Circa "The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community. "More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa." . . .
UK Express" 'Children are being murdered we need action NOT vigils!' Dad's FURY on BBC over Manchester.
"A FURIOUS dad launched a blistering attack on political correctness as he argued action, rather than vigils, was needed after the Manchester bombing."
. . . "After the attack, Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham vowed on camera, “terrorists will never beat us”. The terrorists don’t need to beat Burnham. He’ll eagerly collaborate without so much as a single slap.
"Last year the left-wing politician fought the government’s efforts to crack down on Islamic terror. “It is creating a feeling in the Muslim community that it is being spied upon and unfairly targeted,” he whined.
"Terrorists will never beat us. Unless they have their useful idiots operating on the inside for whom Muslim feelings come first and little girls being torn to pieces by shrapnel come last.
"Burnham accused opponents of Islamic terror of racism, xenophobia and all the usual stuff. He insisted that there was a huge Islamophobia problem that was being hidden because Muslims were too afraid of the police to report this rash of imaginary crimes.
" 'There’s a lot of people in this country not necessarily at risk from ‘Islamic extremism’ but it’s far-right extremism," Andy insisted.
"This is what led to the Manchester Arena bombing. Mayor Burnham sold out the police. The police sold out the people. The authorities were chasing Islamophobia when they should have been fighting Islamic terror." . . . Meanwhile we get tender, feely editorial responses like this:
Are there no British leaders such as Margaret Thatcher, or Winston Churchill and the great War Cabinet that stood against Hitler and against their own left wing pacifist elements?
As with WW2, the people had to gather courage and resolve which they did. Churchill even had a pacifist, leftist press to combat, but at least not a television or motion picture deluge that mocked him daily and hourly. At least Neville Chamberlain wasn't on dozens of magazine covers such as Cosmo and Glamour as he sold out allies and his own country. Both Britain and the US had pro-Hitler factions, but they turned and joined the fight against Naziism when they saw for themselves it's horrors. TD
"Californians need to wake up to the fact that they've put the most far-left state government in American history into power, and will soon pay dearly for it." . . . "CaliCare:California's so-called progressive Democrats, fresh off their classy "flipping off" of Donald Trump at their state convention, now want to flip off the entire state by imposing a reckless, economy-destroying single-payer health care system on the state's citizens. If voters don't stop this madness they'll get what they deserve.
"A study by the Senate Appropriations Committee of the state legislature found that a proposed single-payer systemwould cost $400 billion a year — more than twice the state's current bloated budget of $182 billion. To say that it would be the fiscal and economic ruin of California is an understatement.
" 'As the Sacramento Bee notes,half the tab would come in the form of a new taxof about 15% on all earned income. That's in addition to the 13%-plus state income tax already levied on Californians. That would still leave as much as $100 billion in new spending that would have to be paid for somehow. No doubt, they'll go after businesses for that.
" 'The state has already lost millions of residents and thousands of businesses because of its excessive taxation and onerous regulations. The ruinous taxation from single-payer health care would lead to a mass exodus of companies and what remains of the once-thriving middle class. Californians need to wake up to the fact that they've put the most far-left state government in American history into power, and will soon pay dearly for it." . . . Want Single-Payer, California? Go for It! . . . "Everybody else has to pay it for them. That’s why $400 billion isn’t gonna be enough. What do you think a 15% payroll tax is gonna do to job creation in California? What’s gonna happen to the California economy? They’re not even thinking of that. They’re just thinking about how wonderful it sounds to promote single payer, and they think that at $400 billion, they should do it. They also have a plan for a fast train (I forget the term they use for it) from LA to San Francisco. That’s $64 billion for the super-fast train, now $400 billion for state-run single payer, and the California budget at present maxes out at $180 billion.
"And the only mechanism they have is new taxes. A payroll tax of 15%, they say, would cover it. And if you analyze that, the only… A static analysis might give you somewhere… But there’s no way that people are gonna pay that. If there’s a 15% payroll tax, what do you think businesses are gonna do? They’re gonna let people off. That’s just unacceptable. That’s 15% on top of what the federal is! I mean, it’s absurd, and yet they’re dead serious about it. I hope it happens. I hope they actually move on this. I hope there is public action on this that the American people are able to witness."
