'They' is Destroying the English Language . . . "What happened here, however, was something different. This new usage is politically-correct jargon that is being forced on the public. Singular they now refers to those sexually-confused individuals who do not wish to be called he or she. It has been determined that “they” can now refer to a “known person as a non-binary identifier.” Predictably newspapers like the Washington Post have already included this usage in their style books. In so doing, they (plural) have declared grammatical war upon the language." . . .
33 More Barbie Body-Type Suggestions . . . "I’ve noticed that real women’s bodies are all different and unique! Can you believe that? Like snowflakes! Here are just 33 different types of Barbies that Mattel could add to more accurately represent women:" . . .Full article here.
This Oregon Woman Was Just Fired From Her Job For Being Pro-Life "After Harmony Daws, of Oregon, was nominated president of a pro-life group, her boss decided to fire her from her job at a cleaning business because of her work as an activist." . . .
Somehow I'm sure we have many like her in the US

33 More Barbie Body-Type Suggestions . . . "I’ve noticed that real women’s bodies are all different and unique! Can you believe that? Like snowflakes! Here are just 33 different types of Barbies that Mattel could add to more accurately represent women:" . . .Full article here.
The Oscars: Having an Opinion Is Now Racist . . . "Black activists think that forcing someone to give you a trophy is the same thing as winning it. They pester and protest because they know that we'll listen. We've given in to some unreasonable demands and found dozens more following them." . . .
This Oregon Woman Was Just Fired From Her Job For Being Pro-Life "After Harmony Daws, of Oregon, was nominated president of a pro-life group, her boss decided to fire her from her job at a cleaning business because of her work as an activist." . . .
Somehow I'm sure we have many like her in the US
Anti-Israel movement hijacks MLK Day again in Nancy Pelosi country. "Co-opting the American civil rights movement in the interest of anti-Israel activism."
"Some Stanford students turned a Black Lives Matter march into an anti-Israel event by unfurling a huge Palestinian Flag on the bridge span at its highest point. Hundreds of motorists were trapped, and they caused accidents. One of the key activists involved was Kristian Davis Bailey, a leader of attempt to demonize Israel by tying Zionism to problems of non-whites in the U.S. through the theory of “intersectionality.' ” . . .
The ugly PC race to be the ‘victimiest’ victim
I'm victimer than you guys!
"Actress Julie Delpy should have known she was doomed to defeat in her artless attempt to displace African-Americans as bigger victims of discrimination in Hollywood. Given the highly publicized outrage about the upcoming Oscars’ lack of non-white nominees, Delpy’s comments that “sometimes I wish I were African American” and “nothing worse than being a woman in this business” were ill-considered at best."

I'm victimer than you guys!
"Actress Julie Delpy should have known she was doomed to defeat in her artless attempt to displace African-Americans as bigger victims of discrimination in Hollywood. Given the highly publicized outrage about the upcoming Oscars’ lack of non-white nominees, Delpy’s comments that “sometimes I wish I were African American” and “nothing worse than being a woman in this business” were ill-considered at best."
The Obamas: ‘We’ve Been Racially Mistreated’ "President Barack and wife Michelle Obama told People magazine in an interview to be released Friday that they personally identify with everyday experiences of racial bias in America."
Michelle Obama – Angry Black Woman "Michelle Obama continues to play the victim, encouraging other Blacks to be victims instead of taking personal responsibility for their actions. Again Really? Michelle came from a Middle Class Black family in Chicago. She attended an Ivy League school to become an attorney. Michelle was paid several hundred thousand dollars a year to work part time for a hospital system in Chicago, to buy influence, while her husband was a Senator. " . . .
1 comment:
I agree. The outrageous news that the Houston Grand Jury would indict the messengers instead of the actual offenders, in the Planned Parenthood investigation ... made my jaw drop.
Please tell me that we are living in the matrix ... that this is not the real world. If we were living in the real world, things would make more sense.
Clearly, these people conduct their lives believing that there will not be a Judgment Day, that we will not someday soon stand before the Righteous Judge of the living and the dead, that we will not have to answer for our actions.
It is unbelievable that there is not one juror, not one among the district attorney's office who will stand before the cameras and microphones to condemn and distance themselves from this perversion of justice.
Planned Murderhood is selling human body parts!
Police departments and 3-letter agencies conduct sting operations all the time. No one (except for me, from time to time) accuses them of a crime. But let righteous people expose institutionalized Evil, and they are accused!
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