comicallyincorrect. |
"Yet, Director Comey recommended against prosecution of the law violations he clearly found on the ground that there was no intent to harm the United States." . . .
comicallyincorrect. |
Image by The Slammer |
RESTRAINING OUR WAY TO UNRESTRAINED GOVERNMENT "My point, though, is that this may be another case of a non-leftist making a strained decision that favors the left out of respect for the democratic process — i.e., a strong reluctance to disturb its outcomes. In other words, the decision seems like the product of restraint."He may have let her off the hook legally, but personally he has left the putative Democratic candidate scarred almost beyond recognition.By getting out in front of the Justice Department, the FBI director, speaking publicly in an admittedly unusual fashion, was able to frame the case in a manner that Attorney General Loretta Lynch in all probability never would have." . . . John Hinderaker
"President building legacy of forcing others to accept LGBT agenda"WND
Is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation slowing? Models suggest it should be – but observation based studies have not found evidence of a slowdown.
"Only in America can you be under FBI investigation AND run for president. This is truly an amazing place. #neverhilary #hillno #nomoreclintons"
Abe Katsman "The Fourth of July is beautiful. Independence Day marks arguably the most consequential positive political event in history and deserves every bit of the enthusiastic celebration with which it is observed. Yet the day goes by insufficiently appreciated by so many – a symptom of the erosion of our American identity.
"For some perspective, let's start by looking at Memorial Day. In Israel.
Israel. Yom Hazikaron (Israel's Day of Remembrance) is ushered in by a wailing siren. Everyone – even drivers on the freeways – stops in his tracks for a minute of mournful silence. The somber mood of the day is everywhere: no hot dogs or barbecues; no sales at the malls. No rock music on the radio; no Friends reruns or light entertainment on TV – just reflective songs, unvarnished war documentaries, heart-piercing interviews with families of fallen soldiers, and coverage of countless memorial ceremonies at the nation's cemeteries. It is a poignant day, dripping with tragedy, loss, sacrifice, and suffering – but also with heroism, pride, honor, and gratitude.
"Does that sound like your Memorial Day?" . . .
Why this year you must REFUSE to celebrate “the 4th of July”
. . . "We live in a nation wherein our leadership just changed the Oath of Allegiance (legal) immigrants to our nation must take so as to exclude the former requirement to pledge to defend America. We live in a nation where our leader, the President of the United States of America, while standing on foreign soil, apologizes for our nation’s behavior and calls America “arrogant.”
"Where our countrymen plea for assistance to our leaders to come save their lives but instead are left to fend for themselves and perish.
"We are currently being led by individuals for whom our sense of national pride is foolishness and the acknowledgement of American exceptionalism is viewed as a delusion of imperialistic grandeur. “How dare we think we’re better than anybody else?!”
"Well you know what? We are." . . .
"By not recusing herself, she remains in control and is letting us know that a deal has been cut between her and the Clintons...a Supreme Court nominations perhaps, a position as dean at a major law school, or simply cold cash. It could be anything."Joshuapundit
. . . "Yes, you got that right. We're not just talking about Mrs. Clinton. The head of America's Department of Justice, the chief law enforcement officer in the nation met secretly with bill Clinton, whose also under investigation by the FBI." . . .
The President's conversation with the attorney general was unplanned and was entirely social in nature. But recognizing how others could take another view of it, he agrees with the attorney general that he would not do it again," an aide to Bill Clinton told CNN Saturday.Hillary Clinton weighed in on the meeting as well Saturday, telling MSNBC's Chuck Todd, "Obviously, no one wants to see any untoward conclusions drawn, and they said they would not do it again."Bill Clinton and Lynch met privately on Monday. Clinton, who had been in the Phoenix area earlier in the day for a fundraiser for his wife's campaign, according to a campaign source, joined Lynch aboard her plane while both were on the tarmac at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.
The source has decades of experience providing security to government officials.. . .