Saturday, March 26, 2011

Former Klansman Seeks Political Office in Florida…as a Democrat

The Blaze via Free Republic: "Not only was Rogers a Klansman, but he was a leader in the United Klans of America, which was arguably the most violent of the Klan organizations says Florida local and Klan history expert Darryl Paulson:"
Paulson, a USF professor, who is an expert in the Klan, points to a case in which two Klansman with the United Klans of America were convicted of attacking 19-year-old Michael Donald .
John Paul Rogers, a 70-year old Floridian, wants to run for mayor of a small
 Florida town called Lake Wales. Just one problem: the democratic mayoral
candidate is a former Klansman. Here he is at a 1977 KKK rally in Tallahassee:

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