Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Charles Krauthammer: Is Obama preparing a parting shot at Israel?

"But such cowardly gestures are mere pinpricks compared to the damage Israel faces in the final days of the Obama presidency. "
Beware of an angry, vindictive leftist.

Charles Krauthammer

Mideast Israel Jerusalem Holy Site

. . . "Bernie Sanders tried to introduce into the Democratic Party platform a plank more unfavorable to Israel. He failed, but when a couple of Clinton campaign consultants questioned (in emails revealed by WikiLeaks) why she should be mentioning Israel in her speeches, campaign manager Robby Mook concurred, “We shouldn’t have Israel at public events. Especially dem activists.” For whom the very mention of Israel is toxic.
"And what to make of the White House’s correction to a press release about last month’s funeral of Shimon Peres? The original release identified the location as “Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, Israel.” The correction crossed out the country identifier — “Israel.”
"Well, where else is Jerusalem? Sri Lanka? Moreover, Mount Herzl isn’t even in disputed East Jerusalem. It’s in West Jerusalem, within the boundaries of pre-1967 Israel. If that’s not Israel, what is?
"But such cowardly gestures are mere pinpricks compared to the damage Israel faces in the final days of the Obama presidency. As John Hannah of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies recently wrote (in Foreign Policy), there have been indications for months that President Obama might go to the U.N. and unveil his own final status parameters of a two-state solution. These would then be enshrined in a new Security Council resolution that could officially recognize a Palestinian state on the territory Israel came into possession of during the 1967 Six-Day War." . . .
Image result for obama israel cartoons

Why do the Democrats always want to change the Electoral College after they lose?

Image result for us 2016 election results by county map
The map above tells us that with the popular vote, blue areas would select our president, giving Hillary the win.

Silvio Canto, Jr  "It's not 2000, but it sort of sounds like it.  Senator Boxer, who is retiring, has introduced a bill to end the Electoral College, as we see in this report from CNN:
Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, who was an outspoken supporter of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, is set to introduce a Senate bill that aims to end the Electoral College.
Boxer announced in a statement on Tuesday that the bill, which she planned to introduce later Tuesday afternoon, would determine the winner of presidential elections by the outcome of the popular vote.
She cited President-elect Donald Trump's victory in the Electoral College despite Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's apparent popular vote advantage.
"Of course, we don't really know who won the popular vote.  We have unofficial calculations based on state results.  There is no such thing as a certified final popular vote figure.
"Let's file this one under the "grandstanding" category, since Mrs. Boxer will be gone soon.   
"The real challenge is that such a change will actually require a constitutional amendment.  In other words, as we learned in our U.S. history high school class, such an amendment would require two-thirds majorities in the House and Senate and then in three quarters of states. 
"It is more likely that the Cubs will repeat as World Series champs than that we will see this change anytime soon.
"All of this uproar concerning the Electoral College raises two questions:
"First, why didn't Democrats vote for this when they had 60 votes in the Senate and a nice majority in the House, circa 2009-2010?  I guess they were busy pushing Obamacare through at any cost.
"Second, why didn't Senator Boxer call on Mrs. Clinton to say she would not accept the presidency unless it came with a popular vote?  I guess walking the walk is not something Democrats do!
"This "abolish" campaign will pass.
"After that, the Democrats may actually get down to understanding why they lost.  It's not hard at all.  Blue-collar workers would rather hear about jobs than global warming!"

James Longstreet:  Crying and lying: Hysteria and repeated false claims showered upon us by the left  "Greg Gutfeld brutally calls out the left and the fake cable news shows that push out the false narratives and refuse to investigate the veracity of the claims that pass over their airwaves.
"Remarkable is the stream of claims that America is now tainted by the Trump supporters and their hateful antics. Case after case is blurted across the left leaning cable shows. But it seems there is never a corroboration or proof of the incidents so claimed.
“ 'It doesn’t matter if it is false because it is bound to be true somewhere.”
“ 'Do the fakers go to jail for wasting our time?”
"Is this not akin to pulling the fire alarm switch in the high school hallway?
"In this video, Greg gives a monologue that calls out these fabricators and their enablers."

... "When they have to make it up, it must be near the end.  When they must castigate the vice president-elect when he has a night out with the family, it must be near the end."

