Washington Times

"Sen. Patty Murray was quick to condemn Sen. Al Franken last week after he was accused of sexual harassment, but she took the opposite tack 24 years ago with another Democratic senator dogged by accusations of lecherous behavior.
"She and the four other Democratic women serving in the Senate after the widely hailed 1992 “Year of the Woman” election used their newfound clout to come to the rescue of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy as reports of drunken debauchery threatened to sink his re-election bid.
"At a Boston fundraiser on Nov. 15, 1993, Ms. Murray was joined by fellow Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein of California, Barbara A. Mikulski of Maryland and Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois in what marked “the first time the five senators have traveled together on behalf of a fellow senator,” according an Associated Press report.
“ 'We’re going to be here for Ted because Ted has always been there for us,” Ms. Mikulski was quoted as saying in the Nov. 17, 1993, edition of the Lowell [Massachusetts] Sun.
"They helped save Kennedy, who prevailed in his 1994 race against Republican Mitt Romney in Massachusetts; but in doing so, they set a precedent under which feminists proved themselves willing to suspend their outrage over sexual harassment in service of powerful pro-choice Democratic men." . . .
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