Thursday, September 1, 2016

On the Trump immigration speech and policy

Highlights Of Trump Immigration Speech: Our Greatest Compassion Has To Be For American Citizens

Trump Returns to 'Law and Order' Script on Immigration  . . . "Immigration is often discussed in Washington in an economic context—in terms of guest-worker programs, importing lucrative brainpower, and the cost and flow of labor, for example."

Trump delivered a tough speech in Phoenix Thursday where he called for a deportation task force

"Trump made only brief references to such issues Wednesday. The first eight points of his ten-point immigration proposal were firmly about security, whether the focus was the southern border with Mexico or denying visas to individuals from "any place where screening cannot occur". His stances have been described as hardline and his tone harsh. But all aspects of his presentation were familiar, including the substance and stated intentions he has had for the country for months. And the anticipated softening of his proposal wasn't there." . . .
NY Times on Trump's immigration plan

Another member of Trump’s Hispanic advisory council withdraws his support over last night’s immigration speech  . . . "But as for courting Latinos, [Ari] Fleischer said, “I’m afraid it’s too late. He likely has already made too many Hispanics think he doesn’t want them in the country. They’re not listening to his next sentence. He’s already lost too much support that his words now won’t make any meaningful difference.”

Trump says final deportation decisions come at a 'later date' and promises 'quite a bit of softening' hours after tough-talk immigration speech   "A day after he gave a tough speech on immigration in Phoenix where he vowed to kick out 'the most dangerous criminal illegal aliens,' Republican Donald Trump told a conservative radio host there was indeed a 'softening' in his position.

" 'Oh, there's softening,' Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham Thursday.
'Look, we do it in a very humane way, and we're going to see with the people that are in the country,' he said, referencing deportations of undocumented immigrants. 

"'Obviously I want to get the gang members out, the drug peddlers out, I want to get the drug dealers out. We've got a lot of people in this country that you can't have, and those people we'll get out,' he said, in comments reported by Politico." . . .

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Not unrelated posts: 
The Terrorist Threat from the Southern ‘Border’   "Donald J. Trump met today with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto and later flies to Arizona for a much- anticipated speech on immigration. On these and similar occasions, it would behoove the Republican presidential nominee to go beyond the usual concerns about Mexican and Central American migrants crossing America’s southern “border.” Trump should focus, privately and publicly, on what U.S. officials call “Other Than Mexicans.”

Illegal Alien Driver Crashes Bus In Louisiana "Even using the sanitized term “undocumented worker” can’t paper over the serious nature of what happened.
. . . "A New York Daily News headline glossed over all of this saying, “Bus full of Louisiana flood workers crashes, killing 2, including fire chief, over 30 injured.” The number of injuries has since risen to 41.
"The bus was full of flood workers, many of them also illegal aliens.

A Gem in Chicago

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Thomas Sowell  . .  . "By contrast with many other colleges and universities where speech codes restrict what students can and cannot say, freshmen students entering the University of Chicago have been informed by a letter from the Dean of Students that "freedom of expression" is one of that institution's "defining characteristics." 

"The Dean of Students spelled it out: "Members of our community are encouraged to speak, write, listen, challenge and learn, without fear of censorship. Civility and mutual respect are vital to all of us, and freedom of expression does not mean the freedom to harass or threaten others." 

"That such things need to be said is a painful commentary on the academic world in general. It is doubtful if any such declaration or policy could be made at any of the Ivy League universities, which are bastions of political correctness. 

"At Harvard, not only have invited speakers been shouted down and sometimes assaulted, even a Harvard professor's classroom was invaded by disruptive students who didn't like what he was teaching. Such things have also happened at Berkeley and other elite institutions across the country, as well as at less renowned institutions. " . . .

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Trump's gamble in Mexico

Love or loathe it, Donald Trump is setting the agenda again
When a news story begins with the words "love it or hate it", it has always meant they hate it. Or him.
"Wednesday was a good day for Donald Trump, a reminder of why we shouldn’t underestimate him. It’s not that he did or said anything particularly different – he just did his old thing in a more effective way." . . .
Trump's Mexico trip: ‘Hasty’ or ‘nimble’?  . . . "If Trump can win that war against the elites of both parties and their media abettors, he will have proven himself to be more than nimble.  He will have prove himself a leader whom all who want to hold back America's return to greatness will have to reckon with."

Roger L. Simon at PJ Media opines: Trump Does Brilliantly in Mexico
"Ever since Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon have joined the campaign, Trump has performed nearly flawlessly. This can't be entirely accidental.
"The next step will his immigration speech tonight.  We'll be listening."

