Monday, June 10, 2024

Democrats as they now are

We have watched this Antifa generation burn our cities over the killing of a man who held his gun at a woman's pregnant stomach, murder police, stalked Supreme Court Justices. Now we see them as simple-minded tools of murderous Hamas, shaped by teachers leading that generation to the destruction of a nation they have shamed and abased. TD

'Lafayette, we are here' has an entirely different meaning in front of Joe Biden's White House - Monica Showalter

 . . ."Which tells us a lot about Joe Biden and the kind of government he represents and values. That abortion and Jan. 6 protestors can be sent to prison for years and years, while this garbage symbolically directed at our valuable ally goes on with impunity says mountains about what the Biden administration is about. And after the French treated him so well in France.

"What an ingrate."

 Who’s behind the pro-Palestinian protests in the U.S.? (   . . ."Despite accusations by some pro-Israel groups and former U.S. and Israeli government officials of potential ties between protest organizers and terrorist groups, public records show no clear evidence financially linking Hamas or any foreign governments to the American protests. 

"What did emerge is a vast network that includes left-leaning, billion-dollar American philanthropies and collaboration with at least one foreign organization that Germany and Israel have banned for allegedly working with or supporting Hamas and another terrorist group.

"The movement overall appears grassroots, with localized efforts that coordinate primarily through social media using apps such as Telegram, X, WhatsApp and Instagram." . . . 

"Obama would later scold the hecklers when they started up again, telling them “You can’t just talk and not listen– That’s what the other side does”:. . ."

"Other side?" Is this Muslim sycophant speaking of the people whose villages were destroyed by murderous "Palestinians" and women brutally raped out of hate? None of this had to happen until these Gazans showed the brutality they have been wanting to unleash with the promise of repeating it over and over! TD

California, the Great Destroyer: Victor Davis Hanson

 American Greatness ( 

So what happened to the can-do California of former governors Pat Brown, Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian, and Pete Wilson? They had bequeathed to the Baby Boomer generation a well-run state, renowned for its state-of-the-art infrastructure.

 "In 1996, the California legislature created the high speed rail authority.

""In 2008, voters passed an initial nearly $10 billion bond to build an envisioned 800 mile, $33 billion project eventually to link Sacramento with San Diego.

"Fifteen years later, a scaled-down plan from Bakersfield to Merced remains not even half finished. Yet the envisioned costs will exceed that of the original estimate for the entire project.

"The rail authority now estimates that just the modest 178 mile route—only about a fifth of the authorized distance—will not be completed at least until 2030. Past high speed estimates of both time and cost targets have been widely wrong and perhaps deliberately misleading.

"Total costs for the entire project are now estimated at nearly $130 billion. Many expect that figure to double in the next quarter-century. Planners also concede there will likely not be much high speed rider demand from San Joaquin Valley residents willing to pay $86 to travel at a supposed 200 mph from Bakersfield to Merced.

"Nine years ago voters amid drought and water shortages also passed a state water bond, authorizing $7.5 billion in new water projects and initiatives.

"Some $2.7 billion was targeted for new dams and reservoirs. The current water storage system had not been enlarged since the early 1980s, when the state population was 15 million fewer residents.

"So far not a single dam or new reservoir has been built. And Californians expect more water rationing statewide anytime the state experiences a modest drought.

"In 2017, a $15 billion bond authorized a complete remodeling of Los Angeles International Airport—recognized as one of the more congested, disorganized, and unpleasant airports in America.

"Now the cost to complete the project has grown to an estimated $30 billion, with a proposed finish date of 2028—11 years after the project was authorized." . . .

It's Been a Fantastically Terrible Few Days for Hamas Monsters and Their Sick Supporters

 Guy, I liked you on Gutfeld and I love you here! The Tunnel Dweller

Guy Benson (

Coolest guy on American campuses

. . ."I'd bet that nearly every person involved in these embraces were not sure this day would ever come. What a blessing. Bravo to every single person involved in the rescue, especially the fallen Israeli hero who died in the service of others. Like clockwork, this incredible feat by the Israelis touched off fury among Hamas apologists and fans around the world, such as the evil death cultists recently spotted in New York City. What a sad and frustrating day it must have been for these Islamist ghouls:         

. . . " This is not a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention, and who understands that Hamas lies like it breathes.  Finally, it has been a painful stretch of days for Team Hamas because one of their nastiest and most bigoted public figures in the United States finally lost her job over her despicable conduct (yes, previous tweets like this make her overdue and deserved fate more delicious).  And a modicum of accountability is arriving for the Hamas brigade and their enablers on various US campuses:" . . .

