Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Pro-Family Advocates: Opposition to California’s Graphic Sex-Ed Curriculum Grows

Welcome to one-party government.


"As the new school year approaches, churches, parents, and family advocacy groups are sounding the alarm about the comprehensive sex education curriculum being put into place in schools throughout California based on a 2015 law passed in the state.
“ 'Assembly Bill 329 forced all schools to adopt the new ‘comprehensive sexual education’ requirements for students,” Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) and Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) wrote in literature about the law. “These ‘comprehensive’ requirements force schools to promote the sexual practices of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender lifestyles.”
“ 'School curriculum and materials show students what are the best practices to engage in such lifestyles, such as condom and lubricant usage,” the CRI and ADF wrote.
“ 'Parents, teachers, and community members across the state are growing more and more concerned with the graphic sex education being introduced in public schools,” Karen England, executive director of CRI, told Breitbart News.
“ 'Misinformation is high in circulation,” England said. “Parents want to know what their rights are and exactly what is happening in their schools.' ” . . .
Progressive sex education programs teach children about oral sex, masturbation, role-playing and more.
“If I were to show that material to a child, I would be brought up on charges,” Andrews said. “But somehow our public schools are allowed to teach this to junior high and high school kids.”
Our Watch with Tim Thompson sees a future where the conservative voice becomes the dominating force in California politics

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