes this paper looks like an office building full of Democrat hacks. Last week the Post turned to J. Peter Scoblic to explain why Trump is too petulant for the nuclear launch codes, which gibes exactly with the DNC talking points:" . . .

Scarborough Hails ‘Excitement’ of DNC Over ‘Sleepwalking’ RNC
"There is plenty of comparison to make between the two conventions and it is simply inaccurate to say all “electricity” was “absent in Cleveland.” The only thing that is “obvious” is that the impact of the DNC is only understood when liberals belittle the RNC in an effort to make their case. " 

Celebrities Are #UnitedAgainstHate By Hating Donald Trump
. . . "Lewd feminist rape hoaxer Lena Dunham, who is also slated to speak at the DNC, was among the first to sign the anti-hate pledge. Ironic, since just a couple of weeks ago she hated on white Americans by blaming them for Alton Sterling’s death." 

Tom Brokaw Lauds 'Remarkable' Barack, 'Exceptional' Obamas

NBC Notes Bill Clinton’s ‘Personal and Political Baggage,’ Skips His Sex Scandals  . . . "One would naturally assume that any discussion of Bill Clinton’s “personal and political baggage” would include his myriad sex scandals, most notably his admitted affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. However, viewers who made such a logical conclusion would have proven wrong by the segment that followed, which completely ignored any of those infamous controversies.

AP Photo/Nick UtHow CNN Muzzled Victims’ Voices at Republican National Convention  . . . "Shaw, who is black, told the tearful audience in Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena “You’d think Obama cared, and black lives mattered … Only Trump called me on the phone one day to see how I was doing … Trump will put America first.”
"But CNN, which lately fought to rebuild its audience by including more conservative perspectives, filtered out those voices, returning to the speeches in time for Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), who gave a good but otherwise unremarkable address ". . .

Who do Democrats fear most, Republicans or ISIS?

Not one DNC speaker has mentioned terrorism yet  . . . “ 'On night one of the Democrat convention, we saw lots of boos, infighting, steamrolled votes and controversy, but amid 61 speakers, we heard not one mention of the greatest terrorist threat facing America today,” said Raj Shah, a spokesman for the Republican national committee.

"The non-partisan Web site PolitiFact confirmed the claim after analyzing transcripts and video archives." . . .

As ISIS Attacks Mount, Dems Target The Real Threats: Refrigerators And The Rich  . . . "Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday -- and we are not making this up -- equated the global war against refrigerants with the war against ISIS." . . .

Did anyone say ISIS?  "The Democrat convention is all about turning Trump into a racist and sexist monster. Unfortunately, the real monster who just killed a priest in France was overlooked

Screen Shot 2016-07-26 at 4.16.58 PM"Some delegates are defending the lack of ISIS saying that there is a theme nightly and terror was not on Monday's agenda . . ."
But remember, Trump is the real enemy, not these people. (Right)

'Hillary's America' — Less Free Speech

Lewis Morris
She's still fighting the Citizens United case as a new movie exposes her.

. . . “ 'Hillary’s America,” which D'Souza co-wrote and co-directed along with Bruce Schooley, shares D'Souza’s research on the true origins of the Democrat Party and the rise of Hillary Clinton. Reviews from much of the mainstream press have been predictably scathing. Can’t have anyone taking the Left’s favorite politician to task, right? Of course, if Hillary had her way, this film probably wouldn’t even exist.
" 'You might recall that the Obama administration wanted to put a stake right through the heart of free political speech in 2009 with the Citizens United case. Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to convince the Supreme Court that the government had the power to suppress speech, ban books, or censor media that mentioned the name of a candidate for office during an election cycle. Can’t have an informed electorate, now can we?
"Ironically enough, the Citizens United case originated over a movie about Hillary Clinton that came out during her 2008 presidential campaign. Because the film was not a flattering portrait, the Left went after it claiming that it was an electioneering tool. The film survived, and the Supreme Court, in a narrow 5-4 ruling, came down on the side of free political speech. But the Left has been going after Citizens United ever since." . . .


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Overnight Open Thread: IRS Launches Investigation Of Clinton Foundation

Overnight Open Thread: IRS Launches Investigation Of Clinton Foundation

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"Some good news to end the night.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen referred congressional charges of corrupt Clinton Foundation “pay-to-play” activities to his tax agency’s exempt operations office for investigation, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.
The request to investigate the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation on charges of “public corruption” was made in a July 15 letter by 64 House Republicans to the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They charged the foundation is “lawless.”

Leftist Protesters In Philly Throw Punches, Harass Reporters, Burn Israeli Flag, Chant For ‘Intifada’

Weasel Zippers

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"Protests outside of the Democratic National Convention turned chaotic and veered into violence Tuesday night in Philadelphia, with at least one fistfight breaking out.
"A Black Lives Matter protest of several hundred people — including police officers, journalists and the protesters themselves — had been marching for more than two hours when, just a few miles outside the arena where the convention is taking place, they joined up with another large group of protesters, including supporters of Bernie Sanders and pro-Palestinian marchers. The expanded group drew onlookers and resulted in a combustible dynamic that triggered at least one fist fight, though it was unclear who threw the punches.
"The scene also featured a string of tense standoffs between protesters and their critics, with law enforcement monitoring carefully and two television reporters from One America News facing harassment from protesters." . . .

Russian rumors, Captain Planet and giant joints at the DNC

Dave Barry

The Closing of the American Mouth
Jonathan Morpurgo blows up his 51-foot joint
"So now the Russians are involved. Yes! According to rumors circulating here - and if we can't trust circulating rumors, what can we trust? - it was the Russians who leaked the Democratic National Committee emails, because they wanted to embarrass Hillary Clinton. The theory is that the Russians are secretly supporting Donald Trump, as evidenced by the following evidence:
 "Ivanka" sounds kind of Russian.
 Vladimir Putin has been wearing a baseball cap that says "Make America Great Again."

"In an effort to end the email controversy, the DNC has ritually banished Debbie Wasserman Schultz to a Motel 6 in southern Delaware, but supporters of Bernie Sanders are still outraged. Granted, Sanders supporters are always outraged, but now they're REALLY outraged, to the point where convention organizers have equipped the podium at the Wells Fargo Center with a Unity Water Cannon." . . .

Racist! Racist I tell you!

Wayne Christian  "The hypocrisy of the Democrat Party never ceases to amaze me!

"This photo taken at the Democrat Convention shows that the party requires photo identification to participate as a delegate at convention. This is the same party that describes Voter ID as an "unnecessary restriction on those seeking to exercise freedom"."
Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano, TX

"I love a good crazy conspiracy theory. Not that I believe them, but I find them interesting, especially if they come from the left side of crazy. The best one I’ve found in a while involves the City of Miami Beach, FL using an air show to drive blacks away. In a world where everything is racist, of course an air show is racist.
"Luther Campbell, who I’m pretty sure is the guy from rap group 2 Live Crew, wrote this for the Miami New Times:

File this under "American Silliness"