Israel demands answers from Al Jazeera why ‘Hamas terrorist’ allegedly worked as a reporter (    . . ."The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday accused the Qatari regime-owned Al Jazeera news organization of employing a Hamas terrorist whose family held three of the hostages freed in Saturday's IDF raid.

"The IDF killed the alleged Al Jazeera reporter Abdallah Aljamal during its dramatic rescue mission in Nuseirat in the Gaza Strip.

"The IDF wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, "'Journalist' Abdallah Aljamal was a Hamas terrorist holding Almog, Andrey and Shlomi hostage in his family’s home in Nuseirat. No press vest can make him innocent of the crimes he has committed. @AlJazeera what’s this terrorist doing on your website?"

"Al Jazeera listed Aljamal as an author on its website, and he reportedly wrote at least one article for the Doha-based network.

"But the Jerusalem bureau chief of the now-closed Al Jazeera office, Omar al-Walid, denied that Aljamal worked for Al Jazeera, according to the Times of Israel." . . .

IDF says rescued hostages were held at the home of a Gaza journo who wrote for Al Jazeera - Monica Showalter

  . . .What this shows is that NGOs and media organizations such as Al Jazeera have a lot to answer for in the enabling of terrorists.

When Israel shut down Al Jazeera's office in Israel last April, the hullaballoo was deafening, with claims that Israel hated freedom of the press. Actually, they knew stuff, a lot more than they were letting on, about the objectivity of these bounders claiming to be the free press, along with the NGOs.

Now the truth is out. Next time someone starts yelling about freedom of the press, bring up the matter of Abdallah Aljamal, the hostage holder for Hamas.

Let's say, for the sake of argument that he may not have killed a hostage, but do you think for a moment that he would have protected them from being tortured or murdered? TD

Let's have a bit of parody from the Babylon Bee: 

(Babylon Bee parody:) Ilhan Omar Calls For Day Of Mourning Over Hostages Rescued

. . ." 'I am deeply grieved by the tragic rescue of four of our hostages this morning," said Omar, fighting back tears. "They were taken from us far too soon, after only 245 days in captivity. I am hereby calling for a National Day of Mourning over their safe return to Israel."
"According to sources, Omar broke out into sobs upon learning the devastating news of the hostages' rescue. "If only Israel had listened to Biden, none of this would have happened," said Omar. "It pains me to see their smiling faces as they reunite with friends and family. The only silver lining is that none of the American hostages were rescued, praise Allah."
"As a sign of mourning, Omar will fly the Palestinian flag outside of her office at half-staff. Aides report that Omar will meet up with fellow representatives Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to support each other during this difficult time. The group plans to go down to the Holocaust Museum for a little pick-me-up, and then go out for ice cream." . . .

On the Gaza rescue

 The Morning Briefing: Hostage Rescue Brings Out the Worst in the Worst People on Earth   "Ever since the horrific Hamas terrorist assault on Israel last October, we have been discussing the fact that it is very easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys in all that has followed.

"Morally bankrupt leftists all over the world have thrown in with the terrorists. They pretend that it's all about the poor innocents in Gaza, but Hamas is Gaza, and Gaza is Hamas. Those fully grown Hamas terrorists aren't being dispensed from a vending machine or being purchased off of Amazon, after all. 

"The ugliness of this insanity has been compounded by hordes of ignorant college kids who have had their impressionable minds warped by commie professors. 

"As is always the case with the leftists, there are no limits to how low they can go. The antisemitic rage we've seen from them these past eight months has been beyond awful. Unfortunately, they found new depths to plumb after the Israel Defense Forces rescued four hostages last week. They immediately looked for ways to taint a great cause for celebration — especially given the fact that many had lost hope that any hostages remained alive. 

"Israel continues to fight for its survival while the Left's smear machine works feverishly to turn public sentiment against it. As Richard Fernandez wrote over the weekend, the global public relations initiative might not be working out the way Hamas and its apologists want it to: . . ."

