Sunday, August 3, 2014

Let's hope this lawsuit by Congress turns out to be a good idea.

Alan Caruba: Yes, Sue Our Lawless President!

... "Americans and many around the world are increasingly fearful of a President who has demonstrated no regard for the checks and balances of our incredible Constitution, the oldest in the world that still functions to protect individual rights and which sets forth the divisions between our legislative, judicial and executive departments of government.
"Congress, however, will not impeach President Obama, but the House will sue him on the basis of just one of the many examples of his dictatorial use of executive orders to ignore the power of the legislative branch to pass laws he took an oath to enforce. He has unilaterally and illegally altered the Affordable Care Act 27 times..."
Larry Kudlow asks, Rather than a lawsuit, why not a growth plan?   "In other words, is the GOP sending voters a clear message about what it will do if it captures the Senate and House?"

(July 30) Top Ten Myths about the House’s Proposed Suit Against Obama   "H.Res. 676 raises some interesting legal issues, but much of the pushback against it is misguided."
...Myth 10: President Obama issued far fewer executive orders than did other presidents, which proves he has not abused his executive authority. A president can abuse his powers in many ways other than issuing formal executive orders, and the number of such actions is much less important than the scope and nature of those that are illegal. It was a serious abuse for Richard Nixon, and perhaps one other president, to provide any form of encouragement or tacit approval to appointees in the IRS to give special scrutiny to his political “enemies.”

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