Sunday, November 20, 2016

You knew there would be more to say about the "Hamilton" dust-up, didn't you?

Hey, Hamilton cast: The left has its own problems with ‘diversity’
. . . "This should be no surprise as the left makes everything political. From NFL football games to Halloween costumes, it seems few American traditions are free from criticism and disdain over the same buzzword issues of diversity, inclusiveness, and tolerance. Even the tradition of a family night out at the theater." . . .

Venturing into the topic of "diversity", this article shows us the editorial board of the Huffington Post:

Nobody really wins in the Hamilton message situation  . . . "It’s generated a nice weekend of publicity, with pretty much everyone weighing in on the issue (John has a good round up here).
The Hamilton cast didn’t do anything wrong (or illegal) by reading the statement (hi First Amendment!), but at the same time, it may have been better for them to try to deliver the message personally to Pence. This way it doesn’t come off as publicity seeking, as it’s being portrayed, and could also have an even better effect. It’s like with the fashion designers publicly saying they won’t create dresses for Melania Trump* (or the Trump daughters). They have every right to do it, but it might be better to privately state why they are opposed to doing business with the Trumps. Again, there’s nothing wrong with a public statement, but it’s still too “attention seeking” for me." . . .

Melania Gets Last Laugh On Michelle’s Designer Who Refuses To Dress Her  "Assuming that Melania would want to be dressed by someone who was responsible for Michelle’s look, fashion designer Sophie Theallet came out on her own accord to announce that she would be boycotting any potential opportunities to work with Mrs. Trump — ironically saying that to do so would go against her beliefs of respecting everyone and honoring diversity."
Melania Gets Last Laugh On Michelle's Designer Who Refuses To Dress Her

. . . "Theallet was probably among those against a Christian business owner who refused to bake a cake for a homosexual couple, citing their religious beliefs, but the same doesn’t apply when it comes to working for a woman who has differing political beliefs."

Trump Officially Considering Marine Hero for Secretary Of Defense

Mad World News  "Speculation regarding Donald Trump’s cabinet has run wild – but there’s one name that’s causing an even greater buzz than the others. Now, the word is out that Trump is officially considering a Marine hero for Secretary of Defense, and it’s a choice that should command respect — even from Democrats." . . .

General (Ret) James Mattis, USMC (TIM SLOAN/GETTY)
General (Ret) James Mattis, USMC
. . .  “' Mad Dog” Mattis commands a great deal of nearly universal respect and is considered a hero to the Marines, who hold him almost in the same regard as their legendary former commandant, “Chesty” Puller. Importantly, Mattis also commands a great deal of respect and support within the Pentagon. Trump’s campaign rhetoric was very critical of the senior military leadership, so Mattis could be very useful in making peace with the Pentagon establishment.
"Mattis’ reputation and distinction come from his tenure as a Marine general in both Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2004), where he received wide acclaim for his command during the turbulent Battle of Fallujah. He later went to command US Central Command."


PowerLine  "Politics is downstream from culture,” Andrew Breitbart liked to argue, and given the near-monopoly of the left on America’s cultural scene (Hamilton hecklers anyone?), the ballot box is the only place where the American people get to fight back. So it is worth taking in instances when the cultural world seems to get it, like this sketch on Saturday Night Live last night about the liberal “bubble.” Just 2:20 long an worth every second.

Trump Supporter Disrupts Chicago Performance Of ‘Hamilton’

I'm sorry about this. It is not hard to be classier than the left, so let's do it.

Daily Caller  "It did not take long for a Donald Trump supporter to respond to the way the Broadway cast of “Hamilton” treated Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

"BroadwayWorld reports a Trump supporter disrupted the Saturday night performance of “Hamilton” in Chicago.
"The audience member, who was sitting in the balcony, reportedly shouted, “We won! You Lost! Get over it! F[***] you!” during the number “Dear Theodosia.”
"One Twitter user, BroadwayWorld notes, claims that the disrupter ended up in a conflict with security prior to being removed from the theater. (RELATED: Pence On Being Lectured By ‘Hamilton’ Cast: ‘I Wasn’t Offended By What Was Said’)"

