American Greatness (
As Chesterton never said but is often quoted as having done so, “When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”
Greta Thunberg Mural Equipped With Laser Eyes That Shoot At SUVs | Babylon Bee
"The other day, as environmental hero/prophetess Greta Thunberg donned a keffiyeh and joined the pro-Hamas protests in Malmo, Sweden, social media blew up with its usual mix of angry condemnation and fierce support. “How could she?” countless posters tetchily demanded, only to be met, in response, with the equally peevish “How could you?” With a few notable exceptions, most observers missed the obvious point that of course the erstwhile environmental activist was protesting the Jewish “oppressors” and supporting their poor, Palestinian victims; of course she took to the streets with neo-Marxist identitarians to demand “justice” and an end to “colonialism;” of course she has and will continue to embrace every subversive left-wing liberationist cause. How could do otherwise? After all, these causes are all interconnected, if not wholly identical." . . .
. . ."Chesterton writes, “then he is by that very process sinking slowly backwards into the vagueness of the vagrant animals and the unconsciousness of the grass. Trees have no dogmas. Turnips are singularly broad-minded.”
"Greta Thunberg is a turnip. To be sure, she is a broad-minded and “enlightened” turnip, but she is a turnip nonetheless. And so are all of her compatriots protesting throughout the West for the environment and against the Jews, for the Palestinians and against homophobia, and for the Mullahs of Iran and their homicidal proxies and against fossil fuels. They are all believer in and practitioners of “the Modern Phase.” They are Marxists, but not just Marxists. They are Marxists with iPhones who use those iPhones to spend their parents’ money ordering head scarves from Amazon, which they then use to cover their hair and their faces while they demand equal treatment for women, even those women who were born men.
"As Chesterton never said but is often quoted as having done so, “When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.” And so it is with our turnipified youth. They are “spiritual” but not religious. They are disciples who follow no dogma. They embrace all causes while believing nothing. They are destroying our civilization so that they may save the world. And while they may accomplish the former, the latter is far beyond the limits of their imaginations and dedication."
Greta, be glad you are not this Israeli girl!
"She is no kid that sat outside of the parliament. Her father was a political activist. Hell she even goes to the world economic Forum and gets a room given to her.That should tell us everything"