 Why Did CNN Say the Israeli Hostages Were 'Released?' – HotAir

. . ."I would like to offer them the benefit of the doubt and assume that this was just an accident that popped up during a breaking news event, but it's rather difficult to do so. This just seems to be typical of the culture at CNN. They have been quick to accept anything said by Hamas' Ministry of Health in Gaza when it comes to casualty figures in the Strip and quick to lay blame at the feet of the IDF for nearly anything. When terrorists blew up their own hospital's parking lot with an errant rocket, CNN was quick to blame Israeli rockets, setting a pattern of taking Hamas at their word." . . .

. . ."Gazans died because they held Israelis hostage in their homes, and then used them as human shields when the IDF came to rescue the hostages. It's simple - stop taking hostages, stop keeping them hidden among civilians, and release the hostages. 

"I think Noa's story will get worse as we learn more, as the other three hostages' stories will, too. The important thing is that they were rescued alive and are back with their families. The confusion about how was held where complicates the story." . . .

Now if only doctors will be able to heal the nightmares Noa must have nightly. TD

Douglas Murray: How Media Are SKEWED Against Israel (

Douglas Murray speaks to Uncommon Knowledge about the hysterical reporting and reactions to the Israel-Hamas war. Ollie reacts and digs deeper.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

VINDICATED: After Years of Covering For Fauci, Washington Post Acknowledges Beagle Torture

 Ben Bartee – PJ Media

In two and a half years, “conspiracy theory” magically morphs into established fact! Have we seen this movie before?

          RelatedMTG Gives Fauci’s Beagle Torture Program New Oxygen


Here was the Washington Post in November 2021 (emphasis added):

Anthony S. Fauci was swamped by so many angry messages and threats that in late October his assistant quit answering the phone for two weeks. The U.S. covid chief got 3,600 phone calls in 36 hours, just as he and other Biden administration officials were preparing for the campaign to vaccinate young children*

The wave of anger grew out of a campaign by a little-known animal rights group called the White Coat Waste Project, which leveraged existing hostility among conservatives toward Fauci to further its cause, a Post review found. White Coat Waste has only a small fraction of the budget of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the nation’s most prominent animal-research opponent, but the group’s message was amplified by a right-wing echo chamber eager to thrash Fauci over everything from vaccine directives to NIH funding of coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in the Chinese city where the pandemic began.”

Much of the onslaught stemmed from a viral and false claim that the agency Fauci leads, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, had funded a medical experiment in which beagles were trapped in mesh cages filled with diseased sand flies, according to four National Institutes of Health officials familiar with the calls. The outrage was supercharged by a bipartisan letter signed by 24 members of Congress that questioned the agency’s funding of medical research on dogs.

"Fast forward to this month, after MTG brought the goods to Congress for all the world to see." . . .


The Press Reactions to Israel Rescuing the Hostages Will Make Your Blood Boil

 Bonchie – RedState

"There are three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and the mainstream press being the worst people on earth. The sheer ability of the journalistic class to take any issue and come down on the wrong side of it is legendary. That dynamic didn't change after Israel rescued four hostages on Saturday morning. 

" 'As RedState reported, a joint operation between the IDF, ISA, and police forces entered the city of Nuseirat, a supposed "refugee camp," after discovering their location. The hostages were being held in "civilian" homes, with Hamas fighters responding to an all-call to attack the area after the rescue attempt was discovered. That led to a tense firefight in the streets, with a helicopter eventually providing evac from the nearby beach. 

Now, you'd think the press would be very interested to know why hostages were being held in "civilian" homes in the middle of a "refugee camp." That would seem the most prudent question when discussing casualties as a result of the rescue operation. Instead, they simply went to bat for Hamas.

 “How dare those Jews rescue their hostages!” — WaPo, outraged.

"Yes, that's a reporter, one of our supposed intellectual betters, asking if Israel should have warned the "civilians" holding the hostages that they were coming. Putting aside how nonsensical that is because it would have led to the failure of the mission, her question is centered on the continued infantilization of Palestinians. They can take hostages and hold them in civilian homes in a "refugee camp," and the press will still insist that it's up to Israel to bear all responsibility for casualties as a result. "

Was that reporter instructed to ask that very question? Radical Chic today is the scarf called a Kaffiyeh, what the useful idiots wear to be cool. TD

SEE: Israel Rescues Hostages Despite Biden Insistence They Leave Gaza

J6er grins from ear to ear while attending his former prosecutor’s CRIMINAL pre-trial hearing…

 Revolver News

. . ."The irony here is that the violent former prosecutor got a better bail deal than the non-violent J6 political prisoners who he tried to destroy. Decent Americans like Lecturn Guy were railroaded, while this unhinged stabber walked off with a better bail deal." . . . 

