Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Unlikely Winner of the Last Debate (Video)

National Review  "Last night’s third and final presidential debate was more or less what we all expected. But there’s always a second contest going on during debates — and that’s the performance of the moderator. Generally speaking, moderators get a lot of criticism but Fox News’ Chris Wallace received a lot of praise for his ability to deftly handle contentious issues, move smoothly from subject to subject, and keep candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on task." 

The Hill: No rigged debate here: Moderator Chris Wallace wins the night  "The reviews are in for moderator Chris Wallace." Read many of them in this article.
"And let's just say that we haven't seen a media harmony and consensus over one guy like this since Sully landed that plane in the Hudson River."
. . . 
"And ask questions he did.
"Substantive ones.
"And in the process, brought out the best debate performances by both candidates.
"Chris Wallace not only did Fox proud last night. He also made those of us who still want to believe in the debate process proud as well."

Blast from the past: Al Gore explains why he won’t concede election

Thomas Lifson  "The tidal wave of harrumphing over Donald Trump’s refusal to endorse the probity of the voting and vote-counting to come is quite amusing to me. I remember 8 years of accusations from Bush 43 opponents that his election was “stolen” and that he was “selected not elected.” So spare me the righteousness about the need to respect our sacred institutions, unless you can point to your similar criticism of Gore.

"Millennials are probably ignorant of this history. Here’s the video you can send your friends and relatives:"

Selwyn DukeNo, Trump Should Not Accept the Results of a Possibly Stolen Election  "Crooks on the left, cowards on the right. Where do we go to find integrity?
"One of the most talked about parts of last night’s final presidential debate was Donald Trump’s statement that he’d let us know on election night if he’d accept the balloting results. An NBC commentator expressed her bubble-headed opinion that the statement lost him the election. Worse still, “conservative” commentator John Podhoretz wrote that Trump’s comment was “a shocking and cravenly irresponsible thing to say, the sort of thing that threatens to rend our national fabric, and for that alone, Trump has earned his place in the history of American ignominy.” But Podhoretz’ criticism is what’s shocking and cravenly irresponsible — and reflective of profound ignorance." . . .
The author gives the answer he wished Mr. Trump had given:
Yes, sir, and we have another American tradition: it’s called the “rule of law.” And when you suspect an election has been stolen, and allow it to go unanswered, you become complicit in the undermining of our rule of law. Moreover, vote fraud that swings an election thwarts the people’s will. You may not care about that. Hillary Clinton certainly doesn’t care about that. But if I have reasonable suspicion that the Nov. 8 contest has been stolen, I will stand against the thwarting of the rule of law and the people’s will — even if I’m the only person in America to do it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

It appears all violent disruptions at Trump rallies have been executed by paid protesters


Scott Foval, national field director of Americans United for Change

Editor’s Note: Be aware of offensive language throughout videos and in quotes from videos.
"The Federal Elections Commission has been asked to investigate charges made in a series of undercover videos that show Democratic operatives not only explaining how they are trying to influence the presidential election by manipulating the vote but boasting about it.
"The complaint was filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a nonprofit organization “dedicated to protect the right to vote, preserve the constitutional framework of American elections, and educate the public on the issue of election integrity.”
"It cites the evidence made public in videos released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.
"One is Scott Foval, who had worked for People for the American Way, a George Soros-funded group, and more recently with Americans United for Change." . . .

What Dems Really Think About Israel

Jonathan S. Tobin


. . . "In May of last year, Jake Sullivan, the former State Department staffer and top Clinton foreign policy advisor, sought to include a mention in a campaign speech about supporting and standing up for Israel. Clinton’s campaign strategists vetoed the idea, pointing out that the only people who cared about the issue were “Republican primary voters.” In particular, campaign manager Robby Mook flatly stated: We shouldn’t have Israel at public events. Especially dem [Democratic] activists.” The matter was resolved when they all agreed that it was okay for Clinton to speak of Israel “when she’s with donors” but not in public. 

"The good news to be gleaned from this chilling exchange is that there were at least some influential voices inside the Clinton machine that thought Israel was important" . . .
. . . 
 . . . "How can a Democratic president continue to uphold an alliance that her party’s base opposes? Thanks to a Donald Trump campaign that can’t seem to get out of its own way, it looks like we’re about to find out."

And The Whiner Is…

In the Final Debate, the Candidates Ought to Answer Questions about Ideas

Image result for trump hillary debate cartoons

National Review  "What if we had a meaningful and civil exchange of ideas in tonight’s debate?

"No doubt tonight’s third and final presidential debate will make for good television. But there is a marked difference between entertainment and substance. We can expect this debate to once again be dominated by talk of Trump’s (or Bill Clinton’s) treatment of women, Hillary Clinton’s (or Trump’s) duplicity, plus the usual barbs and insults. Yet, the next president will have to do more than not be his or her opponent. There are real issues out there, and it would be nice if the candidates actually mentioned them. 

"With that in mind, might I suggest a few questions that I’d like to hear answered." . . .