. . . “ 'Doctors and hospitals would no longer need to negotiate rates and deal with insurance companies to seek reimbursement,” Lara said."Insurance groups, health plans and Kaiser Permanente are against the bill. Industry representatives say California should focus on improving the Affordable Care Act. Business groups, including the California Chamber of Commerce, have deemed the bill a “job-killer.”“ 'A single-payer system is massively, if not prohibitively expensive,” said Nick Louizos, vice president of legislative affairs for the California Association of Health Plans.“ 'It will cost employers and taxpayers billions of dollars and result in significant loss of jobs in the state,” the Chamber of Commerce said in its opposition letter." . . .
. . . "The podcast chat soon steered into ABC’s cancellation of “Last Man Standing.” The popular sitcom starred Tim Allen, a conservative playing a conservative named Mike Baxter. Some on the right questioned why ABC would ditch a ratings winner featuring one of TV’s biggest stars.
"Could the industry’s hard-left politics be to blame?
"That’s when Yang dropped this bomb on the podcast hosts.
"Yang described a conversation he had recently with a casting executive at “one of the studios” in Hollywood. Yang wanted to know if the person cared how many Instagram followers someone had before hiring them. In our social media age, having a large cyber following can be attractive to some employers.
“ 'I do check the Instagrams to see if there’s anything weird, if they get drunk every day or if they’re a Trump supporter,” Yang recalls her saying. “Then, I don’t know. I would have a hard time…”
“ 'That’s messed up, though,” Yang says about her confession. “Aren’t you being a bigot in a way?”
"It might be more than just one casting executive, though.
"Earlier this year The Los Angeles Times wrote about the discrimination conservatives face in Hollywood for simply espousing a different political viewpoint.
"Trump supporters, apparently, have it the worst." . . .
. . . "While visiting the kingdom, Trump helped inaugurate the Saudi government's new Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology.
"Al-Qaeda called the gathering in Riyadh the "summit of shame*."
" 'So what did the Muslims and their scholars prepare for the hard days ahead, to face this blatant apostasy, clear betrayal, and unprecedented thievery?" the terror group added. "So here are the Crusaders and the apostates, and they have stolen your money, fought your religion, shed your blood, and transgressed against your honor. When will you return to your religion and do jihad in the cause of Allah?"
"Past issues of the Al-Nafir Bulletin have included mocking Arab rulers for being at the mercy of "the kicks of the high heels" of Ambassador Nikki Haley and telling jihadists to go forth and just kill Americans without any Islamic consultations first."
* Their feelings should line up pretty well with Democrats and Hollywood.
Why Impeaching Trump Is a Bad Idea. . . "This scenario is no doubt frightening. But more frightening still is what could happen if Trump is impeached. "To be sure, a President Mike Pence would restore some semblance of normalcy to American politics. There would be no self-inflicted intelligence leaks, no 3 a.m. Twitter storms. He’d protect classified materials, uphold the Constitution, and staff his administration with responsible career Republicans. Just as important — especially for America’s allies — Pence would close down the circus show that currently occupies the Oval Office, allaying the perception that American politics have gone off the rails. "Impeaching Trump, then, would constitute a re-normalization of public affairs. And that is precisely the problem. Mike Pence is a Republican’s Republican. " . . . Read more
He mentioned that on Obama's Cairo apology tour speech he condemned extremism. Think of the courage it took to do that.
Daily Wire. . . "The Obama propagandist may have been listening to a different speech than the rest of us. Aside from the obvious absurdity of Axelrod’s hilariously Homeric prose, the claim that Obama “courageously” stood up to “extremism” and for “human rights” is patently false. "The first time Obama mentioned the word “human rights” in his controversial Cairo speech was in the context of America’s ill-placed “Islamophobia.” “ 'Violent extremists have exploited these tensions in a small but potent minority of Muslims. The attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights,” read the Chamberlainian speech. “This has bred more fear and mistrust.’ "The second time the phrase appeared occurs when Obama apologized for the Iraq War and its “promotion of democracy.” “ 'So let me be clear: no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other,” read the speech. "After some wishful thinking about his so-called “commitment” to the abstract idea of “governments that reflect the will of the people,” Obama finally stated that under his administration the U.S. “will support them everywhere.' ” . . . Really? Remember the Iranian Green Revolution that died for want of support from Obama? " 'Obama, Obama -- either with us, or with them!" chanted opposition members as they returned to the streets to protest. (Watch video)" We all know the rest of that story.
Egypt’s Mubarak was America’s staunchest ally in the Middle East other than Israel. Iran was (and is) our biggest enemy. Yet, Obama supported the overthrow of Mubarak but not the mullahs.It has been clear to me for years that Obama failed to back the green revolution because he wanted to negotiate with the Iranian regime.