A Great Day for Trump   "If history still matters, August 31, 2016 will mark the turning point in Donald Trump’s march to the White House. Hugh Hewitt, as objective a Trump observer as the right has to offer, spoke with real authority to a stunned MSNBC audience. Thanks, by the way, to Media Matters for transcribing the quote below from last night:" . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Ambassador John Bolton thought Trump was a gamble that paid off:
"There were certainly upsides to its potential, but there were risks, as well, and that it was something daring and dramatic, which you will never see from Hillary Clinton.”  "He noted Trump took this gamble “at a time when his campaign was behind Clinton, in polls all across the country and in battleground states.' ”

New depth plumbed in how far the media go to stop Trump

Thomas Lifson   "Headline News, the sister network of CNN, is willing to make itself look ridiculous in order to avoid broadcasting anything that reflects well on Donald Trump.  We have seen sophisticates like Jim Rutenberg of the New York Timesrationalize anti-Trump bias and make himself look ridiculous, too, but in order to appreciate the humor, one has to actually read and comprehend an article that has numbers of multi-syllabic words.
"But thanks to HLN, we have a dramatic graphic representation of extreme media bias, and as a bonus, it is laugh-out-loud funny.  Big Fur Hat of iOTWReport spotted the obsessive lengths to which HLN will go:
Clinton Network News affiliate HLN interviewed a man who saved a baby from a hot car.
HLN wouldn’t allow the man’s Trump shirt to get on the air.
"Donald Trump has a huge opportunity to make the media’s bias against him an asset.  He should have a blowup of the screen grab made and have someone bring it out and ridicule the blurring of his name.  Most people hate and distrust the media.  The criticism of him can be turned back against the critics, who continually makes asses of themselves over Trump."

Clinton News Network From 2006, even!
"The candidates answered the questions far more directly than Democrats ever have in their debates, but, overall, we witnessed a barely disguised CNN propaganda spectacle."

Hillary: her health as well as her competence in question

Hillary at Bay  "The sicker Hillary Clinton looks on the campaign trail, the more the Media Left tells us to deny the evidence of our eyes.  Mrs. Clinton has suffered two strokes near, if not inside, her brain; but strokes are seldom localized affairs, and behind the scenes her doctors must be telling her to stop any physically demanding campaign activities.

"Hillary is in effect suspending her active campaigning to do almost exclusively fundraisers."
. . .
"We are seeing a woman who should be checking into Walter Reed Hospital to take full-time rest and recovery under intensive medical care, but who has to be physically propped up at some public appearances. "

"Her email setup was an open invitation to major hacks, which have now done immense damage to the Government, the DNC, and even to Gyorgyi Soros, the Hungarian Machiavellian personality who controls much of the core Democratic Party. Wikileaks is brimming over with leaks, but it isn't funny: The chickens have indeed come back to roost, but they are now a clear and present danger to national security. This is very dangerous."
. . . 
"Crucial government servants are being exposed to blackmail by foreign regimes, including Jihadists, the Chinese, and various tinpot dictators who can buy into what must be a flourishing black market in American national security secrets. The Ship of State is badly holed under the water line, and Obama's team has shown absolutely no capacity to even grasp the emergency, much less to do anything about it."
Obama’s former doctor recommends neurological testing for Hillary Clinton   "During a recent interview with Erin Burnett on CNN, Obama’s former physician, David Scheiner, recommended that Hillary Clinton have a “thorough neurologic exam,” stating that the two-page doctor letter Clinton provided attesting to her good health is not sufficient"

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Pelosi Hack: Memo To DCCC Staff On Black Lives Matter: Don’t Say “All Lives Matter” Or “Black-On-Black Crime”

Weasel Zippers

"Docs leaked by Guccifer 2.0 include this little nugget from the hack of Nancy Pelosi."
Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 11.45.35 AM
"Most notable is advising Democrats not to say ‘All lives matter’ or to talk about ‘black-on-black crime’ as this is the ‘worst thing’ to say to Black Lives Matter activists.
"It describes BLM as “radical”, which is pretty accurate and notes that it extends beyond questions of police brutality to “criminal justice reform”. What they leave out is they don’t want reform, they want eliminate prisons and police.
"Notice also it advises: “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions”. In other words, listen and pretend you care, while offering nothing."
What a wonderful government we have, eh?

Obama Sabotages Obamacare

Galen Institute  "The ACA and the administration’s whack-a-mole regulations are responsible for double-digit premium increases and for the exodus of insurers from selling individual policies in the ObamaCare exchanges.