Enough Sideshows, Let's Have a Debate About the Presidency

Enough Sideshows, Let's Have a Debate About the Presidency

"When was the last time you saw a healthy stretch of media coverage about actual issues pertaining to the presidency? When was the last week that featured detailed national conversations about the issues Donald Trump rode to the Republican nomination?

"When he became the presumptive nominee in May, I was among the voices claiming that if the election focuses on the issues, he wins. He wins on borders, wins on the Supreme Court, wins on taxes, wins on blasting through the political correctness that threatens our liberty and safety.

"That race did not happen."   Mark Davis. 
Image result for trump hillary debate cartoons

Victor Davis Hanson On The Case For Trump

National Review

. . . "Those who are soured on Trump certainly can cite lots of understandable reasons for their distaste — well beyond his sometimes grating reality-television personality. In over-dramatic fashion, some Against Trumpers invoke William F. Buckley Jr.’s ostracism of John Birchers from conservative circles as a model for dealing with perceived Trump vulgarity. . ."

"Would it have been worth it for John McCain to go after Obama’s personal mentor and pastor, the racist, anti-American, and anti-Semitic Reverend Jeremiah Wright, in 2008, to preempt an agenda that led to the passage of the Affordable Care Act? Or, in the second presidential debate of 2012, should Romney have . . . grabbed the hijacked mic back from the moderator and “fact-checker” Candy Crowley, if that dramatic act might have meant his election would have warded off the looming Iran deal? . . . 

"Questioning NATO’s pro forma way of doing business led to furor, but also to renewed promises from NATO allies to fight terror, pony up defense funds, and coordinate more effectively. Deploring unfair trade deals suddenly made Hillary Clinton renounce her prior zealous support of the “gold standard” Trans-Pacific Partnership deal." . . .

"Obama reminded us that approval from abroad is usually synonymous with thanks for weakening America and making us more like them than them us. Should we be more terrified that the socialist and largely pacifist European Union is afraid of Trump, or that it welcomes even more of Barack Obama’s type of leadership? Is not the present course of projecting weakness while insulting Vladimir Putin — the Russian reset of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — the inverse of speaking softly while carrying a big stick?"

Have you noticed what seems to be the major story today?

Rick Moran: DNC campaign bus caught dumping human waste in storm drain

Breitbart: DNC Campaign Bus Dumps Human Waste into Georgia Street

Daily Caller    . . . "According to Robins, a hazardous materials crew responded to the location and collected the waste to keep more of it from entering the storm drain.
" 'I don't care who you are. I don't care if you're Hillary Clinton. I don't care if you're Donald Trump. I don't care who you are, you don't throw human waste down a storm drain," said Robins. "Waste water just dumping all out in the street, poured out in the storm drain, and at this time I've got my cell phone out and I'm taking pictures because I don't care who you are. That's just wrong."

Godfather/ Eagle Rising  . . . "Anyone else illegally dumping human waste in a storm drain would go to jail. My guess is that the DNC will get a pass.
"According to CBS46, “Gwinnett County’s storm water department is now involved in the investigation along with the State Environment Protection Division.' ”

PJ Media  . .  . "What kind of foul, disgusting human being did the DNC hire to drive their campaign bus? Everyone who owns an RV knows not to do something like this. There are dump stations all over the place. You can get an app for your phone that tells you where the nearest one is. The Hillary campaign is swimming in dough -- they don't even need to go out of their way to find a free dump station." . . .
Red State: Hillary’s Bus Is The Perfect Symbol For This Election
Heat Street: Clinton Campaign Bus Dumps Human Waste on Small-Town Georgia Road  . . . “ 'It says ‘Hillary and Kaine,’ has their pictures on the side. I was going to go out and take a picture when a guy got out of the bus, walked midway, pushed a lever, and right before I knew it, they were dumping all their raw sewage.' ” . . .
That should be enough for now...

Media's Trump Derangement Syndrome Incites Violence

Investors Business Daily  "The media's crusade to elect Hillary Clinton president is obvious. They deny their bias — they truly protesteth too much — but it's there and it's been confirmed by leaked emails.
"But this election year, the bias is more than favoritism for the Democratic candidate. The media are going to great lengths to instigate a public hatred toward the Republican candidate.
"Consider the remarks from Jonathan Allen of Roll Call, who called Donald Trump a "subhuman" who has a "blackened soul." It's too easy for someone on the edge to take those remarks and decide that something has to be done about such a person.
"Meanwhile, the New Republic seems to suggest that Trump firebombed his own North Carolina campaign headquarters, presumably to use it as a means to obtain power. If it were true, wouldn't that make him the new Hitler, and therefore deserving of any and all the violence visited upon him? Instapundit Glenn Reynolds told the New Republic "you went full Reichstag, man. Never go full Reichstag." But it did — all part of the effort to incite voters against Trump. And if any crazies get the wrong idea, well, that's not the media's fault." . . .
Some in the press actually tried to blame Donald Trump for the firebombing of a Trump campaign office in North Carolina on Sunday. (AP)

Josh Rogin: “General Cartwright is paying the price for Hillary Clinton’s sins.”

