Hollywood: Enablers 'R' Us "Actress Rose McGowan is fast becoming Hollywood's worst nightmare.
"No one is off limits in a world where McGowan feels she has nothing to lose. As if to prove the point, McGowan refers to the black-clad actors on the night of the Golden Globes – attired in the funeral color to call attention to sexual abuse – as an example of "Hollywood fakery." She cited Meryl Streep, a once untouchable thespian, as a prime illustration of powerful women in entertainment who turned a blind eye to Weinstein's outrageous criminal conduct to advance their own careers. "You are such a lie," McGowan railed, blasting Streep, on social media for alleging she "did not know" about the three-decade-long sexual rampage of the now disgraced producer.
"There is a cumulative justification to McGowan's rage." . . .
Dem women to wear black to SOTU address to celebrate sexual harassment
Dem women to wear black to SOTU address to celebrate sexual harassment
"Wearing black is an excellent theater performance in virtue-signaling. It accomplishes nothing but lets the audience know that the person wearing the costume is noble. In reality, every Democratic woman wearing black will be wearing that color to celebrate sexual harassment in Congress, something they have been willing conspirators in, sometimes for decades." . . .
"Why doesn't Speier, instead of putting on a black dress, name names and tell us who the sexual harassers are? That would require courage. That would require conviction. That would require friendly fire, which Speier is not prepared to engage in. So instead, she and the chorus of silent Democratic women will virtue-signal to Donald Trump. Their wardrobe coordination will secretly celebrate the past, current, and ongoing sexual harassment in Congress, which they refuse to fight outside the world of fashion." . . .
"Why doesn't Speier, instead of putting on a black dress, name names and tell us who the sexual harassers are? That would require courage. That would require conviction. That would require friendly fire, which Speier is not prepared to engage in. So instead, she and the chorus of silent Democratic women will virtue-signal to Donald Trump. Their wardrobe coordination will secretly celebrate the past, current, and ongoing sexual harassment in Congress, which they refuse to fight outside the world of fashion." . . .
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