Much commentary on the utter classlessness of liberal Obama/ Hillary supporters

"Hamilton" cast member with zero class calls out Pence from center stage

"Cast member Brandon Dixon awkwardly calls out VP Pence from the stage. Dixon expressed the country was about multiculturalism. This was obviously a set up."
"Earlier, Mike Pence was booed when he entered the theatre. "
Scratch football over the national disrespect and now the theater for the same. TV has been beyond the pale for decades.
A few comments from one Facebook site:
  • "The audience should have had their purchase price refunded and someone should have personally and publicly apologized to the patrons, especially to the Pence Family. These people are what they are protesting!!! "
  • "Well, this is what the past 8 years has produced! I am so disgusted by their behavior. I thought I also read that the audience was also disrespectful These people are all so classless and clueless...their rights were already sold by Clinton, and the democratic party. However, we will all work hard to make sure they are safe, our country is safe, and we are all strong again."
  • "I went over to the Hamilton Musical Facebook page and am really disgusted by what I'm reading. We are in for a real revolution soon. Too many forces of evil and those that think they can spew their hate of others and everyone else are evil, hateful, etc."
  • "Devoid of class and respect ....they can dress up...wear makeup and disguises....but beneath it all.....they lack common decency. The man was an elected Congressman from Indiana...his job performance led the CITIZENS of that state to elect him Governor. Now, he will serve as Vice- President of the United States. He has earned that RESPECT!! So, for those on that stage with that statement...you proved you are not citizens of this nation....merely actors playing a role!!
Entertainment Weekly showed no shame or embarrassmment: Hamilton cast delivers powerful message to Mike Pence during curtain call

'Hamilton' Star’s Plea to Pence Highlights Liberals’ Screwy Notion of Presidency
. . . "I guess the presidential oath isn’t in the script. Here’s a little refresher: The incoming president swears to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” (Emphasis mine.) The entire cast and audience of Friday night’s performance conveniently forgot that fact when pleading for mercy. Perhaps that is because Democrat administrations starting with F.D.R. and culminating with Barack Obama have manipulated the media and the law to give the presidency the regal image and legal authority the founders, most notably President George Washington, despised and rejected. Liberals like those attending Friday night’s performance of Hamilton didn’t blink twice when Obama was taking massive executive actions to empower the presidency." . . .

Liberal Springsteen rocker and no friend of conservatives Steven Van Zandt calls out the "Hamilton" cast.
As a performer with Bruce Springsteen and actor in The Sopranos, Steven Van Zandt knows a few things about performing. And he said what ‘Hamilton’ did was over the line.
In a series of tweets, Van Zandt called it “bullying.”
And he laid out how performers should respect their audience:
. . . "I bet that this actor, in a play about Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founders, does not know that our first overseas war occurred when President Jefferson dispatched the Marines to Tripoli to rescue Americans held hostage by the Muslim terrorists of the day." . . .

#BoycottHamilton Is A Tired And Typical Response To What Happened To Pence . . . "If the Right wants to act less emotional and more mature (and it should), it will refuse to react to things like the “Hamilton” debacle with calls to boycott. Instead, the Right should realize diversity of thought exists and no one will ask us first if we care. Though the Left says otherwise, they actually hate intellectual diversity." 

President-elect Trump demands an apology  . . . "We don’t even have to wonder how this would be received if it were a conservative or Tea Party cast screeching out a message of “empathy” to Obama . . . because it would never happen.  Somewhere along the way, the progressive left has completely abandoned common decency, good manners, and any ability to function in civil society." . . .

Pence’s Hamilton Lecture Is A Reminder That Urban Elites Just Don't Get It  . . . "You have to be seriously dense to think that this administration is actually going to declare open season on Americans, our own countrymen. Our system of government is designed, unless during periods of war or rebellion, that our government just can’t take actions akin to Latin American dictatorships. Third, liberals will see this as a call to show how great diversity is in this country. Yeah, as a person of color, I get it. Woo hoo! Diversity! Yeah!  . . .

Trump continues feud with Hamilton cast with ANOTHER tweet AFTER a full day of Cabinet meetings - only to delete it moments later  Let the left be the ones without class, Mr. Trump.
'Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing,' Trump wrote. 'This should not happen!'The second one, written at 5.56am, read: 'The Theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!'  

