Friday, July 22, 2016

Literally No One Visited Hilariously Lame RNC ‘Safe Space’

Daily Caller

"What’s it like to hole up in a special “safe space” during the RNC? Very, very sad, it turns out, unless you really like coloring books.
"Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) grabbed headlines, and no small degree of ridicule, when it was revealed the school was maintaining a special “safe space” during the RNC in order to assist those psychologically or physically traumatized by the prospect of Republicans being in Cleveland and giving speeches." . . .
The Case Western safe space. [Blake Neff/Daily Caller News Foundation]

Now that we have met the Trump family . . .

Something Ivanka did that I wish Donald (and many other speakers) would have done.  "When she got a crowd reaction, she paused only briefly, then continued to talk right over the noise. Of course, the microphone works to make every word come through, and the speech rolls on fluently. I wish everyone who speaks at these conventions would watch the video of her speaking and learn."  Watch her full speech

QUESTION: Who Represents American Women BEST – Ivanka, Hillary Or Michelle?
Look at the three photos below and see if you can guess which is this writer's favorite choice.


. . . "During her speech, Ivanka highlighted the rather forward-thinking treatment given to women by her father in his corporation, making a subtle, unspoken contrast with how presumed Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign have treated them.
“ 'At my father’s company, there are more female than male executives,” Ivanka said. “Women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.' ” . . .
Donald Trump: A Working Stiff in a Brioni Suit    . . . "Trump's secret, his magic bullet, is hard work.  If those of you in Washington or the media really want an inside look at Trump's world, then get a job – a real job, where you work ten to twelve hours a day, make a product you take pride in, construct a building, or provide stellar service to bring in new customers.  A job where you labor under the same oppressive regulations you've imposed on working people across this country, where Obamacare and burdensome taxes gut your paycheck, where you work longer hours or give up that vacation because this anemic job market offers you no alternative.  Join the day-to-day fight to keep your head above water, to feed a family, and give your kids a future. 

"Maybe then you'd appreciate the value of a dollar instead of redistributing billions and trillions as if it's Monopoly cash. " . . .

The Trump Dynasty Takes Over the GOP   . . . "Even the speeches of Donald Jr. and running-mate Mike Pence sounded decidedly un-Trumpian notes. It was welcome to hear Donald Jr. say “freedom requires a limited government,” but it’s a sentiment much more associated with the heretical Ted Cruz than with his father." . . .

On the three GOP holdouts

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

I appreciate and agree with the sentiment, but do realize Trump owes a profuse apology to the Ted Cruz family. 

Phil Robertson: Bush, Kasich, Cruz ‘Need to Learn How to Forgive and Love’ Trump
'My advice to all the nominees, potential nominees, the 17 people, the Bushes, Cruz, if I were them, I would be long on forgiveness for whatever happens during the nomination process,” he added. “The people have spoken and they said Donald Trump is the man. Therefore, as a loyal Republican, I’m backing Donald Trump. That’s the hand we’ve been dealt. How could you be worse than Hillary Clinton? How could it be possible?”
"Robertson said Kasich, Cruz and Bush “gave their word that they would back the nominee.” The Bush family and Kasich are absent from the convention." . . .

Time Will Vindicate Ted Cruz  . . . "What is knowable, even as so many refuse to know it, is that Trump is almost certain to be a disaster for limited-government conservatism and liberty at some point.  Maybe in the election, giving Hillary the White House.  Or maybe in the White House, reverting to his 40-year big-government proclivities. 

A theory of NeverTrumpers . . . "Anger remains, but we appear to have suddenly shifted into the bargaining stage.  Audit the Rules Committee?  Claim that only 3 million Republicans actually voted for Trump, with the rest being Democrats?  "Vote your clean conscience (damn the results)."  Amply quote the LA Times?  Really?  To what end now?  For NeverTrumpers, this one is personal, and therein lies the danger  to them."

Sore Loser
Turnabout is Foul Play?
obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, trump, cruz, endorsement, convention

. . . "Moreover, by eloquently making the case for conservative values (something we'd frankly like to see Mr. Trump do), Cruz was certainly making it clear that our nation can't afford to have Hillary in the White House. And by telling hardcore conservatives that they must not stay home on election day, and must cast votes up and down the GOP ticket, he was reminding even those not in love with Trump that there is more at stake here than one candidate, and many more offices which must be held or won." . . .