Power Line  "The FBI and the Department of Justice seem to think that they have restored some of the credibility they lost giving Hillary Clinton a pass in the Clinton email investigation. They think they have helped themselves by investigating former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff vice chairman General James E. Cartwright (President Obama’s favorite general) and securing a guilty plea from him for making false statements to the FBI in a Stuxnet-related leak investigation.
On Monday the Department of Justice issued this press release. The press release includes this quote from the prosecutor:
People who gain access to classified information after promising not to disclose it must be held accountable when they willfully violate that promise,” said U.S. Attorney Rosenstein. “We conducted a thorough and independent investigation included collecting tens of thousands of documents through subpoenas, search warrants and document requests, and interviewing scores of current and former government employees. The evidence showed that General Cartwright disclosed classified information without authorization to two reporters and lied to federal investigators. As a result, he stands convicted of a federal felony offense and faces a potential prison sentence.”
. . . "Rogin quotes Cartwright’s statement taking responsibility for lying to the FBI: “My only goal in talking to the reporters was to protect American interests and lives; I love my country and continue to this day to do everything I can to defend it.” Invoking two other relevant cases for purposes of comparison, Rogin asks: “Can Clinton or Petraeus plausibly make the same claim regarding their indiscretions?' ”

FBI Agents Say Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Email Investigation  . . . “ 'Comey was never an investigator or special agent. The special agents are trained investigators and they are insulted that Comey included them in ‘collective we’ statements in his testimony to imply that the SAs agreed that there was nothing there to prosecute,” the second agent said. “All the trained investigators agree that there is a lot to prosecuted but he stood in the way.' ”

The Victims Speak: This Is What Hillary Did

"Look what Wikileaks just released about Hillary Clinton's campaign trying to figure out how to control what I was saying.  She is not an advocate for all women, but is only an advocate for one woman: herself.  Even her daughter Chelsea, after the debate, called what happened 'her father's trivial sexual misdeeds.'  I feel that her saying that is an injustice to the women he committed crimes against, and she is old enough to know that.' "
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Elise Cooper . . . "Why did the feminist organizations and Gloria Allred not stand beside Juanita and Kathy?  Jackson told American Thinker, "It does not matter who the victim is on the other side, because they refuse to abandon their political allies like the Clintons.  It does not matter, the trail of victims Hillary Clinton left in her wake.  They look the other way because of an obvious political agenda.  Her entire life has been a construction of picking issues she thinks will get her ahead politically instead of genuine passion for these causes."

"Now her vice presidential pick, Senator Kaine, calls her a victim.  Really?
"This is after she defamed Bill Clinton's accusers of sexual assault, laughed at getting a rapist off, and had her surrogate Gloria Steinem say the only reason female Millennials were voting for Bernie Sanders was because they needed a date.  Then Michelle Obama in an ad stated, "We cannot allow the shocking, hurtful, hateful rhetoric about women[.] … [L]et's elect Hillary Clinton and other Democrats who share our values and can be role models for our children."  No parent should ever want the Clintons to be role models." 

Robert Creamer, caught on camera talking about provoking violence at Trump events, visited the Obama White House 340 times

"There is a dark organization behind the left, and we are getting a glimpse of some of its key practitioners who have operated in the shadows too long."
Thomas Lifson  "The shocking video by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas Action has so far not been screened on the mainstream networks, but cannot be totally embargoed in the age of social media. It shows Robert [Creame] discussing provoking mayhem at Trump events. The Democrats are trying to distance themselves, with Donna Brazile, interim head of the Democratic National Committee, called Creamer a “temporary regional sub-contractor,” a term that is literally true but highly misleading.

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"In fact, he is married to Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, and has a long history as a henchman for the left, going back all the way the Midwest Academy, an Alinskyite training institution on whose board he now sits. 

"Then there is the matter of his 340 visits to the Obama White House:

Zero Hedge: Why Did Vote-Rigging Robert Creamer Visit The White House Over 200 Times During The Obama Admin
. . . "But voter fraud isn't Creamer's only criminal specialty.  A quick look at Wikipedia reveals that Creamer spent 5 months in federal prison back in 2006 for a "$2.3 million bank fraud in relation to his operation of public interest groups in the 1990s."
"So, with that kind of history, you can imagine our surprise when we discovered that a Mr. Robert Creamer showed up on the White House visitor logs 340 times beginning in 2009 when Obama took office and culminating with his latest visit in June 2016.  Moreover, in 45 of those instances, Creamer was scheduled to meet with POTUS himself.  Perhaps this is just two old Chicago "community organizers" hanging out?" . . .
Emphases in the original.

Weasel Zippers corroborates the story  . . . "47 of those visits were direct visits with Obama. Several of those visits included Michelle Obama." . . .
"Just exactly what was he discussing at the White House and with Obama all those times?"