"As health insurers head for the exits, Americans who have been whipsawed by ObamaCare may get whacked again this fall:  First, they were thrown off private plans that were declared illegal, then they were forced into the ObamaCare exchanges, and now they could face the prospect of being shut out of coverage through their exchanges entirely for 2017.
"In Arizona’s Pinal County, for example, no insurers are offering coverage through the exchange. While decisions won’t be final until next month, people in other counties could face a similar fate.
"Elsewhere, millions of Americans will have a “choice” of just one carrier, especially in rural areas. It’s likely that Alabama, Alaska, and Oklahoma will have only one health insurer selling individual coverage on their exchanges next year. South Carolina and most of North Carolina could join that list as well.
"Nearly one-third of the nation’s counties are likely to have just one insurer offering health plans on the exchanges next year: Last year, 50 Texas counties had only one insurer offering individual plans, according to data from the Texas Department of Insurance. Next year, Texans in 57 counties will have only one choice.  Exchange customers in many Florida counties will be offered only the Blues plans.
"United Healthcare, Humana, and some Blues plans were the first start the exodus from the ObamaCare exchanges.  But when Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini announced in mid-August that his company will dramatically reduce its individual public exchange participation to just four states, it created an earthquake." . . .
Grace-Marie Turner is president of the Galen Institute, a non-profit research organization focusing on free-market ideas for health reform.  Read the article in Forbes


Ann Coulter  "Just when you think the media could not possibly become more loathsome, the Fourth Estate bullies prove you wrong again. The Washington Post's latest ugliness was to exploit the disability of a newspaper reporter in order to smear the Republican nominee for president. Then -- and this is the least surprising part of the story -- the Post lied about it. 

"Other than the subject of that paragraph -- which I slyly switched from Trump to the media -- that is an exact paraphrase of the Post's opening lines from an editorial hawking the media's most successful lie about Donald Trump: that he mocked a man for being disabled. 

"I have a chapter on that lie in my new book, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!, It was perfectly obvious that Trump was not mimicking any disability that Serge has, but I didn't have the smoking gun to prove that the media were lying and knew they were lying. Now we have it. 

"A group called 
Catholics 4 Trump has posted a video clip of another part of that same speech, in which Trump imitates a flustered general. Guess what? He does the exact same arm flailing. 

"In another speech, Trump pretended to be a timorous Ted Cruz. Again, he does the exact same arm flailing. You can see the videos here: 

""Neither the general nor Cruz is disabled. " . . .

. . . 
Washington Post Deletes Video Evidence Showing Trump Didn’t Mock Reporter’s Disability  

. . . "Of course, one of the actions the poll asked people to rate was “Trump’s criticism of a reporter that was seen as mocking the reporter’s physical disability.” Note “that was seen as…” Don’t you love it? Who saw it that way? People who watched the video of Trump with the media caption “Trump mocks disabled reporter” plastered on it? The media created the impression that Trump was mocking the reporter’s disability when in fact this was not the case as we have shown:" . . .

To what extent would the Clinton's ever cut ties with their foundation?

Too late! The Clinton's have many favors already bought and paid for by others through the foundation and have time to sell many more between now and her hoped-for inauguration.

WSJ: Some Democrats Tell Clinton to Cut Ties With Foundation

NYT: The Clintons Need To Cut Ties With The Foundation  "Well, when you lose The New York Times, maybe it’s a sign that the Clinton camp needs to work on something to quell the allegations that the power couple’s nonprofit is guilty of pay-to-play regarding donations, meetings with these donors, and good fortune being bestowed upon those contributors somewhere down the line after the checks have been made to be cashed. Huma Abedin, Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff at State, has been revealed to be the middle person who directed folks to the Clinton Foundation for meetings with the then-secretary (after being denied an audience through official channels) who were unable to be granted a face-to-face rendezvous. Oh, this was granted after a donation was made." . . .

The 49er quarterback discussion goes on . . .

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Comedian Argus Hamilton remarked: 
"San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem Friday, saying it stands for racism even though he himself was adopted and raised by white parents. He’s now in talks with Hollywood to make a movie about his childhood. It’s called Eighteen Years a Slave
The Minnesota Vikings new stadium has "a see-through roof and two gigantic jumbo screens. In addition it has a plush reclining chair on the sideline for Colin Kaepernick to sit in during the national anthem when San Francisco comes to town."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

American Thinker contributors have much to say on this:

Where is the black Democrat telling Colin Kaepernick to shut up?
This is NOT my father's Democrat Party!
. . . "Here is the worst part: His message of black victimology was unchallenged. No one in the Congressional Black Caucus stood up and called Collin out.    No one in the Democrat Party defended the police from the outrageous lies that Kaepernick said.  . . . 
. . . "At the end of the day, who cares whether Kaepernick salutes the national anthem. Let him sit down! However, he has no right to attack the integrity of our police officers or pretend to be enlightened by wearing a Fidel Castro T-shirt!"
The cowardice of Colin Kaepernick 
Does he feel any compassion for mothers and fathers wondering if this is the day their children will not return from school?  Has he ever questioned the liberal policies of the killing field cities like Chicago and Baltimore, or do only black lives killed by police matter?  
Related to this:  . . . He should also speak to Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, who repeatedly has said, “The failed liberal government policies have led to high unemployment, chronic poverty, failing schools… Milwaukee has inescapable poverty. We’re like the sixth poorest city in America. You have massive black unemployment… You have dysfunctional families, you have father-absent homes, you have questionable lifestyle choices.”
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

