Thursday, July 21, 2016

Notes from Cleveland: The two forms of resistance

"Cruz left the stage to a cascade of boos, having delivered the longest suicide note in American political history."
Charles Krauthammer

"The main purpose of the modern political convention is to produce four days of televised propaganda. The subsidiary function, now that nominees are invariably chosen in advance, is structural: Unify the party before the final battle. In Cleveland, the Republicans achieved not unity, but only a rough facsimile.
"The internal opposition consisted of two factions. The more flamboyant was led by Ted Cruz. Its first operation — an undermanned, underplanned, mini-rebellion over convention rules — was ruthlessly steamrolled on Day One. Its other operation was Cruz’s Wednesday night convention speech in which, against all expectation, he refused to endorse Donald Trump.
"It’s one thing to do this off-site. It’s another thing to do it as a guest at a celebration of the man you are rebuking." . . .
"Together, McConnell and Ryan made clear that if Trump wins, they are ready to cooperate. And if Trump loses, they are ready to inherit."
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

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