Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Some of our military do not want to be used as bargaining chips of patriotism

Buzzfeed . . . “ 'The president’s got to unify the country, that’s his job, but do it in a different manner and don’t use veterans for it unless you’re going to put them on the national stage and say 'hey, let’s work on more important things than NFL overpaid pansies',” he said.

"Personally, Jones says he would stand for the anthem to honor the sacrifice of fellow troops – but that’s not the point." . . .

Oakland Raiders sat during the national anthem before their game Sunday against the Washington Redskins.

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"Others blamed the athletes, not Trump, for injecting politics into sports in the first place.
" 'Your desire to focus on division and anger has shattered what many people loved most about the sport,” Tara Kyle, the widow of “American Sniper” Navy Seal Chris Kyle, wrote in an open letter to the NFL on Facebook.
"The dismay of many veterans at the assumption that they somehow are offended by expressions of protest at football games shouldn't come as a surprise. The melding of sports with patriotic pageantry is a fairly recent phenomenon." . . .
I don't see it as disrespect of veterans. It is plain, simple giving the middle finger to America and our founders. The ceremonies now seem to be a tribute to  Howard Zinn's teaching.  The Tunnel Dweller

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