Friday, June 14, 2019

There Must Be a Better Way for Republicans to Deal with the Media

Rush Limbaugh  . . . "And yet it remains ineffective. It remains ineffective in persuading people’s minds. My point is, everybody that pays even a little bit of attention to this knows the media is unfair. They know the media is, call it biased or selective, whatever term you want to use, most people know it. Pointing it out, pointing out the hypocrisy, pointing out how the media treats Democrats totally differently than the way they treat Republicans." . . .

. . . "So we keep pointing it out. We keep pointing out the hypocrisy. We continue to point out the disparity, the unfairness, whatever it is, all for naught, it seems. So what I’m saying is there has to be another way of going about this. There has to be another way of dealing with it. And one of the ways I have determined would be: don’t appear with them. When Good Morning America calls you, understand it’s not Good Morning America, it’s the Hillary Clinton campaign calling you because George Stephanopoulos is at Good Morning America and where he really works is the Hillary campaign, or the Bill Clinton war room.
"You would no more accept invitation to be interviewed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign consultant, so why would you accept an invitation to be interviewed by Hillary’s campaign consultant disguised as an anchor on Good Morning America? And the same thing goes for whoever it is that moderates these debates that are yet to happen. If the Republicans fall for this business of letting Clinton campaign operatives moderate their debates we’re told that, “Rush, look, that’s the lay of the land, everybody knows it, and it’s an obstacle the Republicans have, it’s a reality that the Democrats don’t. And everybody knows it, and therefore the Republicans have to prove they can overcome this unfairness.”
Really? Why is that case? It’s apparently been required of the Republicans for 35 years that they demonstrate they’re willing to deal with this unfairness. It seems like they’ve demonstrated for a number of decades they’re willing to do it. The point is it doesn’t seem to help them much. " . . .
Tony Branco

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