"There’s nobody more powerful and effective than a jolly warrior. This is the major difference between the right and left and also explains why right-wingers can meme while Marxists can’t. Here’s the breakdown: those on the right, though committed to winning this spiritual war, still manage to have fun and find humor even in these crazy, dark, progressive times. Meanwhile, the left wallows in a constant state of angsty bitterness, perpetually offended by everything. These self-proclaimed victims can’t find humor in anything, which over time makes them completely unrelatable and isolates them within a bubble of tyrannical victimhood that eventually leads to all this “clown world” insanity. The complete opposite of this bitter victim is someone like “Lectern Guy.” His name is Adam Johnson, and he’s one of the most famous non-violent J6 political prisoners. He’s the legendary guy who casually strolled out with Pelosi’s lectern, all while wearing a Trump hat and giving a jovial wave. The man is a patriot and a hero.

"Adam Johnson faced charges for entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds and received a sentence of 75 days in jail with a $5,000 fine. Now, he’s served his time and is not just free—he’s out there living his best life. In fact, he’s free enough to attend the pre-trial criminal hearing of his former prosecutor, who’s now in hot water himself. This prosecutor was caught on camera in a road rage meltdown, violently stabbing at drivers. That’s right, the tables have turned in what can only be described as poetic justice. The very person who tried to ruin Adam’s life is now entangled in the same court system he once used as a political weapon.

"How’s that for juicy and delicious karma? The guy seeking to lock up non-violent Americans can be seen below stabbing somebody during a road rage incident." . . .

Video: The guy seeking to lock up non-violent Americans can be seen stabbing somebody during a road rage incident.

Time Magazine Betrays Its Tilt in Biden, Trump Interviews

  Tim Graham (  

The Democrats running Time are hyperbolically raising fear that a president using the Justice Department might go after his political opponents, while somehow being blind and deaf enough to ignore that Biden is using the Justice Department to go after his political opponents. 

"Does Time magazine really matter anymore? It still has a circulation of over one million, but that is one-third of what it was in 2012. Does anything it reports still resonate, or is it like a tree that collapses unheard in the solitude of the woods?

"Time just secured an interview with President Joe Biden, when Biden has granted very few interviews to print news outlets. Time gained access to Donald Trump in April, and the first thing you notice when you compare the two interviews is the length. At the top of the transcripts, Time claims the Biden transcript is a "28 minute read," while Trump's is listed as 83 minutes. Time's "fact check" of the Trump interviews ("21 minute read") is almost as long as the Biden interview.

"Another noticeable tilt is the agenda of questions. Biden's questions were overwhelmingly about foreign policy. There are three on inflation, three on immigration, and three on Biden's age. There were zero questions on Hunter Biden and the Biden scandals. There were zero questions on the Trump trial or the Trump prosecutions.

"Did Team Biden put any conditions on which questions could be asked? It's a fair question, considering how selective they've been in handing out interviews.

"By contrast, by my count, Time asked Trump 11 questions about the Trump prosecutions (and "revenge" for them), five questions about Jan. 6, two about potential political violence in 2025, four on fighting the "deep state," three on his "dictator for a day" joke, and four on whether he'd seek to overturn the 22nd Amendment and seek a third term.

"On top of that, Trump drew 14 questions on abortion policy and six on crime. It's obvious from the Time transcripts that they consider Trump's opinions on domestic issues to be much more controversial — and even extremist — than anything Biden advocates. The rest of the media picked up on Trump's abortion answers, and Biden didn't have to provide any abortion answers." . . .

"Even the age questions to Biden were timid softballs, and Biden's answer — suggesting he could take his interviewer Massimo Calabresi in a fight — was taken as a joke." . . . 

