Bookworm Room . . . "Stephen Stromberg, a Wapo editorial writer, does a variation on the theme. Rather than point to specific conservative incitement, he calls the Bernie bro attempted massacre of Republican Congresscritters “an attack on all of us,” then justifies the progressive rage:
The system often feels unfair. Skewed electoral maps favor one party over another. Rural areas are overrepresented. Party fringes often exert more control over the agenda than the broad middle, where much of the country really is and the only place from which it can be effectively governed. Political money skews legislation. After an election such as last year’s, it is easy for the losing side to feel hopeless and desperate.
"So, the electoral college system and a Supreme Court decision that diminished the obscene domination of unions funding the prog hard left in politics justified the shooting? What a worthless human being.
"Michael Tomasky, writing at the Daily Beast, points out, with some justification, that one left wing shooter does not create a movement. But take a look around at everything else going on. The prog rhetoric of violence is all around us.