The banned helmet sticker:

Image result for dallas cowboys banned helmet stickers

What Trace Adkins Did For FALLEN Cop’s Family Makes Him A HERO And Kaepernick A ZERO  "Trace Adkins and Knoxville venue the Back Porch On The Creek announced plans to donate $10,000.00 to the family of fallen Maryville Police Officer Kenny Moats.
According to concert organizers, Adkins was scheduled to perform September 2nd and $1.00 of each ticket sold would be donated to the local Fraternal Order of Police.
…Officer Moats was shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance call in Blount County last Thursday.
"What’s more, if you show your badge, you get in for free!"

Not a good idea: Read here.

Kaepernick: Oh, by the way, Hillary should be in jail  . . . "So, despite his obvious, logical insight into the Hillary Clinton email scandal (wisdom and insight lost on 98% of the mainstream media) we can’t celebrate this ingrate in any way whatsoever. We merely raise the topic to point out that somehow ESPN and CNN and the major broadcast networks who covered this story 24/7 since Saturday seems to have overlooked this element. That’s all."

Chargers to Greet Colin Kaepernick with a ‘Salute to the Military’ on Thursday Night 
. . . "The optics promise a startling contrast if nothing else. As one African American in red, white, and gold sits during the song another, Petty Officer 1st Class Steven Powell, in dress whites sings it. A color guard representing the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines and 240 soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines holding a massive “super flag” on the field aid the visual aspect of the performance of “The Star Spangled Banner” at Quaalcom Stadium in San Diego." . . .

SAN DIEGO, CA - SEPTEMBER 11:  A general view of the field with giant American flag during the San Diego Chargers vs. the Minnesota Vikings season-opening game on September 11, 2011 at Qualcomm Stadium in San DIego, California. (Photo by Donald Miralle/Getty Images)

Iran: 'We Welcome War With the U.S.'

PJ Media

. . . "The Iranian vessels harassed the USS Nitze, a destroyer, by “conducting a high speed intercept and closing within a short distance of Nitze, despite repeated warnings,” said the official. “The Iranian high rate of closure … created a dangerous, harassing situation that could have led to further escalation, including additional defensive measures by Nitze.”

"USS Nitze changed course to get away from the Iranian vessels, but Iran’s message was clear: it has been on a war footing against the United States since 1979, and continues to be. The Iran nuclear deal has only emboldened it.

"Iranian vessels now regularly confront U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf. The Obama administration has been deliberately hiding and downplaying these incidents.

"Think about the enormity of that: the White House is misleading Americans into thinking that Obama successfully achieved rapprochement with Iran." . . .
Obama is obviously trying to run out the clock and dump this all on the next administration. Any bloodshed coming from all this, our petulant, vindictive boy president will blame on the next president, just as he has blamed his own failures on President Bush.
From before his first day in office to his last, Obama has bowed to the Iranians just as the schoolboy does to the bully, giving him what he wants just to be left alone.
I have heard no Democrat speak out against this.  TD

Guilt by Association, Real vs Imagined

Karin McQuillan . . . "In contrast, Hillary actually does support BLM, a racist organization that promotes murder of whites.  She repeats the cop-killing lie that we have a racist justice system." . . .

. . . "Unlike Trump’s non-relationship with radicals in word, thought or deed, Obama has had lifelong radical ties.  His beloved teenage mentor, the odious child molester Frank Marshall, was an actual Communist.  As an adult, Obama was plucked from obscurity by terrorist Bill Ayers, who recruited Obama to join him on the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, where they distributed $100 million to radical causes.

"Not to forget Obama’s racist, anti-Semitic and openly Marxist pastor for decades, who led his congregation to cheer 9/11.  (Remember how you felt the week after 9/11?  Can you imagine staying in a church that cheered the bombing of the World Trade Towers?) Wright is a man who Obama loved, praised, quoted and invited to campaign with him.  Now we have Obama inviting to the White House the radical, cop-hating BLM movement that cheers assassination of cops."

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"The contrast between the baseless accusations that Trump is a fringe candidate and the reality of Obama and Hillary Clinton’s lifelong radical associations could not be clearer.  Thanks to the liberal propaganda press, their voters will never know."