Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jeff Sessions slew the innuendo dragon today

Another Liberal Festival Fizzles

Legal Insurrection   "Finally confronting his Democrat accusers"

"Watching Attorney General Jeff Sessions testify before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was both an inspiring and infuriating experience.

"When it comes to inspiration, there’s Jeff Sessions. He did as well as he possibly could in slaying the media and Democratic innuendo machine. For several months we have heard conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory about Sessions based on “contacts” with the Russian ambassador.

"The theory that a mere “contact” was evidence of impropriety never made sense, certainly not for an Ambassador who seems to be a well-traveled fixture on the D.C. political circuit.

"Sessions’ contacts were not suspicious in the least — one was at the Republican National Convention where the Russian Ambassador was among a large group of foreign diplomats brought by the Obama administration to witness the event. The second contact was at Sessions’ Senate office in the presence of career staffers.

"Never, ever has anyone pointed to anything substantive that Sessions allegedly said or did that was improper." . . .

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