Remember this action back in 2023: Speaker Kevin McCarthy blocked two Democrats from serving on a key House panel


McCarthy is also considering a vote to block Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee over her comments on Israel, which drew criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

"Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell accused House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of "political vengeance" for blocking the California Democrats from serving on the House Intelligence Committee.

" 'This is, I think, not an unexpected but nonetheless, destructive move by Kevin McCarthy," Schiff said during a press conference Wednesday morning.

"McCarthy rejected a request from House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries to keep Schiff and Swalwell on the committee. Both members previously served on the panel — with Schiff serving as chair from 2019 to 2022 — and both were involved in the investigations and impeachments of former President Donald Trump.

"The move comes as the new Republican majority is outlining its plans and priorities for the session, which include a focus on oversight and investigations of President Biden's administration.

"As House speaker, McCarthy has authority to approve or reject spots on the intelligence committee because it is a "select" committee, while positions on standing committees ultimately require a vote of the House. Republicans who support the move cited former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's refusal to seat several members to the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

"In a letter to Jeffries, McCarthy said the intel committee under Schiff "severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." On Tuesday, McCarthy cited a report that Swalwell was targeted by a Chinese spy in 2014." . . .

See who isn't on the committee today: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence -   "Members are listed in order of their rank on the committee and its subcommittees."

I look forward to the day Elise Stefanik moves ever higher. TD

Indeed, Reagan’s ardent warning is coming to fruition. A blanket of tyranny and fanaticism is covering America

"Tragically, the children have diluted their liberty inheritance and become shamefully indifferent to good and evil. Indeed, Reagan’s ardent warning is coming to fruition. A blanket of tyranny and fanaticism is covering AmericaAlexander G. Markovsky"

 Must watch: Leftist can’t explain Trump ‘crimes’  "Video from Piers Morgan Uncensored has the whole panel laughing at a leftist who can’t even answer the basic question: what crime did Trump commit?  Since the D.A., Alvin Bragg, and the judge in the case, Judge Merchan, failed to articulate a crime in the case, Michael Knowles challenged her to articulate the “crime” of which President Trump was “convicted.” 

"Hilarity ensues as she ends up rambling around in circles, desperately trying to come up with a cogent answer, unable to explain his “crime.”

"Then it gets even better, when Mark Geragos, famed defense attorney and admitted lifelong Democrat, who is no fan of Trump, who says he never voted for him and never will, systematically demolishes her answer." . . .

The United States Reincarnates Communism and Stalin’s Trials - Alexander G. Markovsky   "Following the announcement of the verdict, Donald Jay Trump labeled the New York trial as a “scam” and “a rigged trial,” and proclaimed, “I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and to save our Constitution.”

"Given Trump’s tenacity and determination, he will likely win this round. He may even succeed and become President again, but he cannot alter the trajectory of this nation—the course has already been set.

"The reality is that America did not defeat communism; she adopted it. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn astutely observed, “For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while for many people in the West, it is a living lion.” Expelled from Russia, this dead dog acquired a new life in the United States and regained vitality to become a living lion within the Democratic Party. The Party has gained almost absolute dominance over the media, electoral process, federal law enforcement, and the judicial branch, and it’s infused the educational system with Marxist ideology.

"Trump is a symbol of resistance and instills an inordinate fear in Democrats who aspire to socialism. Their concern is not so much that he can reverse the trend but that he will potentially impede the process and slow it down. The Democrats have gotten very close to imposing complete control over this nation politically, economically, and ideologically. This is their moment; they want socialism now." . . .

The Bidens Are A Horrible Bunch Of People. And Democrats are their enablers

 Derek Hunter (

"History will not be kind to Joe Biden, as he has supplanted Jimmy Carter as the worst President in history.  But it should also be unkind because he’s a horrible person, and the head of a horrible family."

Jill didn't mind what Joe did to Tara Reade?

"History is full of horrible, evil people – Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, Hillary Clinton – but only one of them comes from a family completely devoid of any members with any redeeming qualities. While that may seem a bit harsh on Chelsea, the truth often is harsh. With that in mind, we have to acknowledge the unvarnished truth that atop that list is the Biden family. 

"Is there anyone in that family who isn’t repugnant? The only people associated with the family who run risk of not being total sleaze, and therefore run risk of having any redeeming qualities are the two women who are disconnected, maybe even excommunicated from it: Hunter’s ex-wife and his youngest illegitimate child.