Here is an example of the PC that Mr. Trump spoke of

MSNBC: Mentioning names of big cities is racist ‘coded language’

According to MSNBC, saying the names of big liberal cities is racist

"Here we go again.  You may recall that liberals — led by MSNBC, the official network of insane liberal hate — spent much of the 2012 campaign declaring practically every word uttered by a Republican to be racist.  Mentioning Chicago, for example, was declared racist.  So was saying, “golf,” the apparent favorite pastime of the current president.  Now, the bobbing liberals heads at the unhinged network are telling us that mentioning the names of big cities are somehow racist.
"Newsbusters’ Scott Whitlock wrote:
First it was MSNBC warning viewers before showing anti-Hillary Clinton buttons. Then, on Thursday, Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd agreed that mentioning the names of big cities is racist “coded language.” Matthews previewed Donald Trump’s convention speech and was horrified over the presence of words such as “Baltimore” and “Washington D.C.”
Matthews somehow theorized, “When you get back to the angle, the edge, it’s about big cities with large minority populations. You go back to that old thing of bashing Washington, D.C., the old Marion Barry days, bashing Baltimore and Chicago, those city names evoke minorities.”
"Chuck Todd, he added, agreed: “There’s some coded language.' 
"Got that?
"Now, we’re supposed to believe that even mentioning names of cities like Washington D.C. and Baltimore are somehow racist.
" 'In 2015, Whitlock observed, Baltimore “reached its highest ever homicide rate. Is it possible to raise this serious issue without being called a racist? Not according to MSNBC. ”
"Incidents like this, by the way, are the reason I refer to the so-called “mainstream media as the “Democrat-media complex.”  Joe Newby
Mr. Newby includes these related links:

Well, according to Matthews, we can't use the word, "our" because it implies ownership. According to him, if you say, "our fellow African American citizens", you are being racist.

"I'm no fan of Trump. I won't defend him. But Matthews has a long history of loosely throwing charges of racism around. While I'm no fan of Trump, in this particular instance, when he referred to, "our African American", I think it is very clear that he's using "our" as an adjective referring someone who is part of his group of supporters. Trump doesn't own slaves.
"I find it frustrating because we have real issues to talk about and people like Matthews are always injecting racism where it doesn't exist. Do we really want our politicians to be put in a position were they can't safely talk about "our African American citizens?"

Computer hack helped feed an Islamic State death list

An Albanian hacker wormed his way into the computer server of a U.S. online retailer
For two months he sorted through the server, extracting emails and personal data
The business only became aware of the intrusion when he demanded money to restore its files

"The attack seemed like a garden-variety digital holdup.
"A computer intruder, calling himself the “Albanian hacker,” left a message for the administrator of a website for an Illinois internet retailer: Pay two Bitcoins, or about $500 at the time, and the intruder would “remove all bugs on your shop!”
"Such demands are typical among underground hackers who infect computers with malicious code and seize control of them, freeing them only after receiving a payment.
"But this case was more than a surreptitious digital mugging. The trespasser had ties to the Islamic State Hacking Division, a terrorist cyber unit, and before it was over he’d put together a “kill list” for the Islamic State with the identities of 1,351 U.S. government and military personnel from the 100,000 names, credit card records and Social Security numbers he’d extracted from the host server." . . .

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Dream of Muslim Outreach Has Become a Nightmare

Victor Davis Hanson
"Affirming Muslim grievances has only increased the Arab world's sense that Obama is weak."
Could this be a...a...Nazi salute? Democrats would
say it is. If delivered by a Republican, that is

"When President Obama entered office, he dreamed that his hope-and-change messaging and his references to his familial Islamic roots would win over the Muslim world. The soon-to-be Nobel Peace Prize laureate would make the U.S. liked in the Middle East. Then, terrorism would decrease. 

"But, as with his approach to racial relations, Obama’s remedies proved worse than the original illness. 

"Obama gave his first presidential interview to Al Arabiya, noting that he has Muslims in his family. He implicitly blamed America’s strained relations with many Middle Eastern countries on his supposedly insensitive predecessor, George W. Bush. 

"The new message of the Obama administration was that the Islamic world was understandably hostile because of what America had done rather than what it represented. 

"Accordingly, all mention of radical Islam, and even the word “terrorism,” was airbrushed from the new administration’s vocabulary. " . . .
"More disturbing, millions of Middle Easterners fled to the safety of Europe and the United States — but on occasion, only to resist assimilation and show ingratitude once they got there. In short, the dreamy Obama approach to terrorism has proved a nightmare — and it is not over yet."
Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Notes from Cleveland: The two forms of resistance

"Cruz left the stage to a cascade of boos, having delivered the longest suicide note in American political history."
Charles Krauthammer

"The main purpose of the modern political convention is to produce four days of televised propaganda. The subsidiary function, now that nominees are invariably chosen in advance, is structural: Unify the party before the final battle. In Cleveland, the Republicans achieved not unity, but only a rough facsimile.
"The internal opposition consisted of two factions. The more flamboyant was led by Ted Cruz. Its first operation — an undermanned, underplanned, mini-rebellion over convention rules — was ruthlessly steamrolled on Day One. Its other operation was Cruz’s Wednesday night convention speech in which, against all expectation, he refused to endorse Donald Trump.
"It’s one thing to do this off-site. It’s another thing to do it as a guest at a celebration of the man you are rebuking." . . .
"Together, McConnell and Ryan made clear that if Trump wins, they are ready to cooperate. And if Trump loses, they are ready to inherit."
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

WATCH: Laura Ingraham Speech at Republican National Convention. You'll never guess what the left accuses her of!