Saturday, November 19, 2016

TV News Anchor Fired For Criticizing Obama


"Last night the cast of the Broadway hit Hamilton accused Vice President-elect Mike Pence of a being a racist homophobic man who will destroy the planet and they will probably get a special Tony award for it. In Houston this week a local news anchorwoman was fired because she made some true critical observations about current president Barack Obama.
"The NY Daily News reports that KRIV has fired news anchor Scarlett Fakhar for a now-deleted personal FaceBook post where she told it like it is concerning Obama dividing the country.
"In response to all of the liberal crybabies complaining about Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, Fakhar wrote that she was, “happy and relieved.”
“ 'I prayed for the best leader that will turn this country that has become more violent and racist under the Obama administration than ever…into the country I once knew,” wrote Fakhar.
“ 'Want to talk about going down hill? Look what Obama has done…how he was made the entire country hate one another. Were you happy with how many people were killing each other in our own country? I work in news…and I hate to say it…but the number of African Americans killing one another far outweighs the number of them being killed by whites,” she continued.
“ 'And now you have groups murdering police officers both black and white. How did this happen under the Obama administration? You guys wanted another administration like that?” Fakhar asked." . . .

White Lives Matter March Met With Opposing Rally; Law Enforcement Called To The Scene


Wayne Dupree  "I am one to believe All Lives Matter, so if I call out Black Lives Matter, I will do the same for this White Lives Matter movement.

"Stop breaking this nation down by color. We are so much better than that, and when you do break it down by color, then violence follows, don’t you see that? Tensions rise every time these things happen, and I am sick of them, all of them.
"I understand the idea of the White Lives Matter movement listening to the gentlemen in the video below but is it a coincidence that down the street, they were unveiling a statue at the Texas African-American History event?
. . . 
"I don’t support this rally just like I won’t support black lives matter because I am not about separating by color but I understand their reasoning. They are adults so they know they are in for whatever comes their way.
"I’ll be so glad when Barack Obama leaves office. Nothing but his policies have given way to these actions. America needs to just stop, reset and move forward with a better outlook and positive direction. We can’t do that with the infection still sitting in the White House." . . .

Anti-Trump Protesters UNLEASH Electoral College Members’ PERSONAL Information On Internet!

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton  "This is called doxing. The #NotMyPresident Alliance has dug up the personal information of Electoral College members in states that voted Republican and has released it to their thuggish supporters. Their mission, should they choose to accept it (and they have), is to ‘persuade’ these voters to switch their votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton. How many times do I have to tell these idiots that it is not going to happen? I don’t think even violence would do the trick. In fact, this is going to solidify their votes for Trump.

"They delivered this information via a Google doc spreadsheet to I don’t know how many people out there. Some of them are most likely unstable as that is the calling card of the Left. I think the authorities should go after these people with at the very least a warning. A few of the electors are not totally committed on their vote yet and are being severely targeted. One guy in Arizona, who is definitely voting for Trump, in one day got 60 calls and over 1500 emails. It’s sheer harassment." . . .

Father Of Slain California Soldier Says Airline Passengers Booed Him On Flight Home…

Weasel Zippers


"Poor snowflakes’ flight was delayed and they acted out.
"Via CBS13:
The father of a slain Stockton soldier is speaking out after he says his family was booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home from Afghanistan.
Sgt. John Perry died on Saturday in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber.
Stewart Perry is a father mourning the loss of a son at a service on Thursday.
“Most importantly, I want people to know about the heroic thing that my son did,” he said.
His son stumbled on the suicide bomber before he could reach his target—a soldiers’ 5K Veterans Day run.
“He would have killed 100, 200, who knows?” he said.
Perry says his son’s death comes comes at a time military service is facing disrespect. He says his family was even booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home over a delay.
“To hear the reaction of the flight being delayed because of a Gold Star family, and the first class cabin booing that was really upsetting, and it made us cry some more,” he said.
Perry says his son’s death also underscores why the American flag is sacred for service members, not just a symbol for protest.
“It’s not for protest—it’s for the death of the people that are saving us. That’s what it’s for,” he said.