"Those two just so happen to be the ones the rest of the family seeming hold in contempt. 

"First is Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen. She ditched the Biden name soon after her divorce from the junkie hooker-loving scumbag, after he’d not only been cheating on her with prostitutes but also her own sister-in-law. Gross. 

"Speaking of the gross sister-in-law, Beau’s widow Hallie, who got a surprise witness-tampering visit from President Biden a week before testifying about how big of a sleazeball the man who got her hooked on crack was, just got remarried last weekend. I bet having the testify about stealing your dead husband’s brother from your sister-in-law while, smoking drugs while he’s screwing every hooker human trafficked from eastern Europe while still picking the wedding rice from your hair is a healthy way to start a marriage. 

"The whole Biden family should enter an endorsement deal with penicillin. 

"Joe broke up Jill’s first marriage, Jill was a willing participant. Then they both lied about it, which is an acknowledgement of them being away of how gross they are." . . .

"Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be." . . .

If you vote for Joe Biden ... Eric Utter  . . ."If you vote for the current president who is trying to destroy a former president for far lesser offenses than he himself has committed, you are a hypocrite. If you vote for the man who is currently attempting to imprison his political opponent, perhaps for life, for the sin of standing in the way of his continued power, you are an ignorant fool. If you vote for the man who has labeled nearly half of your countrymen “domestic terrorists,” you are a cad of the highest order. If you vote for the man who is clearly beholden to at least one -- likely more than one -- of America’s enemies, each with totalitarian governments, you cannot claim to be a patriot or defender of democracy.

"If you vote for the man who clearly—and in so many ways-- favors illegal immigrants over American citizens, and those who break the law over those who abide by it, you are voting for chaos, pain, and societal destruction." . . . 

The Clooney Shakedown of Biden gets worse: Biden caves to Clooney on the ICC - Monica Showalter   "It's bad enough that actor George Clooney had the temerity to call the White House to complain about the U.S. foreign policy stance on the International Criminal Court's planned arrest warrant of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a U.S. ally.

"The guy, after all, is an actor. He did it to make his wife happy, the wife apparently dispatching him to do it since she helped write the plans for the warrant, and faced sanctions. Perhaps the loudly liberated woman was too cowardly to call them up on her own.

"But now we learn that Biden actually caved to Clooney, changing U.S. foreign policy to suit Herodias, or rather, Amal Clooney." . . .

How Joe Biden’s personal aides got involved in his relatives’ business dealings - POLITICO    . . ."It is unclear whether the president’s current or former staffers are presently involved in his relatives’ business affairs. Neither the White House, representatives for Jim and Hunter Biden, nor the president’s current or former aides responded to requests for comment." . . .

The Hunter Biden Case Is Solid. There’s Something Rotten About It Too.   . . ."On top of that, any time the government’s key witness in a criminal case is effectively the defendant himself, things are not looking good for the defense.

"Unless something very surprising happens, the jury is likely to convict Biden in a matter of days.

Bill Maher's New Rule for Pro-Hamas Activists on College Campuses Is Perfect

  Matt Vespa (

. . ."So, good on you kids for following your instinct to protest social injustice. Just remember, when it comes to finding a cause, pulling your head out of you’re a** is an important right of passage.”. . .

"Last Friday, Bill Maher tore into the pro-Hamas activists who took over college campuses for most of the spring. It’s a commentary I’m surprised he hasn’t issued earlier, though he’s sprinkled his mockery and disdain for these little terrorists since the October 7 attacks. So, his new rule for these kids is that you can’t side with the people who carry on a dehumanizing and degrading regime against women without getting a taste of that medicine.   

"The HBO host encouraged these activists, applauding their idealism as they dismantled their encampments and absconded back to their internships at Goldman Sachs. The world would be poorer, just like their parents who dropped $300,000 on sending their kids to these idiot factories. They picked a cause, yes, but they “missed the boat by a f**king mile.” 

"Maher added the systemic failure seen with these ignorant kids takes a village and rests blame on our education system, over-indulgent parents, and social media. He also torched these little communists for protesting the wrong apartheid. They might have heard the word, especially when celebrities talk about past great leaders in civil rights— like Nelson Mandela—but as with anything touched by the far left, they drew the wrong conclusion." . . .