Heavy  "Ingraham, who was a speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, said that this is the most important election since 1980. After listing the challenges the country faces, she noted that the Democrats’ answer to them is “to nominate the woman who helped orchestrate America’s decline,” which she called “some kind of a cruel joke, like skinny jeans on men or man buns or something like that.”
Also in the speech, she called out other Republicans who had not endorsed Trump yet. Considering that Texas Senator Ted Cruz speaks later Wednesday, that was hardly a subtle jab at him.
“I want to say this very plainly. We should all – even all you boys with your wounded feelings and bruised egos… and we love you, we love you – but you must honor your pledge to support Donald Trump now,” Ingraham said." . . .

Democrats accuse Laura of giving the Nazi salute Watch the entire video of her walking out on the stage to see what she was actually doing.

. . . "Others defended Ingraham, saying, “Some people saw a Hitler salute in Laura Ingraham’s audience gesture. Some also saw Jesus Christ in their cereal this morning.”  Via Rush Limbaugh
The silliness of Democrats is surpassed only by the silliness they ascribe to their voters. But then, if Laura's wave becomes an issue with Democrats, perhaps the DNC will prove to be good judges of character

Kathleen Willey on Media Coverage of Melania Trump: ‘Talk About the War on Women’

Big Government

Michael Smith/Newsmakers

"The news media is waging a war on women by incessantly “attacking” Melania Trump, declared Kathleen Willey, one of the women who famously accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault and has said she suffered acts of intimidation to silence her.

“Talk about the war on women,” Willey said, referring to news media scrutiny of Melania Trump. “If that isn’t a war on women you tell me what is.”
"Willey was being interviewed by this reporter during Breitbart’s live stream coverage from the Republican National Convention.
"Willey, speaking by phone, said the “desperate” media was repeatedly “attacking” a woman, Melania, for political reasons.
"Willey stated: “Talk about the war on women. Now they are attacking poor Melania Trump for everything from her speech to plagiarism to her outfit to her accent. I mean, you name it.”. . . 

Philadelphia Police Union Rips DNC For Not Featuring Families Of Slain Officers As Speakers…


. . . "We already know that Democrat convention kicking off on July 25 will be a heinous pagan spectacle where the attendees will, as they’ve done in the past, cry out in rebellion against God and truth, and cheer as they hand the nomination to a lying crook who hates this country and everyone who lives here. That much we must expect. It’s hard to imagine that any specific moment will stand out as more debased or diabolical than the next, but I have an early candidate for that distinction: the headlining speech to be delivered by Lezley McSpadden, the mother of Michael Brown."

VIDEO: Black TV RIPS Michelle: “You’re A Spoiled, Butt-Hurt Victim Whining About Unfairness”

GOP The Daily Dose   "After seeing Michelle Obama’s graduation speech at the predominantly black Tuskegee University, TV show host Alfonso Rachel knew that he could stay
silent no longer. He took to his internet talk show to slam the first lady in a video that has gotten over 25,000 views in just 3 days.
"Here’s an excerpt of what he said:" . . .

If racial division were ever to be healed, the Obamas, Sharptons, Jacksons, et al. would all lose their source of power and wealth.

Hillary: The press defends the indefensible

“You even went as far as to blame Hillary Clinton. We now know in the last 24 days [hours] it was a mistake on the part of a speech writer....So when you said, ‘When Hillary Clinton is threatened by a female, the first thing she does is try to destroy that person,’ would you offer Secretary Clinton an apology for blaming her?”

Hillary Clinton Nurse Ratched

. . . "Heaven forbid Hillary is President and Boris has to deal with her. I mean, it’s not like she holds a grudge or is vindictive or anything. Or, as Boris described it in the 2007 column:
To ask the reader to support Hillary means asking you to forget all those worrying allegations that Ambrose Evans-Pritchard used to report so brilliantly in these pages: the funny goings-on with the White House travel office, the anomalies in the position of poor Vince Foster’s gun, the curious business of the drug-runners at the Rena airfield and the Whitewater real estate imbroglio.
How could I possibly emit the merest peep of support for a woman who seems to have acted out the role of First Lady, from 1993 to 2000, like a mixture between Cherie Blair and Lady Macbeth, stamping her heel, bawling out subordinates and frisbeeing ashtrays at her erring husband?
Media Ignore Clinton Sex Victims, Salivate Over Ailes Claims  . . . "The same news media has largely ignored the newly relevant and far more serious story of Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual assault victims and those same victims’ similar tales of being intimidated and harassed, they say, at Hillary Clinton’s direction.
"The issue of the Clintons’ alleged war on women should be front and center, especially among so-called progressives." . . .
This GQ Writer’s Sick, Violent Response To The Benghazi Victim’s Mother Is Indefensible  "If you really want to be more than just outraged about this kind of indefensible language, then I encourage you to write the editor in chief of GQ, and let him know just how you feel. You can follow the link to do that here."


In case you missed this: Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary Clinton on the RNC Floor  "The former prosecutor moved like a current prosecutor, laying out the case against Hillary and asking the audience to judge "guilty or not guilty?" Each time, the audience gave the same response."
. . . 
"Christie's speech was articulate, disciplined, newsworthy — maybe even masterful. The New Jersey governor reminded the GOP of his fundamental role, the attack dog. In an election pitting two of the least liked nominees in history against one another, can you ever have enough of them?"