The Manchester Arena was hit by at least one explosion during a concert by Ariana Grande
Police confirm 22 Dead, around 59 injured
Police state it is 'possible terrorist incident'
UK officials suspect it was caused by suicide bomber.
Senior counter-terrorism officials meeting in London
Police warn people to stay away from area
Emergency services rush to scene
Ariana Grande 'Okay' following the incident
"Here is the summary: A man armed with an “improvised” bomb has killed at least 22 people and injured 59 outside a concert arena filled with teenagers in central Manchester on Monday night, in the worst terrorism incident in the UK since 2005. Police said the bomber, who died in the explosion, detonated the device shortly after the end of a concert by US pop star Ariana Grande at about 10.30pm. The incident adds the northern English city to the growing list of recent western targets that includes London, Paris, Stockholm and Berlin.
"Quoted by the FT, Ian Hopkins, chief constable of Greater Manchester police, said they were still attempting to determine whether the attacker “was acting alone or was part of a network”." . . .
"Unfortunately, some of the graduates of Notre Dame, who didn’t want Vice President Mike Pence to speak, walked out as you’ve heard. Mainstream media talking heads are gloating over it, but they aren’t telling you the whole truth.
"You’ve been told by the media that 200 students and families walked out and the audience loudly booed Mike Pence.
"About 50 to maybe 75 students walked out, though CNN said it was 200. If families left as CNN reported, it wasn’t obvious. The booing wasn’t for Pence, it was for the rude students who walked out with the encouragement of the idiot adults teaching their classes and possibly the adults at home.
"That was one expensive education wasted. They protested free speech. The Vice President’s speech was about the importance of free speech.
"When VP Pence concluded his speech, most of the graduates stood and applauded. No doubt many were not supporters but they were either pleased with his speech or they wanted to counter their rude classmates." . . .
"The head of the California Democratic Party African American Caucus said Monday he was working with state party officials to determine who was responsible for cutting off the sound to U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters' microphone as she spoke to the group at the party's convention on Saturday.
" 'This is a very unusual situation, and we are collectively trying to figure out a path forward to address what happened and make sure these things do not happen in the future," Caucus Chairman Darren Parker said.
"Waters, a Los Angeles Democrat whose acerbic comments on President Trump have brought her national attention in her 14th term, was in the middle of a rousing speech against Trump on Saturday night when she was approached by a man who appeared to work for the convention center.
" 'Hey, leave her alone," audience members shouted as he interrupted to speak to her privately, prompting Parker to show the man away.
" 'That's all right, that's OK — they try to shut me up all the time," Waters quipped to loud cheers as she continued to speak. " . . .
Todd Starnes"A school worker in Augusta, Maine was ordered to stop using religious phrases like “I will pray for you” and “You were in my prayers” because such language is not allowed inside a public school building – even in private conversations with coworkers.
"The Augusta School Department launched an investigation of Toni Richardson after they alleged she “imposed some strong religious/spiritual belief system” towards a coworker.
"Now, imposing your religion on someone is a serious allegation. Was Ms. Richardson forcing her coworker to convert to Christianity? Did she attempt to baptize him against his will?
"It turned out to be nothing of the sort.
"According to an official memorandum from the school district, Ms. Richardson had told a colleague that she was going to pray for him. It just so happens that Ms. Richardson and the colleague attended the same church.
Back in 2016, the colleague had been having a difficult time adjusting to his new job and Ms. Richardson did what most Christians would do – she told him that she would be praying for him.
"Months later, the colleague and Ms. Richardson had a falling out – leading to the complaint about the prayers.
"The district sent Ms. Richardson a “coaching memorandum” – warning her that such language is not acceptable – “even if that other person attends the same church as you.”
"She was not even allowed to use the word “blessing.”
“In the context of the ‘separation of church and state,’ this case prohibits public school-sponsored religious expression,” the memo read. “Therefore, in the future, it is imperative that you do not use phrases that integrate public and private belief systems when in the public schools.”
"She was also specifically ordered not to make any “reference to your spiritual or religious beliefs.”
"The district warned her that any additional infractions could lead to disciplinary action or dismissal.
“ 'I was shocked that my employer punished me for privately telling a coworker, ‘I will pray for you,’” Ms. Richardson said. “I’m afraid I will lose my job if someone hears me privately discussing my faith with a coworker.”