Sunday, January 14, 2018

The President and Naughty Words (Updated)

Leftist Toilet Mouths Condemn Trump as They Corrupt Nation  . . . "As for Trump, his alleged potty-mouth moment was reported by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), a scoundrel with a history of lying about White House meetings,according to Daily Wire. But whatever the president said, he said in private. This is far different from Durbin, who introduced the story. It’s far different from ex-California Democratic Party chairman John Burton, who led a “F*** Donald Trump!” chant at California’s Democratic Party convention in Sacramento early last year. And it’s far different from CNN and the rest of the effluent-stream media, which, like an exhibitionist, just revel in the chance to flaunt publicly what excites them privately." . . .  Called "Dick Turban" by some, do not trust what the man says.

Patricia McCarthy simply declares, Dick Durbin is a jerk . . . "Dick Durbin gets away with the murder of facts.  He is a well known liar.  He's lied before about private government meetings.  Jack Hellner lists many of his crimes against the American people here.

"Durbin lied incessantly about Obamacare, as did all the Democrats, and he lies now about immigration.  He is on record opposing chain migration in 2010.  Now whoever opposes it is racist." . . .

Democrats would never lie; just ask Harry ReidTake a step back: Did Trump really even say the s-word?  . . . "Democrat politicians care no more about low-skill legal immigrants and illegal aliens than they do about inner-city blacks.  So long as they get the votes, Democrats are more than willing to watch the people they supposedly stand up for live horrible lives in miserable conditions." . . .

S***hole S***storm distracts from valid questions on immigration policy
"Seems Democrats would rather talk about Trump’s *alleged* potty mouth than whether expansive immigration from failed or dysfunctional countries is in our interest."

Lindsey Graham Said In 2013 That Not Everyone In ‘Hellholes’ Can Come To U.S.   Video
“The people coming across the southern border live in hellholes,” Graham said. “They don’t like that. They want to come here. Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hellhole come [into] America. We're just gonna have to create order out of chaos. So, you've gotta do something on the southern border you don't do on the northern border, but if you don't agree that the difference is jobs, then we just don't agree. There are 11 million people coming through the southern border 'cause they come from countries where they can't find work and life is miserable."
Power Line asks, "S***HOLE OR NO S***HOLE?"  . . . "This story is a good illustration of the bizarre times in which we live. Trump made a good point in a private meeting with a small number of legislators. He may have used profanity while doing so, but he wasn’t making a speech. His political enemy, Dick Durbin, then ran to the press to damage Trump by quoting–probably misquoting–his private comments. The press jumped on the story eagerly, assuming Durbin’s account was correct and happily damaging America’s interests, as Democrats and Democratic reporters smugly told us was happening. " . . .

UPDATE: Senators Cotton And Perdue Specifically Say Trump Didn’t Say ‘S**hole Comments, Cotton Calls Durbin A Liar  Video at the link.
"They previously had been quoted as saying they “didn’t recall.” Now, they make it much clearer – they didn’t hear it and they were as close as Durbin. Durbin also lied about chain migration, calling it racist because Trump used the term in the meeting, after he, Durbin had himself used it in the past."

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